Jack knew very well how important Doflamingo, who could create artificial demon fruits, to their group of Hundred Beast Pirates?

It is no exaggeration to say.

As long as there is a man-made demon fruit, then their Hundred Beast Pirate Group can continuously create members with good strength.

Wait until you get an artificial Devil Fruit ability legion.

Then their Hundred Beast Pirate Group will become the most powerful of the Four Emperors of the New World!

At that time, the other three Four Emperor Regiments would no longer be able to compete with their Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

Because of this, Jack certainly couldn't watch Sakaski take Doflamingo away.

It's just a naval admiral, he is afraid of red dogs? Are you kidding?!


Sipshead swallowed his saliva, his face was full of embarrassment, and his eyes were even more complicated.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, Sipshead would even want to slap Jack in the face!

Then tugged at him by the collar and asked him what kind of audacity he had to be so arrogant when facing a naval admiral like Akainu?

If it was a yellow ape or a pheasant, Sipshead's reaction would not have been so violent.

After all, they also have to worry about whether if they do something to Jack, will it cause a full-scale war between the navy and the Hundred Beast Pirates.

But if it is the red dog, a very famous general, who has always been ruthless in dealing with pirates.

Sipshead felt that if the ship was really brought over, their fate would be very tragic.

Thinking of this, Sipshead hesitated for a moment, and said bitterly to Jack.

"Lord Jack, or forget it."

"If you want to snatch someone from the Red Dog, I'm afraid only Lord Kaido can do it, and with the power we have on the ship now, we can't take Doflamingo out of his hands at all!"

Hearing this, Jack suddenly felt that his majesty was questioned.

It's just a real fight, and he dares to say such a thing in front of his own Yan Calamity? Isn't this looking for death?

Jack grabbed Sipsheide's collar, his eyes widened so that he could see the bloodshot in his eyes, and roared in a deep voice.

"Don't you understand Lao Tzu's words?"

"What does Lao Tzu need your guidance? Bring me the boat over now! "

After that, Jack threw Sipshead on the deck.

Seeing this situation, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates on the ship no longer dared to question Jack's decision.

At the first time, he controlled the ship under his feet and chased after the warship where the red dog was.

Jack stood at the bow of the boat and looked eager to try.

He wanted to see what kind of strength the admiral of the Akainu Navy really had.

If the opponent's strength is too weak, Jack really doesn't mind snatching Doflamingo and then killing the red dog directly!

It can only be said that although this behavior and thought is very brainless, it is very in line with Jack's IQ and personality.

On the deck of that warship, Sakaski had also seen Jack and the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Sakaski knew their target was Doflamingo.

Originally, I was still thinking about how to pull the Hundred Beast Pirate Group off the stage and let them become a member of the big stage.

Unexpectedly, Jack this guy took the initiative to send it to the door.

Such a great opportunity, Sakaski said that nothing will be missed.

He didn't wait for the king of the ship to pull the ship over.

As soon as Sakaski's thoughts moved, hot magma began to gush out above his body.

Under his deliberate control, the magma did not drip onto the deck.

Looking at the pirate ship that was speeding by, Sachsky grinned and began to swing his fists violently.

"Big Spitfire!!"

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The fist-shaped magma was swung out by Sakaski like a cannonball, and it was accurately blasted towards the pirate ship where Jack was.

Continuous explosions rang out, sending the otherwise calm sea into turbulent waves.

Jack didn't expect Sakaski to be so unethical.

However, in order not to let the pirate ship under his feet sink to the bottom of the sea.

Jack immediately pulled out the two strangely shaped weapons inserted in the ivory on his shoulder.

While slashing at the large Spitfire that Sakaski unleashed, he roared without looking back.

"Stabilize Lao Tzu, speed up, and bring the boat over for me!"

It's all this time, Jack has not forgotten to rely on the boat, can only say that he is worthy of the title of the king of the boat.

Unfortunately, Sakaski's wave of mass attacks alone could not be completely stopped.

When these fist-shaped magma smashed one after another on the pirate ship he was on, the originally very strong ship was blasted out one after another huge openings, and then a hot flame rose up.

The members of the Hundred Beast Pirates on the ship hurriedly began to try to extinguish the flames.

However, what made them fearful was that no matter how much they tried, they could not extinguish the flames rising from the deck, and could only watch the fire grow bigger and bigger.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before their pirate ship will be burned to ashes.

How could they not understand why Sakaski's magma fruit ability was so powerful?

In this regard, Sakaski can only say that the power brought to him by Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku is definitely not as simple as increasing strength, and even the strength of magma fruit's ability has increased dramatically, which is more than one step stronger than the original.

Looking at those members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who were in a hurry, Sakaski pulled the corners of his mouth, pulled out the flowing blade around his waist, stepped on it fiercely, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Jack was shocked in his heart, completely relying on the fighting instinct he had cultivated over the years, raised one or two strange knives in his hand, aimed them at the side and slashed fiercely.


With a crisp sound, the flowing blade and Jack's two knives collided with each other!

The huge power came, making Jack's face instantly become extremely hideous and distorted.

He only resisted for a moment, and was directly blasted out by Sakaski's knife.

Sakaski did not rush to pursue Jack, but like cutting grass, he waved the gun in his hand and launched a brutal slaughter against the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group on the ship.

Even Jack couldn't bear Sakaski's knife, let alone these ordinary members of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Every time Sakaski swings his Flowing Blade, he will take the life of at least one member of the Hundred Beast Pirates!

Looking at the fact that in just a blink of an eye, most of the subordinates he brought with him had died, and Jack, who had just stood in shape, suddenly turned red.

"Red dog! You bastard! I'm going to slaughter you!" "

Sakaski stopped the movement in his hand, but did not pay attention to Jack's roar, but turned his head and looked in the other direction.

Although Jack was full of anger and hatred in his heart, he still followed Sakaski's gaze.

At that location, a ship flying the flag of the Bigmom Pirates was moving at full speed towards their location.

Seeing this scene, Sakaski's eyebrows were raised, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Dare to love that besides Jack, the king of the boat, there are other people who rush to die?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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