Naruto Time Control

Chapter 766 Chaos's End

Spirit world.

Feng Ye came back here.

After a period of adaptation, Feng Ye has completely mastered the power of Hundred Stars. Now it can be said that even without the illusory clock, the status between him and Chaos has been completely exchanged.


Feng Ye, who had returned to this place, looked at Chaos who was frozen in time, and waved his hand flatly to release the stillness of time.

"Cosmic level... You actually have a cosmic level treasure..."

At the moment when Chaos recovered from the stillness of time, there was still a trace of shock on his face, and his memory still stayed at the moment before it was frozen.

Without any hesitation, as soon as he recovered from the stillness of time, he stimulated his power and wanted to escape from Feng Ye.


This time, Feng Ye just waved his hand, and a terrifying and vast force swept out, and it directly grabbed him, making him completely unable to escape.

"How can your power become so much stronger, no... I'm getting weaker, damn it! You stopped time... Stealing my power... ah ah ah!!"

Chaos first showed a hint of shock, and then let out an unacceptable roar, as if he was going to fight Feng Ye desperately, and burst out his remaining strength in one go.

Feng Ye's expression here is extremely flat, and with a simple wave of his hand, the power of a hundred stars burst out, directly suppressing all the power inspired by Chaos.


As if a large black hole swallowed a small black hole, the dim light wrapped around the dim light for a while, and then forcibly swallowed all the remaining power of Chaos.

After completely swallowing the power of Chaos, Feng Ye let out a sigh of relief, burping as if he was full, then bent his fingers and pointed to the void in front of him.


The space suddenly shattered layer by layer.

Behind the broken space layer, a faint streamer was seen frantically fleeing into the depths of the universe, which was the remaining will of Chaos.

As a monster that has survived for countless years, Chaos is naturally very decisive. After confirming that it is impossible for him to reverse the situation, he simply gave up all his power and fled to the depths of the universe.

As long as he is given time, he can completely cultivate slowly, regain his power little by little, swallow the energy and stars in the universe, and recover again.

But unfortunately.

Feng Ye, who has an illusory clock, can almost clearly see the past and the future when the state is fully open. He has the power of omniscience and omnipotence, and Chaos's actions cannot escape his eyes at all.

"Do not!!"

Watching Feng Yeyi pointing to break the void, the mighty force ripped apart the void at once, forming layers of terrifying ripples that invaded the past, and Chaos let out an unwilling roar.


The layers of space were folded and shattered, and Chaos was involved in it, crushing it all at once, pressing it from a three-dimensional plane into a plane, completely obliterating and disappearing.

The power of Hundred Stars is no trivial matter. The range of space that can be collapsed is extremely large. Within a certain area, it is possible to manipulate the space almost arbitrarily, including transforming the space into a plane, and then pulling the plane back.


Lilith stood next to Feng Ye, staring at the back of the layers of destruction space, and spoke calmly with a very clear voice.

Not far away, the gods of the fairy tail world, such as Anku Salam and the God of Time, almost all knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to get up at all.

"Yeah, it's over."

Feng Ye nodded slightly, then looked at the world bubbles behind him, laughed helplessly, and said, "Liana really...played a little too far."

Liana, who had followed him into a certain parallel world from the very beginning, acted as a troublemaker there, messed up the world, and played a lot of tricks.

As for analyzing the power system in these worlds, she did it, but she didn't do it too seriously at all. She was almost playing it. This time, she played enough.

"Do you want me to go get her back?"

Lilith suggested from the side: "My father should imprison her for a while. I don't think she will be of great help to my father."

"Don't go over there."

Feng Ye looked at Lilith and laughed helplessly. If Lilith went to catch Liana again, the two of them would fight, and they would have to toss the whole world.

After that, it is estimated that there will be two legends left in that world. It is said that in the ancient times, a goddess and a witch were born, fighting for their faith, and the world was torn apart...

Just a world.

Feng Ye doesn't actually care much, Liana is not the type of cruel tyrant, and even if it is, it doesn't matter. For today's Feng Ye's level, the so-called good and evil in the definition of human beings have no meaning at all.

Because in a single thought, the world can collapse, and in a single thought, the world can be completely restored to its original state, and no one can even notice what has happened.

This is no longer the difference between humans and ants.

And like the difference between a programmer and a game, a programmer can easily destroy all the worlds in the game, and can also arbitrarily create various settings or restore the original state. For him, of course the world is how to create it. , there will be no such concept of good and evil.

"Aren't your father going to leave here?"

Lilith tilted her head when she heard Feng Ye's words.

Feng Ye smiled casually and said, "It makes no difference to me if I leave. I can wrap all these worlds into my body, and I can also travel with these worlds together."

After the power of the Unreal Clock is increased, the changes brought about by it are too great. In addition to his ability to retrograde in the long river of time, there will no longer be the limitation of not being able to carry other people to travel through the long river of time, as long as it is what he can absorb. Anything, he can carry.

"Then Father's plan is..."

Lilith stood there with a dull look, she already had a guess.

Feng Ye looked at her with a slight smile and said, "Didn't you already guess it, yes, I plan to take these worlds with me... But so many parallel worlds are not necessary, just carry the main world and a few. Now, there is no problem in the world of death."

As his voice fell, he reached out and grabbed lightly, and the sphere belonging to the main world of Fairy Tail flew over silently and landed on top of his palm.

It looks like a crystal clear glass ball, from which you can see the world floating in the glass ball.

A world ball like this, before he could not capture it so easily without causing any damage, but now he has been able to do it easily.

"But before that, let's rest for a while."

Feng Ye held the world ball in his hand, and there was a deep light in his eyes, and said: "Let's go Lilith, you don't need to stay here, come with me, go to this world where I have stayed for hundreds of years. ."

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