"Captain Luo, this is the gift I have prepared for you, are you still satisfied?"

Si Chen returned to Luo

Behind him, followed by Charross.

The nobles of the Celestial Dragons at this moment,

There is no longer a majestic and arrogant appearance,

Pitifully followed behind Si Chen,

It's like a poor puppy that has been ravaged by a storm.

For Charross, the past two hours,

It's the darkest moment of life.

He experienced terrible pain that he could not have imagined in the past

I was tortured to the point where I almost lost my human form.

But what's even more terrifying is that

Even if he is tortured to the point of losing his human appearance,

He was able to recover very quickly

In this case, even if he wants to go to the world government to cry, I'm afraid that no one will believe it.

Coupled with Si Chen's random thoughts, he could take his life.

Under the heavy blow,

Char Ross St. was completely abandoning the intention of struggling

completely succumbed to Si Chen's silver might.

"Si Chen's good way to be in charge!".

Luo also understood Si Chen's overall plan at this point.

I can't help but admire in my heart.

His two previous doubts were now gone.

The first question is where Humphrey's research material was obtained after his death.

The second doubt is that if you offend the Tianlong people, how to preserve the assets of the Paradise Island Hotel.

Now, under Si Chen's interlocking plan,

Both problems are solved.

Turning Charros Saint into a ghost physique like Humphrey, won't the problem of material source be solved?

And there are Tianlong people behind their backs,

Even if Humphrey never shows up again

Of course, this guy is known for his mystery.

Who will dare to touch a single hair of the Paradise Island Hotel in the future?

Kill two birds with one stone!


It's really high!

Law was completely impressed.

"The Heart Pirates have already gathered in Chambodi, and with his help, I believe that you will not encounter any more difficulties when you enter Paradise Island. "

Si Chen said to Luo.

"Yes, but if you want to do medical research, you need to build a world-class medical laboratory, it's just ......."

Luo wanted to speak and stopped.

"Captain Luo said that it doesn't matter, since it is sincere cooperation, it is best to eliminate all hidden dangers at the beginning. "

Si Chen said.

"Okay, then I'll be blunt, Chambord is too close to Marinfando, and I'm a pirate on the bounty list after all. "

"My concern is that if one of the world's most advanced medical laboratories is built here, once it catches the attention of the Navy, all the investment in the early stage will be wasted. "

Si Chen nodded slightly.

He acknowledges Luo's concerns, which are indeed hidden dangers that have to be guarded against.

Suddenly, Si Chen raised his head and looked out the window.

I saw a trace of fish belly white, and it had quietly climbed into the sky at this moment.

It's almost dawn!

There was not much time left for him.

"Well, I have an idea about the location of the laboratory, but it will take time to implement it. "

"During this time, you will use the identity of Char Ross Saint to succeed Humphrey and take full control of the assets of the Paradise Island Hotel. "

"For the follow-up arrangements, I will specially ask someone to contact you again. "

Si Chen put his hands behind his back and said to Luo.

Through the previous conversation, Luo also understood the threat of sunlight to Si Chen

I know that this is the time to separate.

He put one hand on his chest, looked at Si Chen's back, and bowed slightly.

From tonight, whether the outside world admits it or not,

He knew that the Heart Pirates would be closely linked to the Ghost Moon Pirates from now on.

Become a vassal and subordinate of the other party.

Law was well aware of his place.

30 billion Berry research funds and political influence backed by the Draco people

No matter which one is singled out,

are all rich resources that he can hardly hope for in his life as a pirate.

Unless it is to the level of the Four Emperors, seize a large piece of territory in the new world and plunder it to your heart's content.

Otherwise, even if he sells himself,

It's not enough for a fraction of 30 billion berry.

And get it all,

But he only needed to bow his head to Si Chen to show his submission.

Even, the other party did not even put forward the deadline and additional requirements.

Leave the Heart Pirates to maintain a completely independent freedom of movement.

Nor did he make any "principled recommendations" for his Trafalgar Rowe study.

In this case, Luo felt that he could not make the right choice

It's a hundred times more stupid than the pig-headed Tianlong man not far away!

"Well, then, I'll wait here for your orders. "

After Luo finished speaking, he waited for a long time, but he never got a response.

He looked up

found that in the position where Si Chen was originally standing,

It's empty at the moment.

It turned out that Si Chen had already left the room.

And he stood at a close distance of less than three meters from Si Chen

For Si Chen's movements, he didn't notice it at all.

What Si Chen wanted to do at that time was not to leave, but to assassinate ......

The consequences are unimaginable!

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Luo's mouth.

Even if he has put in so much effort,

But I still can't get rid of the same sense of powerlessness as 10 years ago.

You can't take your fate into your own hands.

But soon, his gaze became firm again.

At least, things have changed a lot now, haven't they?

As long as you maintain a good relationship with this adult and reflect your own value,

His plan for revenge on Doflamingo

Since then, there has been an extra hole card comparable to the king!

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