Naruto's strongest cheating system

Chapter 414: Fighting Rock Ninja

"Huo Dun, head hard!"

The monstrous flames appeared directly towards the three Iwa Ninja Murakami Shinobi. The three Jōnin did not expect that Quan would have such a terrifying attack. There was a look of panic on their faces for a moment, but they still cast it immediately. Defensive ninjutsu.

"Tudun, Tuliubi!"

"Tudun, Tuliubi!"

"Tudun, Tuliubi!"

The three jounin chose the soil flow wall to defend, but facing the attack of Quan and just the soil flow wall obviously couldn't stop the attack of Quan.

"Earth escape, earth city wall!"

The A-level ninjutsu earthen wall appeared, and the thick earthen wall blocked Izumi's flames. Seeing this situation, Izumi also understood that these three jounin were not ordinary jounin.

"What exactly does Yanyin Village want to do? Could it be that it wants to be an enemy of my Ghost Village?" Quan said unhurriedly.

"You are Izumi Uchiha, right? It seems that the three of us have good luck, and finally we are waiting for you. This time, we will take your head to pay homage to the ninjas of Iwanin Village."

"Oh? Since when did I kill the ninjas in Iwanin Village?" Izumi asked with a puzzled expression.

"When? Izumi Uchiha, have you forgotten about the Snow Country?"

"So that's what you were talking about. I just killed a few dogs who didn't dare to admit their identities. What? Those dogs belonged to your Yanyin Village? Next time, remember to fasten the chains, no, already If there is no next time, you guys will also become corpses."

"Thunder Dun, false darkness!"

Quan's ninjutsu appeared in an instant. To deal with Earth Dun, the best ninjutsu is naturally Thunder Dun, and False Darkness is obviously a good choice. On the one hand, False Darkness itself is a very powerful ninjutsu. The attack range is quite wide.

Seeing Izumi's attack coming, the three jounin once again cast A-level ninjutsu earthen walls. Although the attributes are restrained, and Izumi's pseudo-darkness is also very powerful, but facing the opponent's three A-level ninjutsu Izumi's pseudo-darkness After all, it was blocked.

Just as Quan was fighting the opponent's Jonin, the Chunin of Yanyin Village also fired a signal flare, obviously the opponent was calling for support. Seeing this scene, Quan immediately opened his mouth.

"Youji, Fengjian, and Huaying immediately left with their employers. Their goal is me, and you don't need to worry about me."

"Mr. Izumi, didn't you teach us not to give up our companions? Why did you let us leave at this time." Not only did Someya Yuki not leave, but he came to Izumi's side, and his hands quickly followed each other.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The fireball rushed directly to Iwanin, but the opponent easily dodged Yuki's attack. Seeing this, Yuji wanted to continue attacking, but he didn't want Quan to grab his collar and throw him behind him.

"It's not that you abandon your companions, but that you are here to influence my performance." Quan said while throwing Youji out.

Hearing Izumi's words, Someya Yuki was extremely embarrassed, and hastily joined his companions and retreated towards Ghost Village. Seeing Someya Yuki and the others leave Izumi, they were ready to let go and fight, but at this moment, Hinata's voice suddenly sounded in Izumi's mind.

"Izumi-kun, the ninjas of Yanren Village are attacking us, I just stopped their attack."

"What? Hinata, are you in danger?" Izumi was extremely annoyed when he heard that Hinata was also attacked. Onogi's plan to attack him was acceptable to Izumi, but Onogi dared to attack Hinata, so Izumi had to talk to Onogi Said.

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