“Dayao and the head coach tried their best to invite him, even the successor of the Tianchao men’s basketball team!”
The two exclaimed and sighed, they were bragging and pretending.
did not expect.
The back wave of the old Shen’s family was completed with ease.
It’s so annoying to compare people to people!
Now that they see the breaking news about Shen Lang, they will think of their own brat.
Why can’t it be better?
Even if they catch up to one-tenth of Shen Lang’s family, it will make their father look good.
The two sons who were blamed did nothing from the beginning to the end.
It’s just their labor and capital, who boasted too much and were humiliated by being slapped in the face.
Madison Square Garden Theatre.
NBA draft scene.
There was applause everywhere.
After a short period of shock and ignorance, he even interacted with elementary school students Curry and Westbrook.
Shen Lang stood up slowly, then gave Curry another high-five and hug.
“Stephen, I’ll go up first, trust me, your name will be read soon!”
Curry nodded confidently, but also full of anticipation.
Lin Feng waved to the applauding audience, and walked out of the small green house.
�W then.
[He also walks to the stable platform, and smiles, taking the blue baseball cap handed to him by the staff.
The logo of the New York Knicks was printed on the hat, and the large electronic screen behind the stage also showed a large promotional picture of the Knicks. Shen Lang wearing this hat means that he has already been selected as an NBA rookie.
He walked onto the stage with a smile and walked towards NBA Commissioner David Sent.
Shen Lang stretched out his hand to shake hands with the white-haired old man David Sent, and then hugged him.
“Shen, congratulations on being drafted by the Knicks!”
“Your talent is impressive. Congratulations on becoming the No. 1 pick in 2008!” Shen Lang respected and admired this white-haired old man who opened up the Chinese market.
During his tenure, there are principles and bottom lines, and he does not manipulate the game and let gaming organizations enter the NBA.
In the NBA under the leadership of David Sent, the game is still quite exciting and confrontational.
It’s not like the bald Xiao Hua in the future who completely let himself go after taking over the NBA.
The two kept shaking hands, then smiled and took a picture.
After the process was over, Shen Lang walked off the stage and returned to the little green room.
“Hahaha, let’s welcome the No. 1 pick back!”
The primary school student Curry stood up and warmly gave Shen Lang a big hug.
Afterwards, this guy took off Shen Lang’s hat, and made a funny and exaggerated comment at 2.9: “The Knicks are my dream team since I was a child. They really have vision and know how to use the No. 1 pick to select my buddy!” Wearing Shen Lang’s hat, he turned his head to look at his girlfriend Ayesha.
Then he asked with a smile, “Ayesha, do I look good in a Knicks hat?”
Ayesha heard Curry say many times that he dreamed of playing in the international metropolis of New York since he was a child.
And his target team is the New York Knicks.
Although this team has been ranked in the bottom five of the league for 6 consecutive years since its peak in the 1990s.
But this well-known Yuyuenan bad team in the league is still the favorite of almost all rookies.
Unlike those All-Stars and even superstars, in order to win the championship, they cherish their feathers more and are unwilling to come to the Knicksteam.
On the contrary.
Most rookies entering the NBA expect to get enough opportunities and more exposure in the New York Knicks.
Now that Shen Lang was selected by the Knicks, Ayesha also knew that his boyfriend had no chance.
But even wearing Shen Lang’s Knicks hat, elementary school student Curry can experience the dream of being selected by his own fantasy.
“Stephen, you are so handsome, the most handsome man in the world!”
Ayesha knew what Curry was thinking, and she encouraged her affectionately and decisively.
“Ahem, for the sake of your love, treat me as transparent air today, otherwise, where I exist, how can other men dare to say that they are the most handsome?”
Seeing them throwing dog food, Shen Lang coughed twice and interrupted with a smile.
His active atmosphere quickly diluted the slight sadness of the primary school students.
David Sent, standing on the stage, picked up the second envelope.
Then he aimed at the microphone and read out loud.
[The new book is looking for the first order, the first order is very important, please follow up, please automatically subscribe, thank you for your support! At least 30,000 words on the first ten updates! 】.
Chapter 57 Shocking blockbuster deal! crazy! crazy! (5/10 for the first order)
“In the 2008 NBA Draft, the second overall pick in the first round, the Miami Heat selected Michael Beasley from Kansas State University!” Boom! !
When David Sent read that Beasley was second in the list, not Rose, the top pick.
The scene exploded again.
What kind of plane are you doing?
Isn’t Rose such an outstanding and talented point guard worthy of a top-two pick?
If it is said that Dolan, the owner of the crazy Knicks team, had the No. 1 pick, he firmly chose Shen Lang, an equally talented monster from the Celestial Dynasty.
All the audience at the scene, as well as countless fans who pay attention to the NBA draft, can barely accept it.
After all, in the 6 deadly NCAA knockout games, Shen Lang did break the NCAA record with crazy performance.
And he also defeated Rose face-to-face in the NCAA Finals.
The performance of the two in that most critical game formed a sharp contrast.
Beasley, who led the team and didn’t even make it to the NCAA Sweet 16, is also ranked ahead of Rose?
I can’t believe it!
There were boos all over the place.
Even Shen Lang was shocked, and he booed wildly.
Although he looked very uncomfortable with Rose’s aloofness and aloofness with a tight bitter face.
But let’s be honest.
Shen Lang knew very well that Rose’s strength, no matter what, was much stronger than that prickly head Beasley.
If it weren’t for the existence of him, a traveler with a plug-in, Ross would definitely be the No. 1 pick!
What are the Heat thinking?
Can’t it be to correct the NBA lottery that has been messed up, and this NBA draft?
Shen Lang remembered that the current general manager of the Heat was the shrewd fortune teller Riley.
What kind of plane is this old guy with the big back hair doing?
Could it be that with his experience as a player, coach and general manager, he still can’t see the potential of Rose and Beasley?
never mind.
Shen Lang didn’t bother to guess anymore, anyway, he just booed along with everyone.
Hearing wild boos all over the place, Beasley stood up and coldly swept around.
Then the thorn laughed jokingly, and imitated Iverson’s classic moves towards the audience. It’s just gesticulating with your fingers in your ears and listening to the cheers and shouts at the scene.
When it came to this unruly thorn, it turned into wild boos at the scene of Xiaona.
Beasley’s original goal was to become the No. 1 pick. He is confident in his talent and strength.
Especially when Knicks owner Dolan won the No. 1 pick, he was extremely eager to be selected by the Knicks.
He even asked his agent to risk a fine by privately courting the Knicks several times.
Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless.
The Knicks, which Beasley has always been admiring, look down on him, but Tim Shenlang is crazy.
Even the owner of the Knicks team is crazy about it!
Seeing that Ross, who has been competing for several years, is not as good as himself now.
Beasley looked at Ross, who was depressed and disappointed, and walked out of the small green room satisfied.
After receiving the baseball cap printed with the Heat’s LOGO logo from the staff, he went to the stage to shake hands and hug David Sent for a group photo. next.
NBA President David Sent, continue to read other draft picks.
“In the 2008 NBA Draft, the third overall pick in the first round, the Chicago Bulls selected Derek Rose from the University of Memphis!” Rose, who was full of depression and disappointment, clenched his fists and showed a rare smile when he heard his name.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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