“It’s amazing, Mr. Ye has defeated.”

In the middle of the grass, after exiting the slide body, Loquat Shizang couldn’t help but amazed.

“He has always been unable to explore the law, and this thing is reasonable to happen to him!”

Uchiha Itachi was caught off guard by Uchiha Ye’s rebellion.

Followed by worry!

Worried that Uchiha leaves will be bad for wood leaf.

When Uchihaye was still in the “Xiao” organization, he could also monitor Uchihaye to prevent him from chaos.

But now it is out of ‘Xiao’, Uchiha Ye is like a tiger and can no longer be restrained.

He believes that with the head of Uchiha Ye, he can’t guess who the leader behind the “Night of the Extinction”.

Because of this, Uchiha leaves have a great probability that they will revenge from the senior officials.

In that case, he promised Uchiha’s promise to stop water to protect the wood leaves. How can he fulfill it?

At that time, in case his “stupid brother” was also accidentally injured, how could he explain to his late parents?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel messy.

But what he can do now is to quickly send a message to Muye, inform them, so that they are prepared.

In addition, it is to see if this time can show Uchiha Ye’s ‘do n’t heaven’, rewrite his will, and make him a secret guardian of the wood leaf.

At this moment, the border of the country!

“I didn’t expect to play with Brother Ye’s command, and I was happy to play in Wuyin Village. Now I will turn my head to chase him.”

While making enough clay, Didala read: “Brother Ye, I’m sorry.

“Let me send you off with the most dazzling art. After all, the beauty of instant beauty is the real art!”

Compared with Uchi Weachi’s concerns, Didala’s excitement, the scorpion of Chisha is reading a letter at this moment.

From Uchiha Ye!

[Suddenly leaving still look for forgiveness.My ambition is not here, so I leave to find a place that is more suitable for me]

[I will establish a ninja village in the country of Tian. If Brother Scorpion intends to come, I will wait for you to arrive]


[Finally, I think eternal art has more appreciation value]


After a few minutes, read it!

The scorpion of Chisha burned this letter and whispered: “Create Ninja Village? Interesting!”

“Ye, let me see if you have the volume of the village!”

To put it, stroke a roll of ‘Hundred’ Spring on the table: “I wo n’t be merciless!”


The news of Uchiha Ye left, naturally did not leak out.

But at this moment, the ninja world is surging, and the situation has changed!

Two days ago!

With the support of Lei Ying, the Four Generations of Yunyin Village, Wuyin Village is on, and the double -blood succession limits the ninja -according to the position of the “Five Dynasties Water Shadow” according to Meimei, and announced the formal establishment of alliances with Yunyin Village to implement an open policyEssence

one day ago!

Lei Ying, Shui Ying fell to Muye Village at the same time to account for the damage caused by Muye Uchihalk, Uchihaye Yeye to Wuyin Village.

The three generations of Naruto Muye Village apologized to two ‘shadows’.

He also agreed that Lei, water, two ‘shadows’ country to pressure the rain, to account for the conditions of Yurn Village.

And today!

The four generations of Lei Ying officially issued the ‘Five Shadow Talks’, which was summoned in the country of Fire to discuss the attitude towards ‘Xiao’.

It is to grow up and finally become a scourge!

Still attach positive attention and restrict it!

However, the news that the “Five Shadow Talks” is about to be held, but the country of rain was immediately fell into panic.

This is the first time that the five major ninja villages have stood together to target a certain ninja village.

The war is likely to come in Yun Village.

If the war is coming, Yu Ningcun, the country of rain will be completely history, and there will be no place to turn around!

After all, Mo should say that the country of rain is not good!

It is the crisis of any of the five major powers, and it is impossible to bear this crisis.

The union of the five major ninja villages means that the ninja is invincible.

No power can fight against it.

But things did not end like this!

The panic of the country of Yu and Yu Ningcun soon became more turbulent and uneasy as another thing came.

While Lei Ying issued the ‘Five Shadow Conferences’, another news spread in the ninja.

It is rumored that somewhere in the country of Yu has an employment organization called ‘Xiao’.

This ‘organization’ arresting three tails is precisely because of this incident that provokes the crisis of the country of rain and Yu Ningcun today.


The road in front of the country of Yu and Yu Ningcun is now obvious.

If you don’t want to be coming to the war, if you don’t have to keep your life, you must quickly let this “Xiao” surrender the tail beast.

“This damn” Xiao “actually attracted this disaster for our Yurn Village! Never spare them!”

“That’s right! I didn’t know there was such an evil organization before, but now that I know it, how can they tolerate them to continue to survive in the country of Rain!”

“Go, go to the building of God, I believe‘ God ’would never tolerate this damn organization!”

The residents of Yu Ningcun couldn’t sit still after hearing the news.

Immediately, he ran to the building of God, asking the guardians of their village to see the guardians of their village.

And begging the ‘God’ to expel this ‘Xiao’ and guard the tranquility of Yu Jie Village.

“It’s troublesome!”

When Payne of the ‘God’ obtained the news, Xiao Nan, ‘Angel’ on him, could n’t help frowning: “How can we do it ourselves?”

“If the tail beast is handed in, then the effort of our time is in vain.”

“But if we do not take action and do not give the people an explanation, they will definitely not give up! If they let them know that we are behind the scenes of‘ Xiao ’, we will also be in an extremely passive situation.”

She couldn’t help gritting her teeth: “The five shadows are so cruel!”

Don’t have a conspiracy at all!

The light and positive Yangmou is quite effective.

“How the five shadows have been determined that‘ Xiao ’is related to Yuri Village.

“But their means is so fierce that this kind of thing should have been expected. After all, this is the controller of the five major ninja villages and the five giants in the ninja world.

Tiandao Payne said: “But now the more important thing is obviously to appease the people first, and then delay the time as much as possible to wipe out the traces of the” Xiao “in the” House of God “, so as not to reveal the flawsCaptured by the five major ninja villages! ”

He looked at the gloomy sky, and his voice calm: “If they are united, the arrest of the tail beast will be much more difficult. This is not what we are willing to see.”

The words of heaven Payne, Xiaonan nodded: “Okay, that’s it!”

After that, I went to execute.

And the controller behind the Tiandao Payne, the long door clenched the fist coldly, and said coldly: “Five major ninja villages, today’s shame, you need to pay it several times in the future!”

He thinks ‘God’!

And how can the ‘God’ be so embarrassed?

… …

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