? Bai Yu found it increasingly difficult for her to understand human thinking.

In the wild world of the Southern Wilderness, where there is no three feet of flat land and no three days of sunshine, there are still constant wars, not only to fight with beasts, poisonous insects, but also to kill each other. Wouldn't it be nice to sing, dance, or drink a cup of tea when you have nothing to do? , Every war takes place in rugged mountains, forests and canyons, requiring extremely strong special operations capabilities. No wonder the Central Plains can't get in.

Bai Yu despises those who have nothing to do with the corpse.

The meeting continued, the patriarch, the priest, and a group of high-level officials were thinking hard. The maid was afraid that you would be thirsty and hungry, and kept bringing snacks and tea. Then, a certain Jiao took all the food and ate it in two or three bites very naturally, and there was not even tea left.

Bai Yu will not get involved in this kind of battle, at most, he will use his talent to stir up wind and rain from a distance, so he sits in the corner with Mu Duo, an ancient village vase, as a background light bulb during the meeting.

Mu Duo's power is not fixed, sometimes it is very large and can even dominate the future of the village, sometimes it is a vase, and the totem and the vase are very suitable to sit together.

It's interesting to watch a group of old men and women frowning.

The discussion lasted from morning to noon, and they continued to discuss without eating, so they were determined to continue the research until they found a solution.

Feeling uncomfortable after sitting for too long, Bai Yu moved the stool


In an instant, the sound of the stool legs rubbing against each other attracted the attention of the whole room, and it was very disturbing to be interrupted from thinking. All the old people whose eyes were full of resentment were about to explode.

"Haha~ Then you go ahead~"

He smiled awkwardly and was about to get up and leave. He just lifted his buttocks and suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. He pretended to be sitting down and continued to watch the fun. The long life was full of boredom, and he wanted to find every opportunity to adjust his life.

A young man thumped upstairs and bowed his head into the hall.

"Report~ Heibu Guiyan Village has an envoy asking to see you!"


The people in the tower were surprised, only one gluttonous dragon looked as usual, Mu Duo frowned, wondering what he was thinking, the sudden appearance of a messenger from a certain village in Heibu surprised Yunyao Guzhaifu.

Bai Yu turned her head,

His eyes seemed to see through the wooden formation and looked towards the door below the tower.

The infrared sensor can clearly see the outlines of many human figures emitting infrared rays downstairs, one of them is different, faintly exuding evil energy, it should be some kind of emissary from the Kurobe, the strength is not very strong, it seems that the Kurobe Ghost Rock Village is also afraid that Yunyao Ancient Village will play tricks regardless of their reputation.

Pretending to be natural, he pressed his palm against the wooden floor to feel the vibration, and immediately, after filtering out unnecessary noise, he heard the noise at the door.

The hatred between black and white has lasted for thousands of years, and the two sides can say that fire and water are incompatible. The people of Heibu actually went to Baibu village with such arrogance.

The patriarch took a sip of the hookah, and the smoke obscured his eyes, making it difficult to see the expression on his old face.

"Let him come up."


The stairs creaked, and soon, a middle-aged Kurobe man with obviously different clothes came to the hall. Facing the enemies who had been beating their lives for countless years, he did not show timidity or even a hint of arrogance. Li Baibu seldom sees such an expression of arrogance, except for some unlucky ones who have been taught a lesson.

His arrogance was not aimed at the high-level people in Yunyao Ancient Village on purpose, but a natural habit.

Quiet as a ghost, the messenger of Ghost Rock Village stood in the middle of the room and looked indifferently at the boss of Yunyao Ancient Village, his eyes did not stay on the two decorations in the corner, he seemed arrogant and high above him, but Bai Yu found out through various senses that he was trying his best to suppress A heartbeat that is too fast can be hidden from others but not from Jiao.

In fact, the Jiuli people did not have the habit of pretending to be heroic when facing the enemy like the people of the Central Plains, and both sides made no secret of their killing intent.

No nonsense and straight to the point.

The current elderly patriarch put down the hookah and raised his eyelids.

"Tell me, what do you want to say when you come to our village."

"Of course it's about cooperation. Don't be surprised. If you see what happened in Guiyan Village with your own eyes, you will definitely agree to cooperate. Someone in Heibu made poisonous corpses and angered the ancestor gods, causing disasters. More than half of our village's population died. The most terrifying thing is not those ordinary people. The poisonous corpse is a poisonous corpse king, and the clan chiefs and priests in the village want to suppress the corpse king, but they are short of manpower. The situation in other villages is not much better than ours, and we can only ask you Baibu, who betrayed the ancestor gods, for help."

"Nonsense, you Kurobe betrayed the ancestor god!"

Someone couldn't help but curse, the old patriarch raised his hand to signal silence, this topic has been discussed for thousands of years and will never come to fruition.

"You mean to ask me, Yunyao Ancient Village, to help you deal with the poisonous corpses? Give us a reason."

The messenger from Ghost Rock Village sneered.

"If you don't take action to suppress the poisonous corpse king, we will definitely evacuate. When the time comes, the poisonous corpse tide will definitely attack you, Lord Yun. The trees will wither and the flowers will wither and the water will not be drinkable. The fields cannot be cultivated. This is the current situation of our ghost rock village!"

Everyone in the building was speechless and very quiet, except for someone who was not human and was still chewing tea

The old patriarch and the priest frowned, and Mu Duo looked ugly.

For the people of Jiuli, the most important thing is not the capital city or luxurious palaces, but the most important thing is water, which is the terraced fields cultivated by the ancestors on the hillside, the mountains, the forests, and the green. You all have seen the situation of Guiyan Village , The trees withered and the vegetation died, the terraced fields were polluted by toxins and could not be cultivated, and the corpses of the dead were scattered here and there.

"To what extent has the poisonous corpse spread?" Someone asked worriedly.

The emissary of Ghost Rock Village sighed helplessly.

"Two villages have perished, and four villages are struggling to persevere. Maybe we in Heibu may migrate to avoid the poisonous corpse zone in the future. We are still looking for ways to control it."


All the high-level executives of Yunyao Ancient Village were full of sadness. There was nothing they could do. Yunyao Ancient Village was too close to Heibu Village, and they were most likely to be implicated by poisonous corpses. Migration is easy to say, so many people have countless food and expenses on the road, and they still have to find suitable people. In the place of survival, reclaiming barren land to build village houses, digging wells and opening ditches, all kinds of hardships are easier said than done.

"What is the poisonous corpse king?" Mu Duo suddenly asked.

The envoy of Ghost Rock Village glanced at the saintess Mu Duo and did not conceal it in detail.

"The poisonous corpse king is a terrible poisonous corpse evolved from the corpse of a strong man after being infected. There are remnants of souls in the body, and the character is violent and bloodthirsty. What's even more frightening is that the poisonous corpse king can command the poisonous corpses to form an army. It was the poisonous corpse king who commanded the tide of corpses to attack the village, except for a few villagers who escaped, most of them were eaten or transformed."

Everyone was full of sorrow, the poisonous corpse is not the army of the Central Plains or the wave of monsters, the most difficult thing to deal with is the strong contagiousness, the wound will become a poisonous corpse in a short time, the toxicity is too strong, the search team went Just to die.

Bai Yu in the corner curled her lips. The thing that Zhongyuan Xiexiu and Jiuli Heibu jointly created is really not simple. I really don't understand why this thing was made. Could it turn all human beings in the world into walking dead? In that case, what's the point of living?

Plus, this guy must be hiding something.

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