What if Nima labor and management talk about Kobe or James?
It’s really a king!
Although Brother Lang is a bit of a prodigal, his IQ is not guaranteed.
High EQ: Boss, thank you for your full support. I will recommend the most suitable puzzle to win the championship according to the team’s situation.
Low EQ: Damn, boss, aren’t you afraid to flash your tongue when you say this? I said if Kobe, James and Dayao can help me, will it work?
Brother Lang naturally would not choose a reply with low EQ, but gave Wang Dolan enough face.
“Boss, thank you for your full support. I believe that the lineup with me, Stephen and Ibaka as the core already has the framework to hit the championship. We only need to trade a few more suitable role players to solve the problem. ”
Shen Lang patted Jipu and said, and raised his ambition to win the championship.
This bragging shocked both Dolan and Donnie Walsh.
They originally wanted to take Shen Lang as the absolute core of the team, and then satisfy his suggestion.
It took four powerful players, and the crazy deal brought two partners, Curry and Ibaka.
Try to get back to the playoffs first, and take off the hat that missed the playoffs for 7 consecutive seasons.
Especially after taking off the label of the top five super rotten teams in the league for the past 6 years in a row.
Of course.
In the end, it would be nice to be able to go further in the playoffs.
Never thought.
(Wang Nuohao) The No. 1 pick who went all out to get selected, he retired and gave the team the championship.
The ability to pretend to be aggressive is no weaker than him, the king of bullying.
It is a good thing to have confidence and fighting spirit, and it is infinitely stronger than choosing that kind of lone wolf who is fooling around.
“Shen, I appreciate your confidence, this is the rising leader of the Knicks!”
Crazy rebounder Dolan applauded appreciatively, picked up the goblet and touched Shen Lang again.
Shen Lang drank it all in one gulp!
Dolan drank it down!
Donnie Walsh is a pain in the ass!
Half a glass of expensive red wine, just a sip of boredom? ?
What a waste!
This gentle old man with glasses could only pinch his nose and let out a sigh of relief.
“Mr. Dolan, General Manager Downey, I know the situation of the team very well now.”
Now Shen Lang is completely taking the role of the head of the Knicks team, and started to discuss with the two managements to solve the problem.
He went on to add: “I appreciate the courage of Mr. Dolan and the Knicks. If you choose to rebuild, then completely tear down and rebuild. The so-called “no break, no build!”
“So the bad assets in the team have to be cleaned up, and the players I want to add are actually not a burden to the team at all.”
“At that time, I will give Mr. Dolan and General Manager Downey a copy of the list that I have compiled.”
“Thank you very much for your support and trust in me, and I will give you a report card with practical actions!”
Having said that, Shen Lang paused.
Immediately afterwards.
He solemnly said with a serious expression: “I can assure you that the Knicks in the new season will definitely rise to become a top team.”
“And I can guarantee that our record will be the best in the East!”
“I know the outside world is watching our jokes and thinking that the Knicks are stupid fools!”
“But I can assure you that if the Knicks fail to make it to the Eastern Conference Finals in the new season, I will be bound to the Knicks for the rest of my life!”
“Only one team wins the championship, and it’s not one!”
“Yes, that’s my promise!”
Shen Lang’s assurance left Dolan and Donnie Walsh speechless in shock.
It’s so awesome!
This celestial monster with terrifying talent, actually has such a true temperament? !
How can I, Dolan, fall behind?
Dolan, the bully king, drank another glass of red wine boldly.
Under the stimulation of alcohol, he was even more proud, patting the fierce shop and promised: “We need you to stay healthy and competitive enough, so we will definitely support you with all our strength and build a championship lineup around you!” “Money? Then Is it a problem?”
“Donnie, don’t worry about luxury tax and money!”
“A problem that can be solved with money is still a problem?”
The two kings were in the box, each proudly making guarantees and promises.
Moreover, red wine is always stuffy, and there is no so-called luxury at all.
Such a crazy scene shocked the little old man Donny Walsh’s jaw.
I can’t believe it!
In the history of the Knicks, there is still such a crazy scene.
Of course delete.
He saw that bottle of expensive red wine being wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye.
What a good wine!
such a pity!
What the fuck was wasted by two lunatics![New book please first order, please first order, please follow up order, please automatically subscribe, there are at least 4 updates today! 】.
Chapter 59 Two eight two eight, Kaka will send it! (7/10 for the first order)
Back to the media interview scene.
Unlike elementary school students Curry and Ibaka, answering questions seemed young and nervous.
Shen Lang handled it with ease.
And his humorous answers made the media reporters laugh from time to time.
Especially those blonde reporters from XG, all leaning forward and backward laughing.
If there were not too many people at the scene, maybe they would have already stuffed the small note.
Tall and handsome, talented, top pick, high EQ, humorous…
When these labels were combined on Shen Lang alone, keen media reporters realized that a high-quality idol was rising.
The chaotic situation of the New York Knicks is likely to be completely new because of this No. 1 pick.
Immediately afterwards.
Waiting for elementary school students Curry and Ibaka to come back from the box in the Knicks draft area with excited expressions.
The three began to choose jersey numbers.
Since he wants to be a super center in the new era of the NBA, he is even the first person to change the league structure.
And he also has system support to become the most dominant superstar.
Shen Lang decisively chose No. 34!
Because in his opinion, the most dominant inside center in NBA history is definitely the peak shark.
To become the most dominant superstar.
Shen Lang felt that the first thing to do was surpass the peak Sharks and become the most dominant center forward.
Of course.
He chose the number 34 jersey, and there is a clear goal.
That is to lead the team to break the 1971-1972 season. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar led the Lakers to a 33-game winning streak.
This record has existed for 36 years, and no superstar has led the team to break it.
The primary school student Curry still chose the familiar No. 30, saying that he wanted to continue the magical performance of the NCAA to the NBA arena. As for Ibaka.
He originally planned to choose the number 8, which is the number he used in the X Spanish league.
However, Shen Lang gave him a suggestion with a meaningful smile.
“Hey, Serge, I think you’ll be more sensational if you choose number 28!”
“8 is too short… Uh, no, it feels like too many players choose to use this number.”
“Look at how long 28 is… Fuck, what’s wrong with labor and management? I think 28 is very good, it fits your strengths and temperament very well!”
“Two eight twenty eight, Kaka will send it!”
“Serge, let me tell you, this classic ad slogan is really popular in our dynasty!”
“If you choose the No. 28 jersey, you will go to Tianchao for business cooperation in the future, and there will definitely be countless fans chasing after it!”
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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