Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 91 - Reincarnated again

Mo Nan planned to have a good relationship with Dashewan, and then find a chance to get information about the primary cells from him, and then try to steal some from him to cultivate by himself.

But during this period of time, according to Mo Nan's observations, Da She Wan had no intention of telling Mo Nan about his experiments.

Da She Wan must have regarded the cells of the first generation very importantly. It is estimated that he will not tell Mo Nan anything about his experiments until Mo Nan becomes a person he can truly trust.

That being the case, Mo Nan didn't plan to spend any more effort on him.

The cells of the first generation could also think of ways from other places, but being involved too deeply with Dashewan was not good for his reputation, so Mo Nan began to gradually alienate Dashewan.

Originally planned to abandon the Dashe Wan line, but after seeing Yao Shi's pocket, Mo Nan saw a new opportunity.

After he alienated Oshemaru, he will definitely try to find a new target, and the pocket of his right-hand man in this original book must be his best choice.

In other words, it is still possible for Dou to become an assistant or even a disciple of Oshemaru as in the original work.

Mo Nan's two kaleidoscope pupil techniques have not been used yet, and he has not found a chance for more than a year.

Everyone in the village is his own, he can't do anything, right? I didn't encounter any good ones on the battlefield, and he was worthy of the enemy who allowed him to use these two tricks.

If Mo Nan used the formless reincarnation to turn Dou Du into his clone, he could use Dou's identity to become a disciple of Da She Wan again.

And no one knows about the relationship between Tou and Uchiha Nan. His identity as Uchiha Nan can continue to be in the bright place, pretending to be tall and stalwart, united and friendly.

And the identity of the pharmacist can also be done in the dark to complete the things that are not convenient for him as Uchiha Nan.

In fact, Mo Nan had always had a certain plan about how to use the two pupil techniques of his kaleidoscope.

First of all, it seems that the ability to absorb this is very powerful. It can allow Mo Nan himself to quickly acquire a strong power at an unreasonable speed. This trick must be used on the strong with special abilities.

The first time I used it on Uchiha Hua who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel, there is no problem at all.If it is used again, Mo Nan plans to use it on a person who is at least a shadow-level ninja and has a powerful chakra to make up for his current shortcoming of insufficient chakra.

However, implanting this ability does not seem to be as powerful as absorption, and it cannot quickly increase Mo Nan's strength.

But in fact, this trick is also very useful. Mo Nan's strength has improved very quickly, and basically no other companions can catch up with him, so Mo Nan has been fighting alone since he has been in the Ninja world for so long.

There is no perfect ninja, everyone has shortcomings or advantages in their abilities, so ninjas all act in teams.

At present, the enemies that Mo Nan needs to face are few and not strong, so with his extraordinary strength, he has always dealt with quite easily.

But when facing a truly powerful opponent in the future, Mo Nan alone might be too powerful.

The water in the Ninja World is deep, Uchiha Madara and Kurozu hidden in the dark, and the future Otsuki clan.

Even if you don't know that it has not yet become a shell organization, it may become Mo Nan's opponent in the future.

Even the current Ninja world has many unsolved mysteries.

For example, the immortality of the Cthulhu, the ghoul with the ability to seal the soul, and the walking horse that can erase the memory of others in the blogger's biography, have already existed in this world.

If you want to know more secrets of the Shinobi world, and want to live more securely in the Shinobi world or even make some changes, it is definitely not enough to wipe Mo Nan's hands.

Mo Nan couldn't believe in others. People with brains in the Ninja World had ideas, and they were unlikely to follow Mo Nan's will completely.

Those who are particularly honest and accustomed to following others do not have the strength and reliable mind to satisfy Mo Nan.

Implanting this ability into Phaseless Reincarnation can create more trustworthy helpers for Mo Nan.

Those already famous ninjas Mo Nan didn't think about it. Although turning them into clones can quickly have a powerful clone, their potential has been almost exhausted, and it will be difficult to make progress in the future.

If Mo Nan relies on the ability of foresight to find young people who have great potentials that have not yet been developed, and then implant his own consciousness, Mo Nan can even make them more successful than in the original book.(Read more @ Yao Shidou does not have any special ancestry, he has become an elite Shangnin at the age of 20, and his strength is close to Kakashi's existence.

And in the future, after learning Xianshu, he will be playing with two pairs of kaleidoscopes alone.

If it wasn't for itachi to use an eye as a price to launch the forbidden technique Izanami, it would be hard to say no one would kill him.

This shows that the potential of the pharmacist pocket is very large, and Mo Nan can not only transfer his will after the reincarnation of the pharmacist pocket.

You can also transfer some of your less-needed abilities, so that the pharmacist will have greater potential in this body.

And after learning something with Da She Wan as a pharmacist, he added the skills of Menan's own previous life.

Mo Nan was able to collect the DNA of some outstanding ninjas in the Ninja world with his own ability, and was thinking of a way to create a stronger clone for himself through scientific methods, without the need to reincarnate other people's bodies.

Although this may be a bit sorry for the pharmacist, but thinking about the future of the whole life is a tragedy.

First, he was forced to become a spy, then he was forced to kill his adoptive mother, and finally he was fooled by Oshomaru, who didn’t even know who he was.

Mo Nan's solution here in advance also ended all these tragedies ahead of time, and the crimes he committed in the future will not be committed again. This is a great thing for doing good and accumulating virtue.

Nodding silently, this matter has a lot to do.

Mo Nan talked with Ye Naiyu again, and the two people encountered special cases after they separated. These were conversations between doctors. Da She Wan didn't understand it and left by himself.

During this period, Mo Nan quietly left the mark of Fei Lei Shen on the medicine master pocket.

It didn't take long for Mo Nan to bid farewell to Ye Naiyu, waiting to start quietly when everyone was sleeping at night.

When it was night, the sky was a bit dark today, and the moon was blocked by dark clouds, and the visibility was very small. That was exactly what he said:

‘The moon is black and the wind is high... the night of rebirth. ’During the day, Mo Nan found out where Dou lived. He lived in Ye Naiyu's tent with a few adopted children.

Mo Nan opened the kaleidoscope and sent a phantom to sneak into Ye Naiyu's tent.

Ye Naiyu and the children were asleep, and they slept deeply without any awareness of the arrival of the phantom.

Although No Naoyu is an excellent medical ninja and spy, he is not a very powerful ninja. In the original book, she was killed by a pocket at a young age.

Mo Nan didn't worry about the impact on her plan if she suddenly woke up.

The big deal is to knock her down by an illusion before she reacts. Anyway, no one will notice what they have done afterwards, and this matter will disappear after a long time.

After stepping on the phantom body, Mo Nan teleported to Duo with Fei Lei Shen, and Duo was still deep asleep at this time.

Ye Naiyu and these adopted children didn't wake up, and Mo Nan didn't need extra effort to subdue them.

He had never used implantation on humans before, and Mo Nan didn't know what it would look like when activated.

He gently opened his pocket's eyelids, while his other hand was ready to cover the pocket's mouth at any time to prevent him from yelling due to pain.

Mo Nan stared at his eyes and let out a low voice: "No Phase Reincarnations"

The kaleidoscope pattern in Mo Nan's eyes began to spin rapidly, and at the same time he shed blood and tears.

Mo Nan felt his consciousness split in two instantly, half of which followed his gaze into the pocket's eyes.

Mo Nan's expectation was that the movement of the phaseless reincarnation implantation was so small when it was launched.

It may also be because the pocket itself has lost the previous memories, there are fewer new memories, and the resistance in the subconscious is very slight.

There was no pain that Mo Nan had imagined, but the pocket just frowned slightly and soon relaxed again.

After a while, the pocket opened his eyes, and a pair of three-gou jade writing round eyes appeared in his eyes.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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