New world, all nations!


In the cake island, Minister Cracker hurriedly came to the area where Auntie was.

When he arrived in front of Auntie, Cracker quickly saluted and said,"Mom, something happened."

"We just got the inside news that because we destroyed the G5 base, the Navy Headquarters dispatched Admiral Akainu to lead warships to cause trouble in our territory."

"An admiral is very destructive, especially since Akainu still ate rock berries, so we have to guard against him."


The navy is here.

And the navy admiral is personally leading the team.

After hearing this, the expressions of Owen, Smoothie and others on the side changed.

Although they are somewhat famous now, they have not yet reached the level of real

This also makes it impossible for them to be as calm as they were later when facing the admiral, especially after knowing that the person coming was Akainu, who enforces absolute justice among the admirals.

"Akainu is actually that brat!"

Auntie's face also darkened.

Although her strength is at the imperial level, she is not even afraid of Akainu at all. But whether she is afraid and whether she can defeat him are two different situations.

If she encounters 180 overseas, that's it. But 180 if Akainu breaks into all nations and wreaks havoc, then even Big Mom will feel troubled

"They cannot be allowed to enter the territory of all nations!"

Taking a deep breath, the aunt quickly made a decision.

After she stood up from her seat, the aunt said:"Katakuri, Smoothie, and Clark, you three will lead the people under your command and come to me. When you go out to search, you must intercept Akainu and not allow that guy to enter the territory of all nations."

"By the way, bring the biggest mirror and contact me as soon as you find Akainu's warship. I will defeat it myself and not give him the chance or possibility to enter the world."

"Yes Yes!


Hearing this, Katakuri and the others did not dare to neglect.

After bowing to the aunt, the three of them turned around and left the place in a hurry.

After all, this matter is related to the safety of all nations, and even more to the future of the Big Mom Pirates.

If Akainu's warship cannot be stopped, the consequences will be unimaginable.


As Katakuri and the three left, Owen in the side area suddenly said:"The arrival of the admiral is definitely not a simple matter. What if they have other reinforcements by then?"

"Although Ten Thousand Kingdoms is our base camp, the destructive power of the natural system cannot be underestimated."

As soon as these words came out, they directly aroused the recognition of the others.

As Owen said, once Katakuri and the other three failed to find the naval warship and failed to successfully intercept it, once the naval admiral broke into it, it would be extremely destructive. It's huge.

Especially this person is Akainu.

This guy is not Aokiji or Kizaru. Once he takes action, he will destroy the world and destroy several islands just for fun.

"no need to worry."

She pondered for a moment, and the aunt felt troubled at the moment.

But she was also more angry inside. She just destroyed a base, and the navy was chasing after her so closely.

But for a while, she didn't know what to do. deal with it and don’t even know how to solve it


Snag stood up at this moment, glanced at the aunt and then said:"I have a suggestion."

"Why don't we unite with Kaido? I remember that the G4 base is within Kaido's territory."

"It's just that Kaido just captured Wano Country before, so that base doesn't pose a great threat to him."

"But after all, it is a naval base within his territory. Kaido cannot ignore this. Once we join forces with Kaido's Beast Pirates, we will definitely be able to greatly reduce the danger in this area."

‘Even once Kaido takes action, the pressure on our side will be reduced, and even Akainu's warships will have to retreat. '

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Charlotte family present brightened up.

If nothing else, what Snag said does make sense.

The current New World has just completed the replacement and rise of the Four Emperors. At the current stage, the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, Big Mom Pirates and Red Hair Pirates stand at the pinnacle of the New World Pirates.

If they were attacked by the navy at this time and failed, it would be a huge blow to their respective reputations.

But if we can take this opportunity to defeat the admiral, the reputation we will gain will definitely be huge, and it will even cause countless pirates to join in and strengthen their own power.

It may not be possible to fight alone, but if you join forces with the rest of the Yonko Pirates, then the chances of winning are really great.

Thinking of this, the aunt said;"But that guy Kaido will not choose to take action easily!"

"Although he owes me a favor, it cannot be used on such a trivial matter."

"Mom, I have a plan."

The corner of his mouth raised, Snag said confidently at this moment;"Didn't we get an animal type and fantasy beast type devil fruit some time ago?"

"Although the animal type, dog fruit, phantom beast type, and big mouth god form are good, they are nothing to us."

"As long as I send it to the G4 base and pass this information to Kaido, I believe that Kaido guy will definitely not be able to sit still."

"After all, what that guy's Beasts Pirates needs is an animal Devil Fruit, and Kaido's son seems to have not gotten a suitable Devil Fruit yet. Once he gets the information,……"

Hearing this, Auntie and others' eyes lit up.

As Snag said, although one Devil Fruit will be lost, it is still a Devil Fruit of great value.

But there is no doubt that this thing can indeed arouse Kaido's attention, and even attacking the G4 base with Kaido's temper is almost a certainty.

Once Kaido takes action, the navy will have nothing to do but whether Akainu can come to all nations to cause trouble is another matter.

To say the least, even if Akainu arrives,���It's really here.

Because of this matter, Kaido will also be involved. When the time comes, the cooperation between the Big Mom Pirates and Kaido's Beasts Pirates will be extremely smooth, and even……

"good! Without any hesitation, the aunt spoke directly;"Snagg, I leave this matter to you.""

"You go and take away that devil fruit later, and you must deliver it to the navy!"


With a promise, Snag didn't stay. He bowed to the aunt and left in a hurry.

As he left, the aunt was in a good mood and said,"Okay, this matter is settled!"

"The others went back to continue practicing, and prepared some cake for me. Mom wanted to have a big meal!".

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