Nightmare Attack

Chapter 201 Priest

Chenran's expression was intriguing. He held the wine glass in his hand, but did not drink it. He just turned it around from time to time, as if he was more interested in the glass than the story told by the blond man.

No one paid attention to Chen Ran. Jiang Cheng was thinking about the feasibility of the blond man's story, and Fatty was already deeply attracted by the strangeness in the blond man's story.

Taking a deep breath, the blond man's mood eased slightly.

Although so much time has passed, when I think back, the horrific and even bizarre scenes are still vivid in my mind.

"They're all dead," Jiang Cheng repeated lightly, as if he was telling himself.

The blond man paused and turned his head to look at the boundless darkness around the town. After a long time, he said in a cold voice: "It would be better if he died."

The fat man pursed his lips when he heard this, as if he had anticipated what would happen next.

Jiang Cheng quietly took a sip of the astringent wine. After putting down the glass, he frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"After we tried to get close to the stone plate and take away the bodies of the townspeople, something happened," the blond man replied, "We were attacked."

"The ones who died?"

The blond man looked at Jiang Cheng, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes, but he obviously failed, "Yes," the blond man nodded, "They came alive strangely, and then attacked us like crazy.

"Less than a third of our people escaped. What's even more terrifying is that they piled the corpses of the townspeople they killed on the stone plate again."

At this point, the blond man's breathing became rapid again, "You can't even imagine that some townspeople had their limbs and even heads cut off. Those townspeople who came back from the dead were so powerful that they could tear people to pieces with their bare hands. ”

"Moreover, those torn corpses, shortly after being placed on the stone plate, were able to come back to life, and their injuries disappeared, as if nothing had ever happened."

"What does this have to do with the building you built?" Chenran put down the wine glass he was playing with and looked at the blond man, "I don't understand."

The fat man swallowed and asked in a low voice: "Can that building resist those things?"

"No," the blond man shook his head, "That building was built with the help of a man who called himself a priest. His ship sank nearby, and he was the only one who survived. We found him on a wooden board on the beach. "

"According to him, he was going to the other side of the ocean to preach."

"After we told him about the strange things that happened in the forest, he bluntly said that it was all destined. The reason why he did not die in the shipwreck was because he came to help us. This was his mission."

"Based on our description, he judged that the stone plate in the forest was an altar, offering sacrifices to the unclean thing sleeping in the deep sea, and what's even more terrifying is that he said it had probably awakened."

"Those people who are resurrected from the dead are the product of the spread of the curse. If it continues, I am afraid that no one will be spared."

"Only relying on his and our power cannot fight it. Only by building a grand building that he needs and using the power of the church can we truly fight it and lift the curse."


The fat man recalled the style of the building. Although he didn't understand it, it was indeed similar to the church in his impression.

"It seems that they failed in the end," Jiang Cheng said without hesitation. He looked around. This weird sea city might be their last shelter.

And they didn't see the so-called pastor.

"We built this building as we wished," the blond man said with profound eyes, "As long as we ensure that the pilot light on the lighthouse burns for a long time, we can be saved."

"I didn't expect that on the last day, the last day! Something happened to the pastor."

"He was killed by that monster!" As if remembering the tragic situation at that time, the blond man looked horrified, "No, it was not just killed, it was eaten! He was eaten!"


The fat man's eyes widened. How could he remember that the last time the blond man mentioned this word, he was talking about a child, or more specifically, a newborn baby in the town.

"That's not a child, it's a monster!" the blond man growled, "That's it, it ate the priest! The attempt to break the curse failed in the end!"

"The monster first planned the death of its parents. Then the priest saw that it was pitiful and adopted it. But it actually took advantage of the priest's feeding time."


Almost at the same time, Jiang Cheng and Chenran, who was always squinting, spoke at the same time.

“The priest is a woman?”

The blond man was stunned for a moment, then slowly spoke, "Yes, the pastor is a woman. The monster took advantage of this to get close to the pastor and finally ate her."

Chenran glanced at Jiang Cheng, then turned his head and nodded to the blond man, "I understand, please continue."

It took a while before the blond man came out of his memories. For a moment, this strong man seemed much older. He hunched over and stared at the empty wine glass.

"The priest died, the flame on the lighthouse went out, and the curse finally broke out. The earth sank and the sea rose. Our original town was invaded by the curse and turned into a town floating on the ocean."

"We are surrounded by weird black fog all day long, and we can never see the sun again. We can only live in the darkness and humidity, and only when shrouded in black fog can we come to the shore."

"Like a nasty sea reptile!" he said viciously.

"That is to say, you can only see us and come to the shore to move around after the black fog covers this space." Jiang Cheng said according to his own understanding.

"Is such that."

"Then what does daytime look like in our eyes?"

"It's just a black mist that covers a small area around our town. It's surrounded by the sea, but it's not a real sea. No one dares to go into the sea by boat, because then even the people and the boat will disappear without a trace. We can only use the most traditional method of fishing offshore or fishing for some fish and shrimp to eke out a living.”

Having said this, the blond man looked at the fish, shrimps and crabs on the table and said with some heartache: "These things are already the best food we can produce."

He looked around, and Jiang Cheng and others also followed his gaze. There was not as much food on the tables of other townspeople as they were, and some even only had a few strange-looking fish.

It seems that the life of the townspeople has become difficult to a certain extent.

"Those in the forest"

Before the fat man could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the blond man. He took a long breath and his tone became a little relaxed for the first time, "Thanks to the pastor for this."

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