Nightmare Attack

Chapter 230 Goodbye

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"Fat man," Jiang Cheng patted the latter on the shoulder, "Let's go.

The fat man's eyes widened, "Where are you going?"

"Stone plate."

"Stone plate?"

As if he realized that his voice was a little loud, the fat man immediately lowered his voice and said tremblingly: "Doctor, those guys want to drive us to the stone plate."

In Fatty's understanding, if he followed the wishes of those guys, he would be dead.

"This is no longer something we can decide," Jiang Cheng said.

The fat man knew that what the doctor said was right without even thinking. Those guys had spread out and were coming towards them in a network. If they didn't want to be caught on the spot, they had no choice but to escape deep into the forest.

But...this is tantamount to slow suicide.

As the sounds around them became increasingly dense, the two began to move along the path and deeper into the forest.

A few minutes later, a huge amphibian-like webbed slammed onto the rock where the two fat men from Jiangcheng had lived briefly. The sharp nails on it reflected the dim light.

A group of guys with a height of 2 or 3 meters appeared from everywhere, swarming around and chasing them along the rugged path.

Puddles of disgusting slime were left on the tree trunks and rocks as they passed.

When I came to the stone plate again, I didn't encounter any obstacles. At this moment, the stone plate was as clean as new. The bones, corpses, blood... were all gone.

If you don’t know what the stone plate means, it is actually a huge handicraft.

The whole body was pure white, with a halo of light flickering on it. The fat man observed the stone plate attentively. He actually had the illusion that the stone plate was alive and rising and falling with his breathing.

He controlled himself to look away and turned to look at the doctor.

The doctor's eyes slowly swept across the stone plate, seemingly looking for something. The fat man really didn't want to disturb him, but it was no longer possible. One by one, weird and ridiculous creatures appeared near them.

They have dark green skin, some have webbed blades with sharp nails, and some have wings behind them, but judging from their size, they definitely can't fly.

One after another, the defective evolutionary products that seemed to have strayed from the biology laboratory slowly surrounded him.

By this time, the fat man had calmed down. He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to vent all the resentment he had accumulated along the way.

"Doctor," he said with a wry smile, "there is no way out."


The doctor seemed to be still thinking, turning a blind eye to the guys who were pressing closer and closer. The fat man couldn't help but feel a little sorry for this man. At this point, are you still unwilling to give up?

Even if there is really a way to survive, it is of no use to them.

There is no time.

Strangely enough, Fatty is actually a person who is very afraid of death. Not only is he afraid of death, but he is also afraid of pain. Once he was cutting vegetables while talking to the doctor, and he accidentally cut his hand.

It was a small wound, and Jiang Cheng might not have frowned at all, but the fat man kept complaining for a long time and blamed the doctor for talking to him.

So out of the three dishes agreed upon that day, he had to withhold one.

But now, he didn't feel anything at all. It was as if he was going on a journey or something. He was so calm that he didn't even recognize himself.

He just felt it was a pity.

It's not a pity for myself, but a pity for the doctor.

This is a pretty good person. Although he has some minor flaws, he is really a pretty good person. It is thanks to him that my life can be postponed until now.

He even thought that if the doctor hadn't been distracted from taking care of him, maybe... he might have left long ago.

After all, such troublesome people as Chenran and Su Xiaoxiao fell into the hands of doctors.

A man like him didn't deserve to die. If he was given enough time, he might really be able to figure out the secret hidden under the nightmare, or even... crack the secret.

He has an inexplicable confidence in doctors.

He didn't deserve to die, it was just a shameless guy like him who was dragging his feet.

After enduring it for a long time, he finally spoke, "Doctor," he said hoarsely, and the guys were already very close, "can you tell me your name?"

Jiang Cheng looked away and looked at him.

"Nothing else, doctor," he said with a wry smile, "I've just known you for so long, but I still don't know your name. I feel very sorry."

"I have no name," Jiang Cheng said, "I am an orphan."

"Then your last name..."

"Get it blindly."

Fatty: "..."

In addition to his clever mind, what Fatty admired most about the doctor was his ability to ruin the atmosphere. Originally, he had planned to say goodbye to him properly and then say some words of thanks.

In Fatty's imagination, they would even die holding each other together in the end, and the scene was very emotional.

But now, the two words the doctor said are gone.

No wonder he is an orphan...

Some serious and informal things flashed through his mind, and the fat man suddenly realized that the doctor had a great influence on him. If he had faced the current desperate situation, he might have struggled to stand up.

Not to mention thinking about getting the doctor to stir things up in the end.

"Huh?" The fat man seemed to suddenly realize something. He raised his head and looked at the doctor who was still looking around the stone plate. He felt that things seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

The doctor seems...

He immediately said: "Doctor, did you think of something?"

"So be it," Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled Fatty to his side, because those monster-like things were getting closer and closer. "I found the way, Fatty," he said.

Hearing this, the fat man immediately became excited. He stopped being sensational. He felt that his energy and energy were back and his kidney energy was full. "Doctor, what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!"

Jiang Cheng was still looking at him, with something in his eyes that Fatty didn't want to see.

After just a moment, the fat man understood, "," his lips trembled, " it..."

"My method can only ensure that one person leaves," Jiang Cheng said. "It might be possible for two people to leave, but there are risks. In the end, no one may be able to leave."

Hope was rekindled and then shattered again, which was the transition from loss of hope to despair. The blood receded from his face, and the fat man's purple lips trembled.

"If you say you want me to take you away," Jiang Cheng paused, "I will try to take you away, but I hope you understand that this is very risky and not cost-effective."

Those monsters were slowly approaching, and even the stench of their bodies had spread, but no one cared about it at the moment. Jiang Cheng stared at the fat man, and after a moment, he said in a formal tone he had never seen before: "So... ..”

The fat man lowered his head. After a few seconds...

"Let's go, doctor," he raised his head, but his expression was different from what Jiang Cheng expected. Although the gloom in his eyes could not be hidden, he still grinned and said with a smile, "Nice to meet you, doctor."

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