A certain white swayed his pointed ears and flicked his tail, floating in the air, and walked to the top of the tunnel.

Beckoning in a happy mood, the colorful orb caught by the equipment automatically flew back to the top of the dragon horns, floating and trembling as if very happy, the act of retracting the orb scared Consultant Hao enough, worried that monsters would be released, and discovered the tunnel through monitoring The monsters in it seem to be terrified...

In an instant, a certain consultant's waist was straight, his chest was raised and his head was raised without squinting, full of pride.

This is probably the case when a fox pretends to be a tiger.

Orbs can hold down space barriers, not to mention that there is a quasi-dragon and demigod here now, it's not Bai Yujun's bragging about the Southern Wilderness, whoever dares to take the lead is just a matter of flicking his nails.

He lowered his head and looked down, his red eyes scanned the potholes, and he saw fiery red potholes like a crater, and the walls of the cave were covered with weird-looking creatures similar to the two-headed monster before. After seeing Bai Yujun, he whimpered and retreated, even without the orb Even the suppressed ones dare not crawl outside, they are crowded and restless.

“Not tasty~”

The most important thing to evaluate an object is to see whether it is edible or not.

Close your beautiful eyes, raise your two small hands and flick them continuously, a bit like playing the piano in the air, but actually move the dragon energy of the surrounding mountains and rivers to re-adjust the direction of the earth veins to dispel the yin energy. The existence of potholes requires energy supply, otherwise they cannot last for a long time , Special departments cannot see the dragon qi, and it is difficult to accurately cut off the energy supply such as yin qi, a certain white energy.

The little hand touched the surrounding land veins to reorganize, showing the high-level... Gaolong demeanor, and did not touch trivial things.

Countless pairs of eyes focused on Bai Yujun.

Most people discuss how to get rid of the gravity of the earth and hang in the air, focusing on the toes. When Bai Yujun is in the air, she habitually bends her legs and toes down, and basically does not lie flat. Unlike human monks, she flies like a fish swimming in water There is no need to step on aura or magic weapons like human monks.

The monitoring equipment shows that the energy of the pothole is unstable, and the monster howls anxiously...

Pointy ears wiggle to show that it is happy now.

"Oh hey~ I feel like Longsheng has reached the point of insanity~"


Many onlookers were speechless.

Snake spirit disease cannot be cured, it is born with it, and there is no idea of ​​​​curing it anyway. If you live a long life and act indifferently, you will suffer from mental illness sooner or later, and it is impossible to be indifferent for a long time. The best way is to entertain yourself The more joyful the younger, the younger is, in a way, a kind of attitude towards life.

Finally, the conditioned reflex snapped your fingers.


Completely cut off the energy supply of Yin Qi and Earth Vessels. The tunnel is unstable and may collapse at any time, but it must be completely destroyed. After the potholes are finished, those inexplicable black springs must be dealt with. Bai Yujun thinks that black springs are even more terrifying, just like the streets The louder the alcoholic shouts, the more powerless he becomes, and the most terrifying thing is a silent outburst.

"It has to be cleaned up before it is closed, so you should turn back, or you will be half-baked."

Bai Yujun reminded the onlookers to back away. It was not a joke. Frying both sides to half-cooked would at least leave a whole body. If one was not paying attention, he might return to the gas state directly.

The armed personnel and staff evacuated in an orderly manner, and a certain Bai twisted his neck and stretched his legs to do gymnastics and stretching exercises.

Most people went to the distance to continue to watch, wanting to see how the Dragon Girl can solve the space barrier that has been a headache for countless years. Bai Yujun didn't bother to explain that she was still a dragon, and her appearance was completely dragon-shaped. Dragon increases luck.

Rotating on the spot, it turned into a white dragon more than 200 meters long in a blink of an eye, winding and circling to cover the dome.

"What a nice view……"

Although the appearance is ferocious, but with the snow-white body, there is an indescribable beauty.

If it were a black dragon, no one would dare to stay.

The momentum rose to the peak, and the monsters in the pit howled and retreated in horror, completely unable to resist the power of the auspicious quasi-sacred beast, the evil spirits retreated, and the evil spirits were suppressed.

Looking down from the sky, you can see a huge white dragon coiling around the deep pit, and thunder and lightning are raging!

Lowering his head, the gaps in the scales of his abdomen brightened...

The dragon flames accumulate, the light moves from the abdomen to the throat, the high temperature under the abdomen distorts the air, and the wide mouth is aimed at the entrance of the pit,

The throat inside the mouth is getting brighter...

Spit Dragon Flame burst out in an instant!

The flames hunted and tore through the air and poured into the pothole! The monsters turned around and wanted to run away, but they couldn't escape being swept by incandescent flames! Fill the fiery red potholes and burn everything!

A little flame overflowing from around the hole melted the surrounding metal, showing how high the temperature was.

Everyone was dumbfounded, terrified by the horror of the white dragon, and couldn't imagine that they were still taking pictures together to compare their hearts before, and their eyes were as majestic as hell. The short stature is also deceiving, and the huge body is simply unimaginable.

The flames lasted for five or six breaths, the potholes changed from fiery red to incandescent, and the temperature was extremely high. The space barrier was destroyed and became unstable, twisting and folding from time to time.

With a kick of her claws, Bai Yujun leaped into the sky, gathered a ball of spiritual power in her mouth, and spat it into the tunnel...

Explosion, collapse, the deep pit shrinks to the size of a glass ball in the middle, and finally explodes and spreads suddenly. The shock wave shatters the building glass and various equipment and sundries fly around, and the deep pit has been buried by mud.

After the dust settled, the top-secret restricted zone will be completely revoked from now on, and everything will be solved after a certain Bai makes a move.

Hovering and walking, the body floats up and down, turns twice to confirm that there are no mistakes, and then lands. The moment it lands, it transforms into a human form with its nostrils facing the sky proudly, and the cloak is flying behind its back.

The applause was intense, and there should be applause for this treatment.

Feeling uncomfortable, he raised his hand and tore off the black ring wrapped around the dragon's horn and threw it on his ankle. The dragon gun reluctantly turned into an ankle ring, and the orb floated between the dragon's horns to bloom with colorful light.

He waved his hand, bent his waist and bent his legs and kicked hard towards the sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Consultant Hao looked at the empty equipment, it would be difficult to explain without the orb, it doesn't matter, anyone who wants the orb can go to Longnu to ask for it, as long as he can beat her.

The sun was dazzling above the clouds, Bai Yujun decided to go on a trip...


Huangshan has four thousand feet and thirty-two lotus peaks.

Entering the scenic spot openly and honestly, no one checks the ticket with Bai. Bai is very honest. As long as someone checks the ticket to guarantee the purchase of the ticket, there will be no ticket gate or ticket gate in the sky.

In a flash, he appeared at the cableway exit, with a backpack on his back, a baseball cap, and big sunglasses.

Raising the mobile phone to take pictures and selfies, sighing secretly that there are so many tourist passages for the beautiful scenery, but I can’t go up. I made up my mind to follow the crowd first and then climb up to play by myself. We can fly.

It doesn't matter if no one introduces the scenery, just pretend to follow the tour guide.

Not only can you eat and drink, but you can also follow the tour guide, jump up and down, and mix with the crowd to feel the great rivers and mountains.

It's foggy, and the world-famous sea of ​​clouds is like a fairyland, and the peaks are like fairy islands. Bai Yujun walked to a corner where there was no one, stepped on the rock, jumped off the cliff with open arms, sank into the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared...

Tourists happily enjoy the scenery of the sea of ​​clouds, and feel happy to visit the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, someone saw something in the sea of ​​clouds on the distant mountains!

"Look! What's that?"

The sea of ​​clouds sank, then surged up suddenly, and a slender white dragon circled to the back of the mountain...

Tourists chattered about what it was, pointing their mobile phones at the mountain to zoom in and take pictures, but no one noticed a white dragon circling the mountain in the other direction...

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