New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 472: The Sand Monster is Difficult

The desert is not peaceful.

Bai Yu felt that the sand monster would definitely not just swallow his anger. Ordinary caravan travelers would not take the route of Longmen Desert. People who come here are either experts or have nowhere to go. You need to carry the messy idols in the desert.

Those grass-headed evil gods and ghosts only know what tributes they need, and a certain Bai, as a disciple of Chunyang, naturally wouldn't pay attention to these hairy-headed grass gods.

"Heizi, do you think that sand monster will come to take revenge after suffering a loss?"

"Drive ~"

"Well, I'm also very interested in the sand monster. I'll see if it will appear later, grab one and play with it, and see if there is any edible part. I hope I won't eat anything to make up for it."

Monsters are different from monsters. Some are strong and some are weak. The strong ones are invincible, while the weak ones can kill a chicken.

Most monsters have no difference in cultivation level and realm, and only rely on species talent to hunt and survive. For example, this sand monster is difficult to deal with. There are monks and monsters that are stronger than sand monsters, but they are rarely killed due to environmental reasons, unless a countermeasure is found. , with that time wasted, it would be better to carry the Maotou evil god statue.

Sure enough, after only half a stick of incense time, I saw sand monsters again, and there were a lot of them...

"Too much……"

As far as the eye can see, there are fast-moving small drums everywhere in the sand, approaching quickly along the undulating sand dunes!

He stretched out his hand and drew a few strokes around the black horse to arrange a formation. The provincial mount was attacked by surprise, and then it was shocked with complicated handprints, and ten clones were separated to form a circle!

The horizontal knife pointed to the sky, held the handle of the knife in front of the face and began to charge, no matter what, find a way to deal with the sand monster first.

All around, the bulge in the sand was getting closer and closer, and the ten avatars performed the same moves at the same time, taking a step back with their right foot and raising their knives with both hands to prepare for the slash! Neat as a well-trained army formation!

The sand monsters rushed forward, jumped out of the ground, opened their mouths and swooped silently!


The ten clones swung their knives at the same time to cut off the rushing sand monsters, and at the same time chopped their feet and shook the ground. Those sand monsters scattered one after another and regrouped again.

Ten pale white and beautiful figures flew up and down with knives flashing, there was no blood, only yellow sand flying everywhere!

Bai Yu was ready to deal with the sand monster's moves, and after accumulating power, the tip of the knife plunged down into the yellow sand, and they all exploded! With the horizontal knife as the center, the yellow sand shock wave spreads, and the small circle spreads rapidly and becomes bigger and bigger. The sand monsters hiding in the yellow sand where they pass are blasted into the air, and the sand monsters will only move in the yellow sand. Liaotian is no different from ordinary people.


Bai Yu took the lead in rushing forward, flying the horizontal knife almost into a white shadow, constantly dismantling those sand monsters.

Even though the sand monster cannot be killed by being scattered, it will also be weakened. All monsters must have weaknesses. This round of slashing is to find out whether there is any one-hit-killing key in the sand monster.

The ten clones also rushed in all directions at the same time. People who didn't know thought it was eleven people who did it at the same time.

Pimples of yellow sand fell to the ground and disappeared, and Bai felt that he couldn't kill any of them...

The sand monster is a monster, and it also has a simple IQ. After seeing Bai Yu's strength, he immediately chose to attack ten weaker clones. It is safe for the black horse to stay in the middle, or the sand monster has no interest in livestock.

There was a sand monster in the sand grabbing the feet of a certain clone, and then several sand monsters jumped out of the yellow sand and swooped down, smashing that clone into scattered fluorescent lights...

"The avatar is really too weak."

Ten clones were separated again, and there were more than a dozen pale white and slender figures performing saber techniques, countless sand monsters pounced on the dust, and the clones were bumping in the waves. There could be no more. Only a small part of his spiritual power acts on the avatar, and most of it belongs to helpless fire consumption.

The battle continues.

The main reason is that countless sand monsters kept attacking, and a certain Jiao and his avatar kept smashing the sand monsters and watching them reunite, and there was a stalemate for a while.

Now, Moubai finally understands why no one wants to waste time on sand monsters.

Not to mention killing troubles, there is no benefit yet,

Is it possible to take the sand back to refine medicine to improve cultivation? He couldn't even show off, there was a pile of yellow sand behind his death, and there was no way to prove that it was the corpse of a sand monster.

"The sand monster is ringworm."

A sand monster jumped up and rushed towards Bai Yu.

Swinging a fist, hitting the air in the air and instantly using the vibration force to disperse the sand monster into yellow sand all over the sky, you can feel that you have killed it, but there is no gain and it angers the other sand monsters even more...

Another large group of sand monsters rushed towards them, scratching and biting fiercely, their fearlessness of death made a certain Jiao very embarrassed.

Endless and difficult, sheer thankless effort, really no need to waste time.

Two consecutive sword lights fell and the yellow sand flew up. The sand monster avoided, and squeezed out a safe passage.

"Heizi run! They don't run as fast as you!"


The black horse galloped like a sharp arrow, its speed was indeed faster than the sand monster, and it ran away without looking back. It can only add burden to Bai Yu here.

Reaching out to recall the avatar for fusion, the long tail was raised high and kept pounding the ground to create continuous vibrations!

At present, it seems that the only thing that can cause damage to the sand monster is the vibration. Vigorous vibration can disperse the sand monster and cause damage to it. If it is serious, it will cause death or injury. After the vibration, it retracts its tail and launches itself like a cannonball. , took the billowing yellow dust and followed the black horse and galloped wildly.

After catching up with the black horse, it was another burst of galloping until the sand monster could no longer be seen.

Looking back at the way I came, I feel a lot of emotion.

"Sometimes, having a high cultivation base doesn't mean omnipotent..."

Do sand monsters have cultivation? No, the spiritual power in his body is not as good as that of a rookie in the early stage of Qi refining, but he can force high-level monsters into trouble.

The black horse snorted as if to express its approval, and swayed on its way in a leisurely manner.

Sand monsters are not only fearless of death, but their biggest feature is that they are endless...

Suddenly, Bai Yu saw the sand monsters catching up again.

Furious, straight from the lungs to the Tianling Gai, spraying sparks from the nostrils, eyes reddened, you have made a fuss, and I have taken a step back and ran away, what do you want to make troubles?

"Heizi, you go first! I have to let them know what can and can't be messed with! This anger makes me uncomfortable!"

No need to talk nonsense, the black horse saw sparks coming from its partner's nostrils and ran away in a hurry, fearing that it would suffer from slow running. The experience of these days told it to stay away from the angry beast, the farther the better.

A certain Jiao is about to go crazy, if he doesn't want to find a way to hurt these things, he probably won't even be able to sleep!

Feeling the heat in the nostrils, I suddenly had an idea, what would happen if the sand monster was roasted with flames? The sand melts and turns into glass-like crystals, wouldn't it be able to trap the sand monster inside and cannot get out.

Just do what you want, the skin on your chest is bright and red, moving along your neck to your throat...

A sand monster sprang out from the sand and swooped in the air, Bai Yu aimed at it and spat out a mouthful of pure dragon's breath!


The scorching heat instantly melted the lump of human-shaped sand in mid-air, and the big face made of sand changed from anger to panic. Bai Yu, who was spitting fire, held back the remaining flame in his mouth to observe the results.


A lump of soft and turbid crystals landed on the ground, quickly cooled and solidified, and it was clearly seen that there was sand in the middle of the lump of crystals, slowly stretching and wriggling, and a terrified face was vigilantly finalized and fixed forever.

"It really worked."

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