Just to get as high as possible, especially the top three draft picks!
Compared with the draft plans of the teams in the world before rebirth, there has been a huge shift due to the butterfly effect.
After Shen Lang confirmed Curry’s candidacy, he decisively used the god-level reward from the system.
Choose a team perk!
Choose the team you want to go to!

Chapter 51 This damn charm! finalized brokerage
the next day.
Shen Lang followed all members of the Wildcats and flew to Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
It is about an hour’s drive from Davidson College.
Davidson College held a grand championship celebration ceremony for the Wildcats who created school history records.
The city of Charlotte, which was originally a small market, also participated in the promotion and celebration.
Under the leadership of superstar Paul, the Hornets in this small city have been unable to make new breakthroughs in the playoffs.
Never thought.
Davidson College, which is obviously a top academic school, actually took the lead in bringing back the championship to Charlotte.
In particular, the NCAA tournament in North America attracts more attention and money than the NBA.
Shen Lang stood on the stage of the largest outdoor stadium in Charlotte, holding the NCAA championship trophy in one hand and the Final Four MOP trophy in the other, enjoying the cheers and applause from the scene.
The large electronic screen at the scene played back the highlights of the Wildcats’ March Madness.
When the scene of Shen Lang smashing the backboard, overturning the basketball hoop and even pulling down the rim appeared, cheers and shouts erupted like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.
Compared with Curry’s perfect three-pointer, Shen Lang’s violent aesthetic style is more popular with fans and audiences.
Especially those girls, they were even more excited.
No matter which country or era it is in, it is an era of looking at faces.
It just so happens that such a big coach has a good basketball talent and a great play.
The super masculine taste makes those girls crazy.
He is now a Davidson hero! !
This damn charm!
Shen Lang, who was a member of the general public after traveling through the previous world, enjoyed the feeling of being the most dazzling focus of the audience.
Now that he has crossed over, he will wantonly be himself!
The coaching staff and teammates of the Wildcats stood on the stage and waved to the audience with smiles on their faces.
There were their family and friends, as well as Davidson alumni and citizens of the city who came to witness.
The coaches and players on the stage are the heroes who created the first championship of the Davidson College Wildcats.
Become the pride of everyone on the scene! !
Today is a glorious moment for the Davidson College Wildcats! !
Although when the hustle and bustle dies down, most of the players on this team will soon be drowned in the crowd.
After all, the players who can enter the NBA are the best in the world.
But whatever their futureIn any position, when you encounter setbacks and difficulties in life and cannot persevere.
As long as they think of today’s glory, they will definitely regain their fighting spirit and move forward!
Shen Lang, standing in the middle, holds the MOP trophy for the Final Four.
The primary school student Curry and the head coach McKillop joined forces and raised the championship trophy high.
The other teammates and staff surrounded the three of them.
The screen freezes!
Announced the complete end of the NCAA this season!
Shen Lang devoted himself wholeheartedly to preparing for the NBA draft, and the NCAA has become history.
He began to meet with those NBA agents who flocked to him, and at the same time, he also consulted with Dayao and other Chinese compatriots for advice.
“Hey, Shen, think about it carefully, I can make you the second LeBron!”
“I can help any NBA player under my banner to win the biggest contract and endorsement.”
“It won’t take long for Lebron to replace Kobe as the number one player in the league!”
“And as long as you agree to this agency agreement, I can make him the first person after Lebron!”
Before leaving, James’ good brother Rich Paul repeatedly emphasized his marketing and operational capabilities.
Shen Lang also had some understanding of this small, shrewd manager nicknamed “Fu Paulo”.
The guy got mixed up with James early on, and the two had similar careers in their respective fields.
And his business ability is really strong, and he can even win a big contract with a near-maximum salary for an 88-level blue-collar like Tristan Thompson.
He can also manipulate it with one hand, and use his thick eyebrows to work with the Lakers to partner with James.
Shen Lang is not interested in this mercenary guy, especially in his words, James is always the first.
“Sorry, I’m afraid your prediction is going to be wrong!”
Shen Lang shrugged nonchalantly and smiled, “As long as I enter the NBA stage, I will be the number one player in the league, and LeBron will still only be ranked second!”
Rich Paul: o((⊙�n⊙))o
He looked up at the confident Shen Lang, and couldn’t believe that this celestial monster could speak so loudly?
But soon, the guy was relieved.
After all, Rich Paul has seen too many NBA rookies and heard too many big words.
In the end, only the bold words of Kobe and James were fulfilled with talent and hard work.
“Hehe, very good, young man, let’s wait and see!”
Rich Paul turned around and left with a smile, not paying attention to Shen Lang’s rhetoric at all.
A quasi-rookie who has played a few good games in the NCAA, probably because he drank too much champagne and was talking nonsense.
As long as you enter the NBA, you will become the number one player in the league?
Lebron can only rank second?
Sure enough, he is a young and energetic megalomaniac, who really regards the NBA as the NCAA?
Rich Paul sneered, and roared away in an ultra-luxury sports car.
The NCAA has come to an end, and many young talents will choose to participate in this year’s NBA draft.
He has to rush to meet other potential new stars, there is no need to spend too much time with this celestial megalomaniac.
Not long after walking back to the dormitory, Shen Lang received a call.
On the phone screen, the word Dayao actually appeared.
Line connected.
“Shen Lang, we’ve arrived.”
Dayao on the other end of the phone explained: “However, in order not to cause a stir and unnecessary trouble, Bill and I are now on the parking lot on the left outside your school.”
“Shall we get off the car and come in to find you? Or should we arrange a place to meet?”
In the end, Shen Lang and Dayao made an appointment at a cafe near the school, and came out wearing slippers and big pants.
very quickly.
The three met.
“Shen, hello, hello, I’m Bill Duffy!”
“Nice to meet you!”
“Your performance in the NCAA playoffs is simply astonishing!”
Bill Duffy, who was about 2 meters tall, stood up and greeted Shen Lang enthusiastically.
Shen Lang smiled and shook hands with him in response, and also shook hands with Dayao to say hello.
to be frank.
In the end why he agreed to meet with this guy, on the one hand it was recommended by Dayao.
On the other hand, Shen Lang has a good impression of Bill Duffy, although his business ability may not be as good as “Rich Paul” and other smart agents.
Bill Duffy’s ability to become a member of Yao’s team is naturally related to his character.
This “good man” in the NBA agent circle not only behaves well and does well, but also hopes that his players will also behave well.
For this reason, he has repeatedly rejected players with bad records to join, and he can become a top agent by virtue of his sincerity and kindness.
Of course.
The most important point is that he has always been Dayao’s agent.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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