The "Linhai Tingtao Jue" exercise implies its own cultivation process as a process of development and growth of a river. Initially, during the hemolysis period, it was like a mountain spring bursting out of the ground, and what it wanted was the word "purity"; The period is like a river rushing forward, and when it comes to the period of obtaining the Dharma, it will gather into the vast ocean, broken and magnificent.

Lu Ping tried to figure out the "Linhai Tingtao Jue" repeatedly until he was fully integrated, and then he began to try to gradually replace the mana of the "Linhai Tingtao Jue" with the mana of the "Linhai Tingtao Jue". When the whole blood line began to follow the "Linhai Tingtao Jue" When the running route of "Tao Jue" started to work, Lu Ping suddenly felt that his blood was like a mountain spring, bursting out of his heart, making a soft "gurgling" sound, singing cheerful songs, and rushing to all parts of his body. .

The aura from outside the body quickly rushed to the whole body and was absorbed by the blood. While the spiritual power in the blood was growing a little bit, a trace of mana was also stripped out as the blood passed through the heart, and wrapped around the hemolytic beads in the heart space. , Which makes the hemolytic beads gradually grow, and the surface becomes more and more crystal clear.

After 12 weeks of operation, Lu Ping gradually became familiar with the operation route of "Linhai Tingtao Jue", with a satisfied look on her face. This true exercise method is really not a blood-refining exercise like "Linhai Tingtao Jue". The Fa can be compared. After only cultivating for a whole day, he can feel that the mana in his body has grown significantly.

There was still about two months left before the lease of the Lingmai cultivation room. Lu Ping happened to have three bottles of 30 pills of hemolysis period, which was exactly two months' worth.

Originally, after the monk reached the hemolysis period, because the medicinal power of the pill he took increased significantly, even when the monk's cultivation base was also transformed, it would take three days to completely consume the medicinal power of the pill and eliminate the poison.

However, perhaps it was because Lu Ping’s bloodline swallowed the turtle’s bloodline, and the mana suddenly doubled, or the accumulation of Lu Ping himself made it strong enough, or it was because of the "Linhai Tingtao Art" that Lu Ping had cultivated. The digestion time of the elixir has been significantly shortened, and the power of the elixir can be exhausted in only two days.

That is to say, compared with other monks, Lu Ping can consume half of the pill to increase his cultivation in the same amount of time.

This is undoubtedly good news for Lu Ping, because Lu Ping is following a pure water system. This kind of training method that pursues the foundation too much reduces the risk of practice, and it is also the speed of the practice itself. It was incredibly slow. In this way, Lu Ping could at least have an advantage in taking the pill, but this was also how much Lu Ping had to make a breakthrough in alchemy.

After Lu Ping’s foundation bloodline had swallowed the turtle bloodline of the same attribute, it already had an absolute advantage in the remaining six bloodlines. This situation was originally required after the monks advanced to the second layer of hemolysis and merged the bloodlines. Some imagined that Lu Ping didn't know that the situation in his bloodline was sometimes good and bad, but from the bottom of his heart he was reluctant to ask others.

Lu Ping always had a sense of crisis in his heart, and he didn't want others to know his secrets, especially the experience in his soul that was twenty years older than his actual age.

Two months later, Lu Ping, who had advanced in his cultivation, came out of Deguan and went to the residence of True Person Xuan Yong to pay his respects, only to learn that True Person Xuan Yong had already gone to Xuan Qi Island, along with a group of immortal leaders such as Wu Ziniu. And the third-level disciples who reached the late stage of blood refining.

Lu Ping intuitively felt that there was another wave on Xuanqi Island, especially when he killed the brothers of the Qiao family one after another, causing the Qiao family of the Xuanling faction to lose two direct heirs. It was strange that the Xuanling faction and the Qiao family did not respond.

On the contrary, it had been nearly half a year before the Xuanling faction made a move, which made Lu Ping feel that the Xuanling faction was slow to respond.

Thinking of his operations on Huangli Island, the miniature spirit vein and medicine garden on the reef island, and the nest of the Bihai Spirit Snake, Lu Ping can’t help but feel a little anxious. Although Huangli Island is barren, he has spent a lot of effort to manage it for two years. , Even if it is located in a remote area, it is still connected to the waters of the Profound Spirit School. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will cause trouble. If people discover the spirit veins and the nest of the Bihai Spirit Snake, they will lose a lot.

Lu Ping, who had thoughts in his heart, hurriedly arrived at Xuanqi Island through the teleportation formation. At this time, Xuanqi Island was more lively than before. Not only did it have many third-level disciples and outer disciples from other hospitals, but also the immortal master in the hemolysis period. A lot more, the island often sees monks flying in the air without relying on magic weapons.

Lu Ping could clearly feel the solemn atmosphere of preparations pervading the island.

Lu Ping went straight to Liu Xianchang’s training room. Liu Xianchang saw Lu Ping return, his expression was quite pleasant, and he said: "Sure enough, I didn't disappoint. It was just time to come back. The situation is now tense. There is a slight friction between the two factions. It may cause a great war between several factions, and your current cultivation base is the time to contribute."

Lu Ping briefly explained the process of his breakthrough, which naturally concealed the engulfing of blood, the change of consciousness and the use of four hemolytic pills, but said that two hemolytic pills were used. Even so, Liu Xian grew up amazed. Lu Ping's cultivation base is vigorous.

Lu Ping asked Liu Xianchang about the current situation, and Liu Xianchang gave Lu Ping the details.

After Qiao Xipeng was killed by Lu neither the Xuanling Sect nor the True Spirit Sect was known. The True Spirit Sect thought that Qiao Xipeng had killed the snake monster and returned to the Qiao family; the Qiao family thought that Qiao Xipeng was still there. Hunting down the snake monster on the sea, and through injury, the guards who returned to the family learned that Qiao Xipeng was chasing the noble Bihai spirit snake in the monster race, and had already penetrated into the waters of the True Spirit faction. Now the Qiao family can't sit still. Six monks in the hemolysis phase were quickly dispatched, and two of them were led by the monks in the hemolysis phase.

Unexpectedly, the six people wandered in the nearby waters for nearly a month and did not find Qiao Xipeng. Now the Qiao family panicked and hurriedly sent additional manpower from six to fifteen. They were divided into three teams. Each team had a late hemolysis team. The monk led him to search for Qiao Xipeng's whereabouts in the waters of the True Spirit School.

The unobstructed actions of the Qiao family naturally irritated the True Spirit faction, so Qu Zhenren ordered the fifteen people to be expelled from the sea area of ​​the True Spirit faction, and warned that this was already the true spirit faction sea area, and the Qiao family wanted it again. To enter, it is impossible to come or go.

Helplessly, the Qiao family had to ask the Xuanling faction for help. This incident was originally planned by the Xuanling faction. Now Qiao Xipeng's disappearance has caught the Xuanling faction by surprise and hurriedly accused the True Spirit faction of murdering the Qiao family heir.

The True Spirit faction was naturally unwilling to show weakness. In the North Sea Alliance, the Profound Spirit faction was accused of framing, and at the same time, Qiao Xipeng was asked why he broke into the True Spirit faction’s waters to kill the monster beasts. The monster beast could not kill him now, but he was afraid that the monster would treat him as a prey instead.

The True Spirit Sect raked back and made the Xuanling Sect annoyed, but they couldn't make their plans public, so they went straight down to make a statement. If the True Spirit Sect did not give an explanation, the Xuanling Sect would take back Xuanqi Island and think that it had a moral advantage. The Xuanling faction formed a gang in the North Sea Alliance to condemn the true spirit faction together.

The True Spirit faction naturally also took active actions, and the relationship between the two parties suddenly became delicate, and it was on the verge of breaking out.

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