New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 576 Dong Mansion

In the evening, people enjoy the coolness and chat at the door after eating.

The blind man who sells and sings under the tree on the side of the road all the year round plays the three-stringed qin and babbles. The old piano is shiny and shiny like an old object that has been used for three generations. Someday there will be no oil and water in the pot. Put it in and cook it, maybe it will float Oil flower.

The fat cat lay on the top of the wall, squinting at the yellow dog barking under the wall.

The sun had just set and it was not yet completely dark, and the people in the city began to have a leisurely meal.

It may be that the blind man who sings can't see and doesn't know it's dark, so he shakes his head and plays and sings.

The silence was suddenly broken...

Kuang~hua la la~

The windows of an old shop on the side of the street were suddenly smashed. The neighbors who were enjoying the cool and resting to enhance the friendship between neighbors were stunned. what wind.


The neighbors can't sit still, this is screaming, you can't sit idly by when something happens to your neighbors!

Many neighbors came out of the shop with wooden sticks and rice spoons in their hands. There were no oil lamps in the house. In the evening, it was too dark to see clearly inside the door. The neighbors hesitated whether to go in.

This is the shop of a craftsman from the old neighbor, who made and sold erhu through his ancestors.

Suddenly, another object flew out.

Boom ~ ding dong ~

Something flew out of the dark room, and after playing it twice, it made a bang bang sound. After a closer look, it turned out to be a damaged erhu. The strings and strings were still there, and the special skin on the barrel was missing.

The erhu craftsman suddenly appeared at the door with disheveled hair and wanted to escape. Seeing many neighbors surrounding the door, he immediately called for help.

"Liu Tiejiang... If you rescue him..."

In the end, after shouting a sentence, someone pulled her back. Before the neighbors came forward, a strange and beautiful girl in Tsing clothes suddenly appeared at the door and grabbed the erhu craftsman and beat her violently. The neighbors all stopped.

Perhaps after three breaths of silence, the neighbors resumed their noise with a chirp and dispersed.

Those who should beat the children beat the children, those who should teach their apprentices how to stir-fry stir-fry green vegetables, the barber packs up the stalls and loads them up to go home after closing, the yellow dog continues to bark at the fat cat on the wall, as if the tranquility just now was just an illusion.

Originally I wanted to go to the brothel to see girls, maybe it was fate, I followed the unique smell of snakes on the road and found this shop selling erhu musical instruments.

In particular, the craftsman was selling the snake to the two snake demons while peeling the snake skin.

"Do the two ladies buy erhus? My household is made of top-quality snake skin from the Southern Wilderness. I'm not bragging. Only when the skin is peeled alive can the snake skin retain its spirituality, and it also needs to be a vintage snake. The two girls... Hey... oh..."

He didn't kill anyone, but beat him violently and reproduced the characteristics of a snake demon to scare him. It is estimated that he will really change his career for the rest of his life.

The neighbors originally planned to help but found out that it was a young girl who did it, so they turned around and left immediately, and they were too lazy to respond. If they were men who beat someone, they would definitely help the neighbors beat them back, but when they faced the little girl, they suddenly lost their mind. What's the matter with the baby, if others know about it, you can't laugh at it.

The screams were quiet, the girl in white and the girl in blue slammed the door, and walked away.

The craftsman cried heartbreakingly...

Tomorrow, they were going to meet to negotiate an alliance. In the evening, Bai Yujun and Qing Ling found an inn that didn't seem to have much filth.

On the other hand, the future Emperor completely forgets the purpose of coming to Dong Cheng while soaking in Wenrou Township.


Bai Yujun turned her head to look in a certain direction out of the window, her eyes saw a scene that others couldn't see, and she saw a yellow emperor's aura shining like a torch in the night sky, very cool, probably only the first founding emperor had such aura.

Qingling sleeps on the bed Bai Yujun sleeps on a soft couch, unable to sleep together, Qingling likes to sleep on the quilt...

In the room, the fluorescent translucent avatar is patrolling silently with a horizontal knife in hand. It can be used as a warning and as a lighting lamp. The avatar technique is really superb, and it can also eliminate mosquitoes.

Then, a mosquito flew towards Bai.



Shua~! The blade just cut through the mosquito and stopped in an instant, almost slashing Bai's lower abdomen with two fingers. The avatar who only obeyed the order with a blank face put away the horizontal knife and continued to wander around the room.

Bai Yujun's head hurts...


The two forces are about to form an alliance.

At present, the future human emperor who is only a general cannot represent the Central Plains human race, nor can the demon king Bai Yujun represent the Southern Wilderness demon race, so it can only be regarded as an alliance between two forces rather than between races. This move will definitely have an impact on the world. It is unclear whether there was an alliance in ancient times, and it is the first time in modern times.

Alliances are the most unreliable thing, and there are countless examples of human races breaking agreements in history.

Humans can't trust monsters, and monsters can't trust humans, but the situation is limited. If they face greater interests in the future, they will inevitably turn their backs. The agreement written on paper is a covenant, and when it is useless, it is a piece of waste paper .

General Jiang came to Dongcheng and specially brought an elite group of 3,000 people with bright armor and bright weapons. In addition to guarding safety, he could also take the opportunity to show off his strength. He wanted to show off in front of the demon king. soldiers.

The elite soldiers set up a formation around Dong's mansion as a guard of honor.

The magnificent palace-like banquet hall of Dong’s Mansion is properly furnished. From the style, it can be seen that the family has a profound heritage. Decorated luxuriously, elegantly and noblely, General Jiang is dressed in a neat outfit and sips tea quietly, while the newly-accepted concubine is in charge of serving beside him.

At the gate, Wen Xu anxiously waited for the shadow of the Demon King to disappear.

Idle and bored, the future emperor who was waiting in the lobby suddenly blindfolded and played with his concubine on a whim...

The demon king was still waiting outside, but Bai Yujun and Qing Ling had already appeared outside the living room of the mansion. They didn't know where they were, but because a disciple of Zixu stood at the door, they concluded that the future emperor was here.

Pan Hongzu saw a woman in white clothes suddenly appearing, with two horns on her forehead, she must be Bai Jiao, the third disciple of Qingxu's sect, and signaled the guards not to worry about arranging the Taoist robes and coming forward to salute.

"Pan Hongzu, Zixu, has met the Supreme Elder."

Chen Jia next to him looked up at the sky and took small steps around the door, pretending to be deep...

Bai Yujun and Qingling had keen hearing, and they seemed to be playing and laughing in the hall, and there was a young girl listening to the voice, no wonder the Chunyang disciples and Western monks were not waiting inside, but stood outside to blow the air.

"So it's Zixu's lineage, I've wronged you."

Pan Hongzu was so grateful that he almost asked Bai Yujun to help him go back to the mountain.

Originally, I wanted to stand at the door and cough twice for the inside to hear, but just after I finished talking with Zixu disciple, I suddenly saw Qing Ling standing at the door of the hall with her hand pressed against the door...

With a slight push, the door opened.

The general was chasing the concubine and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, pulled up the cloth, and looked at each other with a dozen pairs of eyes outside the door.

Qingling smiled awkwardly and raised her hand to close the door again...

Bai Yujun felt that it was necessary for him to properly feel what setbacks in life are.

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