"Underground labyrinth?" Luo Yuxi frowned, and some did not quite understand the meaning of empty Chen.

"The underground of Jinglan Ancient Lake has criss-crossed complex channels. We suspect that it was a network of underground water systems in ancient times, much like a maze!" Kong Chen explained.

"What's wrong? Is there anything unusual in this maze?" Luo Yuxi asked.

"The environment in this maze is weird. Nothing can release light in it. Even our monks in the early infancy can hardly see things in it. The deeper they are, the more so!"

"And the spells are almost impossible to use inside, as long as we try to use spiritual power, we will be directly disturbed by a weird power!"

The crowd looked at each other for a while, this was the first time they had heard of such a weird place.

"What's in this maze?" Luo Yuxi asked after a while.

[Xiao] must have found something, and then entered the underground maze. Otherwise, Luo Yuxi knew that [Xiao] 's eyes should be the same as hers, and she would not branch out until she found the soul and blood.

"Let's put it this way, all the elixir locations indicated in the information we currently have are the entrance to this maze!" Kong Chen Danmo said.


Everyone's complexion has changed. If the empty statement is true, it means that a lot of precious herbs discovered this time are inextricably linked to this underground maze.

"But in all the information, no one mentioned the underground passage where the elixir was found, and no labyrinth?" Luo Shaobo frowned slightly.

Before they came, they did a lot of preparation work. Needless to say, the information they bought from Dayin Lou need not be said. Each of them also has his own private intelligence network. The most detailed and almost all the things they need, how can you not find an obvious passage like the underground maze.

"The exit of the underground maze is not exposed to the outside, but is about a kilometer below the ground, and it often changes, which is why the location of the elixir in the ancient lake of Jinglan is not fixed." Said Kuang Chenmomo.

"Then you came here through the underground maze too?" Luo Yuxi had roughly guessed the whole thing.

"Yes, the other deities and I were scattered in the underground labyrinth. When I found the exit, when I came to the ground, I had come here from the area of ​​the Inner Lake, and the passage collapsed immediately after I came out. . "Kong Chen said.

Everyone was silent. They were thinking about how credible the information that Kong Chen had just provided and how much could be used by them.

They had made plans before, but now, this plan must be invalidated.

"What are you going to do next?" Luo Yuxi asked.

"I'm looking for the entrance to the underground maze. Once I find it, I will enter it again!" Kong Chen said coldly and firmly.

If he hadn't encountered the bone butterfly in this place, he would have found the entrance to the underground labyrinth. Now the other members of [Xiao] are trapped in it and they don't know whether to die or not.

"By the way, isn't there a Nandou among your [Xiao] members, he is a bright attribute, can't it illuminate the surrounding environment in the underground maze?" Chen Feiyu asked suddenly.

"No!" Kong Chen shook his head.

The crowd fell into silence again.

They know the uncomfortableness of losing sight. At this moment, they are in the mist of death. Even if they can roughly see the environment of 100 meters, everyone still feels extremely depressed and their minds are affected. If they enter the underground maze, Completely lost vision, and even spells are unavailable. In such an environment, none of them dare to say that they can retreat from the whole body.

"I'm going to the underground maze with you!" Long Yu said, Luo Yuxi.

"Master, no! As a Luohe goddess, you must not go to such a dangerous place!" Chen Feiyu changed his face and said quickly.

Others immediately began to dissuade Luo Yuxi. On this trip, they came out of Luohe Qizi. If Luo Yuxi had a length of three and two shorts, how could they go back to see Luo Tian.

"I'm determined, you don't need to say any more!" Luo Yuxi said coldly, no one can change what she decided.

The bone butterfly in the sky is still circling, there is no meaning to leave.

After half an hour, the crowd left again. This time, their goals were clear. Together with Kong Chen, they searched for the entrance to the underground maze.

Although dangerous, the seventh son of Luohe is not an ordinary monk. For them, the danger must be considered, but the benefits are sometimes important.

At least, they also had to go into the mysterious underground maze to take a look.

With the joining of Nuo Chen, everyone was moving more than twice as fast. His red cherry industry fire combined with Luo Yuxi's Luohe Shenshui, and the two shot almost all the bone and butterfly attacks and even made them After attacking several times, they gave up the crowd directly and left in a circle.

This ancient creature that lived in Jinglan Ancient Lake was originally the enemy of all monks who entered here, but this time, they also encountered difficult bones and had to give up.

"Are there any precious herbs near here in the information you gathered?" Korchen asked.

[Xiao] Basically all the attention has been paid to the soul and blood, and they have not paid much attention to other elixir, especially the indifferent killer like Kong Chen, who has little interest in intelligence.

"Yes, according to our speed, there is a kind of elixir called Xinlancao about 50 kilometers away from here, but it is not very precious!" Said Fang Jin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ OK, then we will Take a look at that place! Empty Chen nodded.

Eight people went straight to the place Fang Jin said and rushed past. It didn't take long for the location mentioned in the information to have appeared, however, there was no recorded Xinlancao.

"This ... this is exactly what my intelligence said ..." Fang Jin said awkwardly.

"Let's look around, maybe it's nearby! Lian Yifan, Liu Yong, you two can protect your feathers!" Luo Yuxi urged.

"Understand!" The two said in unison.

Immediately, the other five were scattered apart, and the protective body was exhibited, and they disappeared into the mist of death. Lian Yifan and Liu Yong stayed in the environment created by Lin Chuan with ice attributes. Protecting themselves.

Probably in the time of fragrant incense, the violent spiritual power came over. From the direction of departure, this direction was exactly where Luo Shaobo went.

"What's going on?" The three people who stayed there all changed their faces. Before they could react, a lot of cherry blossom petals fluttered through the sky, and the dead gray mist rolled wildly.

"Follow!" Kong Chen's indifferent voice came, the trench coat of the red cloud on the black background flashed away, and disappeared directly into the mist of death.

In other directions, everyone rushed in that direction at the first time. On the way, Luo Yuxi deliberately came over and brought the three Linchuans, but when they came to the position where the spiritual power broke out, they did not see a person. .

And on the ground, a huge and unpredictable cave stood there quietly, like a mouthful of blood from an ancient beast, to devour everything into the ancient lake of Jinglan.

Thanks for teasing Afei 100 books, [Nirvana] 100 books for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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