Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 203: Apprentice

According to the truth, the Qingyunmen came to the secret environment, there are two teams leading Jin Dan, Chen Zhenren received the child force, and a cloud real person can also receive the true biography, but after Chen Zhenren announced the reward for Sun Hao, The cloud real person standing next to him did not mean to speak. The Jurchen woman looked indifferent. It seems that he did not intend to accept Sun Hao as a disciple.

To be honest, although Sun Hao also hopes that he can become a true biography of Jin Dan, but if no real person is willing to accept himself, Sun Hao does not feel lost, and, always, the old and the old, the remaining teacher, Sun Hao is very good, psychologically, Sun Hao is not very willing to vote for another teacher.

Seeing that Sun Hao was not accepted as a disciple on the spot by the real person, the heart of Shen Shen’s heart was moving, the eyes were spinning, and he was already pondering in the dark. How should he operate, he could end the road of Sun Hao’s true biography, and he thought about it in Shen Shen. Although Sun Hao is now eye-catching, but Sun Hao’s Linggen qualification is indeed unswerving. If he can’t be a true biography, he will not be able to become a true biography for a while, and this Sun Hao will be like a flash in the pan.

Sun Hao doesn't care if he can become a true biography of Jindan, but some people care, after Chen Zhenren announced the reward of Sun Hao, Xuan Hong, who is a little confused in his eyes, seems to be confused and confused: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, the total score of the secret First, if you can't be a true biography of Jindan, then it is a joke...."

Xuanyuanhong said that it was very low, but every monk on the scene listened clearly and clearly, and his face could not help but have different expressions. The two real people were brows, if not Xuanyuanhong, special, change another The monk said this, the two real people may have kicked this guy out of the Qingyun battle boat.

The ancestral gates attached to Qingyunmen include the sorrowful colors on the faces of the lords and disciples. Yes, the contribution of the attached sects to the disciples cannot be a true biography. It is really chilling.

The brows of the sinking eyes also wrinkled, and Xuanyuanhong said this, which made him feel very bad. It seems that Xiaohong is ironic to help this Sun Hao, and Shen Xin’s heart is uncomfortable. The more he is focused on Sun Hao’s mind.

The cloud real man's brow wrinkled, but still unmoved. As Jindan real person, he naturally has his own standard of apprenticeship. This Sun Hao is not her ideal disciple. She is unintentionally accepting Sun Hao. She is intimate, but one yard is one yard. In this case, Xuanyuanhong can't influence her decision.

After Chen Zhenren saw it, Xuanyuanhong spoke, and Yunzheng was still unmoved. He couldn’t help but smile. He said with a smile: "Well, Xiaohong, you can rest assured that after returning to Zongmen, I will recommend it to Zongmen. I Qingyunqi Feng, more than twenty elders of Jin Dan......."

At this time, Xuan Hong, who is confused by his eyes, has already voiced with Yunzheng: "Ziyan sister, accept Sun Hao, he is my partner, no one receives, I have no face?"

The cloud real brow is slightly wrinkled, and the voice says: "Xiaohong, you know, my Caiyunfeng is mostly a female repairer. Besides, you also know that Ziyan’s sister has just married Dan, and this life magic weapon has not been able to refine it..."

At this time, there was another voice in the ear of the cloud. "Small smoke, closed."

Cloud real people....... Other people's opinions can not listen, even Xiaohong's request can be pushed, but this opinion can not help but listen, the heart can not help but sigh, the voice to Xuanyuan red tone A change: "Okay, okay, Xiaohong, I am afraid of you, accept it!"

Xuanyuanhong "嘻嘻" smiled: "Thank you, Ziyan sister, sister, you will know later, how wise you are today."

Others may not know the details of Sun Hao, she can not know Xuan Hong? If it is not for the confidentiality of Sun Hao, as long as she Xuan Hong red back to a little to reveal the details of Sun Hao's details, it is not allowed to have Jin Dan rush to collect Sun Hao. If Sun Hao's refining is perfect and perfect, and the monks who practiced the little magical powers can't be the true biography of Jindan, it is really the loss of Qingyunmen.

At this moment, the cloud was really lifted, and his face smiled lightly.

Chen Zhenren felt the change of the momentum of the cloud real people, and the heart moved, and looked at the past in time: "Cloud real people, you?"

Yunzheng nodded to him, and he turned to Sun Hao and said faintly: "Just Chen Zhenren fulfilled his promise and accepted the childpower. Now, I decided to accept your Sun Hao as a true biography. What if you don't know what to do?"

It is Jin Dan’s true biography! !

The disciples on the scene all showed the envious look. The sects of the attached sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the Qing dynasty, the emperor, the envy of hatred, one of the two Jindan true biography, the Qingmu sect is to be developed.

Sun Hao knows that this cloud is really not intended to collect himself. If it is not Xuanyuanhong, he must have no such opportunity. In fact, Sun Hao does not like this, and does not feel that the strong twisted melon will be particularly sweet, but only Now Jin Dan is a real person, and Sun Hao is not likely to refuse.

Sun Hao still did not fall to the ground like a child, but deeply groaned, and then said aloud: "Dr. Sun Hao, see the Master."

The scenes were applauded and the celebration of Sun Hao became a true biography of Jindan.

Yunzheng waved his hand and let Sun Hao stand up said indifferently: "Because the teacher is the elder of Cai Yunfeng, after returning to the sect, go to the teacher's gift." After that, I returned to the cloud and looked lightly. However, there was doubt in my heart. She knew very well about her sister’s temperament. Her sister, the average person, was really not very concerned about why she just let herself Accept this Sun Hao? Is there anything valuable about Aoki Sunhao’s four Linggen disciples? Forget it, since it has been accepted, there will be time for it, or teach it well, think so much.

Sun Hao nodded and returned to the disciples.

Chen Zhenren did not think that Yunzhen really would accept Sun Hao, and things made him a bit puzzling. However, Yun’s real people were all happy, and Chen Zhenren casually spoke a few words, and then announced loudly: “This dragon The trip to the mysterious world, my Qingyunmen together, the disciples use hard, win the victory, the successful conclusion, the friends, the disciples, now, we triumphantly return to the division, return to the Zongmen, Tong Li, you come with me..." .

With the announcement of Chen Zhenren, the Qingyun battle boat vacated, and in the huge airflow, it went in the direction of Jinghua City.

This time, the real people are in a good mood. The Xiaguo monks have been brought into the battle boat by the disciples, and they have arranged a place to rest, but they will not stand on the boat.

In particular, Tong Li and Sun Hao have been called by the two true rumors and become a true biography. Some situations must be understood. To go to Qingyunmen, some things must be explained in advance.

Of course, Xuanyuanhong was also called in. The trip to the dragon's mysterious world has changed a lot. Qingyunmen naturally wants to call the relevant people to understand the situation, so that they can prepare for the next change.

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