National Star Sea Era

Chapter 233 Re-entering the 50th Floor of the Meritorious Building

Blood Bodhi, improves the potential of biological gene lineage.

Hearing this effect, everyone immediately paid attention, and at the same time basically guessed that the floating land under their feet was most likely one of the extremely important floating lands controlled by the family.

As for Song Chi, the first thing he thought of was the Thorn Dragon and Tuo Guhong. Both of them were creatures whose gene lineages were at the limit of a stage. If they were allowed to use a little of this blood bodhi, could they enter the fifth level of the gene lineage spectrum?

While thinking, the voice of the head of the family, Song Xuancang, sounded again.

"This Blood Ti Continent was discovered only two hundred years ago. The family's assessment of its value is as high as 7 stars. In order to avoid affecting the production of Blood Bodhi in the continent, the family did not invade it on a large scale, but adopted a free-range system..." At this point, Song Xuancang paused for a moment before continuing: "Because of this, it is very difficult to enter this floating continent to perform tasks. If you alarm the fourth-level existences of the Blood Ti Clan, you may be promoted to the "Hell" level." "And your mission time this time is two months. During these two months, the top ten people who obtain the most Blood Bodhi and the higher the quality will pass this first stage." Hearing this, everyone's heart was shocked. They knew the classification of family mission levels very well. One star simple (daily mission, basically no danger) Two stars ordinary (mortality rate of about 5%) Three stars difficult (mortality rate of about 15%) Four stars dangerous (mortality rate of about 30%) Five stars hell (mortality rate of more than 60%) When it comes to the possibility of a 60% mortality rate and the need to stay in the continent for more than two months, everyone can hardly remain calm. Song Chi is the same. The combat power of the Sky is not weak, but this is relative to the second- and third-level creatures, and the fourth-level units are not in this category.

So far, the Sky has only faced fourth-level units twice.

The golden armored beast and the fourth-level star-eating vine.

Needless to say, the golden armored beast was seriously injured at the beginning, and as for the star-eating vine, it was just promoted not long ago.

So, strictly speaking, neither of them is a normal fourth-level unit.

In addition, there is another point, whether it is the golden armored beast or the star-eating vine, neither of them has the blessing of the fourth-level floating land rules.

The copper mountain floating land chosen by the golden armored beast is only a third-level floating land. In addition, the golden armored beast is an outsider, and the copper mountain floating land is powerless and will not bless it.

As for the star-eating vine, its growth is based on the premise of squeezing and destroying a floating land, and the floating land core origin of the fourth-level floating land will not bless it.

Even so, it also cost a lot to kill both.

The fourth-level Blood-Tied Clan of the Blood-Tied Floating Land is different. They are native creatures of the Blood-Tied Floating Land and must be blessed by the rules of the floating land itself.

Based on this, their combat power inside the Blood-Tied Floating Land will far exceed that of ordinary fourth-level units. Once they are really targeted, even the current Cangqiong will be in great danger.

Seeing that everyone had different expressions, Song Xuancang continued:

"If there are those who are unwilling, they can withdraw now, but once they agree, they will never be allowed to regret it in the future, otherwise..."

Song Xuancang did not finish his words, but Song Chi and others knew in their hearts that if they regretted it temporarily in the future, the family would definitely have corresponding punishments, and they would not be light.

Seeing that no one spoke, Song Xuancang rarely showed a smile on his indifferent face.

"Very good, this is my Song family..."

"Since no one has withdrawn, all the information about the Blood-lifted Floating Land will be distributed to you in advance. In the next period of time, you can make corresponding preparations."

Hearing this, Song Chi and the other 18 people immediately understood that the family still gave them certain special treatment.

Although the danger of the sequence competition remains, at least the detailed information about the Blood-lifted Floating Land was distributed to them in advance by the family, so that they can make various preparations in advance.

In this way, a group of people can be effectively screened out, and these top members of the family who are considered to be the top of this generation will not be lost in vain.

As the head of the family Song Xuancang waved his hand for the second time, the scene in front of everyone changed again, and in a blink of an eye they returned to the ancestral hall of the family.

At the same time, the quantum communication bracelets in their hands beeped one after another.

[You have received the "Blood-lifted Floating Land Related Information" file, please check it carefully. 】

Song Chi opened the communication bracelet without waiting for a closer look. Song Xuancang said at the top of the hall:

"Okay, we will gather here in a month and officially go to the Xueti Floating Land. Now everyone can withdraw."


Eighteen people walked out of the ancestral hall one after another. When they returned to the foot of Longji Mountain, they started to discuss.

Behind them, Song Ze's voice sounded.

"Song Chi, how do you say, do you have any idea of ​​forming a team?"

Hearing this, Song Chi thought about it and finally rejected the other party.

"Forget it, thank you for your kindness, but my ship is more suitable for single action..."

The family did not explicitly prohibit them from forming a team. The first phase of the sequence mission only screened out a small number of people. As long as it was not a large-scale team, the family would not say anything.

As for the reason for Song Chi's refusal, it was just as he said.

The Sky has components such as [Sound Wave Silence Field], [Void Membrane], [Fixed-point Delivery Platform], [Brain Wave Remote Control System], and [Void Shadow Killing Clan Warrior Tree], which can completely remotely control the search of the Blood Bodhi without any sound.

In this way, he does not have to take any risks, and can greatly increase the speed of the search without any worries.

On the contrary, if he teams up with others, it will affect him, so Song Chi chose to refuse.

Song Ze did not seem surprised by his refusal. The two exchanged a few words again and soon left.

Over there, a candidate who was also a second-level candidate asked through the warship communication:

"Aze, why do I feel that you are a little concerned about that person? Is there any explanation?"

Song Ze's eyes were calm, and he said bluntly:

"What can I say? I'm just a little curious. Since I met this person, he has always been low-key!!"


Family Merit Building.

Song Chi did not choose to go back to Qingyue Manor directly, but came to the Merit Building instead.

According to the information provided by the head of the family, the Blood-Stick Floating Land is divided into five realms, and there are more than 20 Blood-Stick Clan members of the fourth level, which is very dangerous.

That is why he needs to be prepared.

To be more specific, he should try to improve the level of the two components, [Totem Spirit Pillar] and [Chicang's No. 004 Cultivation Secret Realm].

Only in this way can he have more cards in the Blood-Stick Floating Land in the future.

However, if he wants to improve the level of these two high-quality components, the resources required are not a little bit, which is why Song Chi came to the Merit Building.

On the 49th floor of the Merit Building, Song Chi came here easily because he still had 31 gold merits in his account.

At the Merit Exchange Counter, Song Chi took out the body of the fourth-level Void Demon in the doubtful eyes of the tribe members who were responsible for the exchange today.

After he recovered from his shock, he quickly said:

"A fourth-level void demon corpse, without void crystals, can be refined into a drop of fourth-level biological blood. The family purchase price is 80 gold merits. Are you sure to exchange it?"

"80 gold merits..."

Song Chi frowned slightly. Normally, the price of a drop of fourth-level biological blood is about 100 gold merits. These 80 points...

Thinking about it, Song Chi's frowned brows soon relaxed again. He figured out the reason.

As far as he knew, refining fourth-level biological blood was not an easy task. It required the help of a fourth-level Xinhuo captain and took a long time. Presumably, the discounted 20 gold merits were the reward for the family elders to refine it.

After thinking it through, he nodded quickly.

Calculated in this way, this price is actually very reasonable. If it is placed in the outside world, let’s not talk about whether those fourth-level Xinhuo captains will directly swallow the fourth-level creature corpse. Even if they don’t do so, they will definitely ask for a high price. It is normal to directly ask for 50% of the value of the corpse itself.

[Ding, 80 gold merit points have been successfully credited to the account, and the current gold merit balance is 111 points. ]

Looking at the prompt from the quantum communication bracelet on his left wrist, Song Chi stepped onto the 50th floor of the Merit Building.

Song Chi stopped in front of a counter in the corner of the 50th floor.

Item name: Fourth-level floating land origin

Exchange restrictions: Second-level and above clansmen can exchange up to 3 strands every 5 years.

Exchange price: 2 gold merit points per strand

If he wants to strengthen the [Chicang’s No. 004 Cultivation Secret Realm] component in the future, the fourth-level floating land origin is indispensable. In addition, he also needs the law stone.

Unfortunately, he has already used up the quota of 5 law stones per year, and there are more than two months before the quota is refreshed in the new year.

However, Song Chi did not dwell on this. The solution was very simple. He had enough gold merit points anyway. He had already called his mother. When she came over, he would transfer the merit points to her and ask her to help him exchange 5. Soon, 6 gold merit points were deducted, and Song Chi successfully obtained 3 strands of the fourth-level floating land origin. After doing this, he did not rush to exchange for other things. While waiting for his mother to come, he was also carefully considering what resources he would need later. The third-level floating land origin is not needed for the time being. In the past five months, he used the spiritual machine synthesis table to obtain hundreds of strands of the third-level floating land origin, which should be enough for the time being, but there are only less than 300 titanium crystals, which is not enough. "It seems that there are still hundreds of them in the public account of Maizhong. I can only exchange some in Maizhong for emergency." In addition to the third-level floating land origin and titanium crystal, there is the void crystal, which is also the most troublesome point. [Chicang's No. 004 Cultivation Secret Realm] This thing is needed to strengthen the components. It is not easy to get this thing. Song Chi is still short of a lot of second-level and third-level void crystals.

Although he can go to the dark side of the void through the Zhutian Market to hunt void demons, it takes time. He doesn't think he can hunt such a number of second-level and third-level void demons in the next month.

After thinking for a long time, he finally had to set his sights on the family forum.

[High-price acquisition, gold merit points exchange for second-level and third-level void crystals! ! ]

After making a headline that is big enough, Song Chi gave his specific exchange price in the formal content below the post.

According to the normal market price, 1 point of gold merit ≈ 10 second-order void crystals, and 20 points of gold merit ≈ 10 third-order void crystals.

Therefore, the price given by Song Chi is also based on this, with a slight discount.

1 point of gold merit can be exchanged for 9 second-order void crystals.

20 points of gold merit can be exchanged for 9 third-level void crystals.

It's not that he dug it, but there are quite a lot of void crystals needed to cultivate the secret realm, and these golden merit points in his hands are already stretched thin.

I clicked to post the post to the forum, and spent 1 point of gold merit to activate the feature of keeping it on top for 1 hour. Mom over there has also arrived.

A few minutes later, Chen Lixia returned 95 points of gold merit back to Song Chi's account, along with 5 law stones.

After returning to Qingyue Manor, Song Chi immediately entered the market, and then controlled the Cangqiong to rush into the void outside, and began a second hunt for void demons.

His gold merit points were not picked up. If he could get more of them himself, he would waste less gold merit points on acquisitions.

The dark side of the star sea, the empty space.

It has been nearly twenty days since Song Chi returned from the Bailing Star Territory. During these days, he was not very lucky. He only encountered a team of dozens of void demons and harvested a second-order void crystal. Add dozens of zero-level and first-level void crystals.

Although a lot of them were redeemed on the family forum, after the [Chicang's No. 004 Cultivation Secret Realm] component was strengthened to lv30, the subsequent strengthening of this component came to a standstill. Third-order Void Crystals are still too rare. Basically no acquisitions.

His eyes swept over the radar map on the side, which clearly showed that there was a Void Shadow Killer Clan soldier tens of thousands of meters away in front of the Sky.

Song Chi turned a deaf ear to this and murmured softly.

"I hope we can attract enough void demons this time!"

Song Chi deliberately left a tracking mark on the demon team that he cleaned up not long ago, in order to actively attract the large number of void demon teams that were hard to find.

Time passed slowly, and soon more than ten hours passed. During this period, many void winds passed by. Fortunately, the Void Shadow Killer Clan soldiers were already level 40 and could move freely in this void wind.

In the Cangqiong, Song Chi's eyes narrowed slightly. Just when he thought no Void Demon would come in a short period of time, the sudden reminder on the radar chart next to him made him overjoyed.

"There are tens of thousands of void demons. Among them, the number of second-level void demons will not be less than a thousand, and there will be about a hundred third-level void demons. Very good!!"

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