New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 59 Jaina Proudmoore

Vanessa looked at the saber named after the Kul Tiran Admiral in front of her without saying a word for a long time, and finally made up her mind not to give it up for free! Even if you can't use it when you take it back, you can still sell it to someone else, right? Even if it doesn't sell, it can still be used as a small air conditioner in the bedroom in the summer!

Jaina's matter will be discussed later. Didn't Thrall just say that she didn't want to see the knife of her late father, so she took the knife away and walked far away. This can be considered a kind of help, right?

Seeing that she had made up her mind, the orc chief Thrall nodded slightly: "Weapons have souls. What gives this saber its inner essence is not only magic, but also responsibility."

Vanessa put her hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes secretly, yes, there is still trouble.

The orc warchief ignored her entanglement and continued to speak in that particularly rich accent: "When this sword is swung, it will bring white frost on the sea to the enemy, but it will also cause some lag to the user. It is said that forging An unknown ore from the deep sea was used. Except for the Kul Tirans fighting on the sea, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to use this weapon. It will be even more difficult for an extraordinary person like you who controls fire to use it."

If you weren't so strong, I would have spit on your face. Vanessa cursed in her heart. You knew this but you still took it out, just to make me angry, right?

But what Thrall said next made her stunned: "So I asked Ms. Jaina. She has a ring that matches this sword. By wearing the ring, anyone can control this saber."

Sal motioned for her to go with him, and the two walked along a path into a dark place.

Vanessa was thoughtful, looking around, and soon spotted a figure under the shade of a tree.

"Miss Struy, I am Jaina Proudmoore. I am really sorry to invite you."

The age of the female mage is not a secret. Many people know that she is two years younger than Prince Arthas of Lordaeron and was born in the third year before the Dark Portal opened.

Modern Azeroth took the opening of the Dark Portal as its first year, and was divided into before and after the Black Portal. Today is the 25th year since the Dark Portal opened, and Jaina is already 28 years old.

Time has not left many traces on this legendary mage. Her face is still beautiful, her eyes are as bright as stars, and her long silky hair is shining with golden light in the hood.

"Your Highness, it's my honor to meet you." Vanessa didn't look too much and bowed, bowing her head slightly to show respect for the other party.

Her eyes automatically swept across the opponent's face, down her slender neck... Well, she was wearing a lilac-colored robe embroidered with arcane secrets. She couldn't tell whether his defense was strong or not. , but this robe with a V on the top and a belly button on the bottom is probably average in terms of keeping out the cold...

Fortunately, he is a famous water mage, so he probably doesn't care about the cold.

There is almost no visible defense on the fatal part, but the hands and feet are well covered. The robe hangs down to the feet, and only the front end of the boots can be seen.

"I asked the warchief to facilitate this meeting. It's a little hasty and a little rude. It's even more helpless to meet in Orgrimmar secretly. Please forgive me."

The female mage Jaina's movements are graceful, her voice is crisp, and the arcane energy in her body is as gentle as water, giving people a very comfortable first impression.

It’s hard to imagine how much pressure she was under when she made those decisions. Her lover, mentor and father passed away one after another. The cruel reality forced her to transform from a genius mage and a carefree girl to a leader. The sadness in this was I'm afraid only she knows.

Vanessa has never cared much about appearance, because she is a beauty herself, and there is no one around her who can compare with her appearance. Whether it is a female mage or a female shadow priest, there is a big gap between them and Vanessa in appearance. Even though she was just 14 years old and her body and appearance had not fully blossomed, many people in the Westfall had already begun to call her the rose of hope.

Now she is surpassed by Gianna in appearance, and the other person has reached the golden age of a woman.

On the one hand, she is young, but on the other hand, Vanessa's appearance does not conform to the aesthetics of this patriarchal society. She is too wild, and lacks awe both before and now, which is reflected in her overly flamboyant appearance. Now that she has gained the power of fire, she is going further and further on the path of the hot and unrestrained Flame Rose.

Jaina is different. She perfectly fits all the expectations of men in this era for women. She has water magic, a gentle and clear temperament, and blond hair, which greatly stimulates men's protective desire. She is the dream lover of all men.

I have to say, looks are definitely a bonus.

Vanessa went to Sentinel Hill to cheat, went to the dwarves to buy wine, and went to Kalimdor to blackmail the orcs. Appearance was a key factor in this.

Why don't you let a rough guy come to Orgrimmar to blackmail you? Eitrigg could chop this man into pieces with his sword.

Jaina's appearance will also facilitate her in various negotiations. UU reading

Vanessa had a lot of disdain for Gianna before, but after seeing the real person, she immediately imagined the story of a girl who was lonely and helpless, pretending to be strong, and led a group of soldiers to trek in a foreign country. Forgive her, Gianna is also very Not easy, right? What can she do? She was just a child at the time...

Thinking that she was still holding her father's weapon, she quickly took out Daelin Proudmoore's saber.

"...I thought I was ready, but actually I'm still in pain inside. If you can, please take it away, as far away as possible." Jaina took the saber, looked back and forth, and said lightly He stroked the blade gently, sighed and returned it to Vanessa like it was trash. Not only that, he also handed her a ring wrapped in white frost.

She took it smoothly and looked at it from the corner of her eye, "Good boy!" Is this the ring that Thrall just mentioned to be used with the saber?

The ring seems to be an epic magic ring too! In addition to improving physical fitness, a high-level magic is solidified inside. No wonder the Elf's Salamani Sword is given away as soon as he wants. Jaina is really a rich person!

Vanessa secretly vowed that she would never speak ill of Gianna again. This is a true friend! A pure friend, a friend who has escaped from vulgar taste. She hopes that her friendship with Jaina can be as unbreakable as the Great Wall of Pandaren!

She took someone's money to help them out of trouble, and the other party paid the bill happily. It was obvious that she had something to discuss with her. Although she didn't know what she, a little fish and shrimp, could do, she still pretended to listen.

"Can I talk to Miss Struy alone?" Jaina seemed to be asking Vanessa, but she was actually seeking Thrall's opinion.

The orc warchief nodded and left the scene.

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