Mo Nan didn't know that Sha Yin had noticed him now. After he had rested for a few days, the third generation finally arranged a new task for him. After a few days, the antidote has been successfully prepared, and it has been distributed to various camps one after another.

The Konoha ninjas carry the antidote with them, and are no longer afraid of Sayin's poison. As long as the antidote is taken immediately after the injury, the toxin can be removed before the poison occurs. Those who had already been poisoned in the first place recovered quickly with the help of the antidote.

Therefore, the medical ninjas who were transferred from the rear camp to the front line support have also returned to their posts one after another, and Mo Nan no longer needs to go to the front line.

The three generations originally wanted to arrange for Mo Nan to return to the rear headquarters as before. He always did not want the young Mo Nan to experience too many cruel wars and killings.

But who knows that Mo Nan said boldly: "It is my long-cherished wish to shed blood and sacrifice for the village, and I also ask Master Naruto to let me go to the front line. I have become accustomed to the tense atmosphere of the front line, and it makes me feel passionate. I feel really alive, where I can make more contributions to the village."

Moreover, Mo Nan felt that his current strength was already an elite endurance, and he should not return to the original Oshe Maru team, but should lead his new team to perform tasks.

Three generations originally wanted to dissuade him, but Mo Nan insisted that he must return to the front line. Of course, he was not trying to protect the village. After Konoha had no shortage of manpower, Dashemaru and Adzuki, who had been performing tasks on the front line, returned to the rear command center as well as Haifeng.

Mo Nan was going back at this time, and fell into the hands of Da She Wan again, which he was very unwilling to do.

Originally, he wanted to say that he obtained the scroll of Dragon Didong and the cells of the first generation from Dashe Maru, but at this moment, Mo Nan has obtained the psychic scroll of Wet Bone Forest from Tsunade. Mo Nan didn't care about any powerful psychic beasts, he just wanted to learn immortality, and he didn't value the scrolls of Longdidong so much.In addition, it must not be a simple matter to obtain the first generation cells from Dashewan. It is estimated that it must be participated in his illegal experiments to really gain his trust. This is also very inconsistent with Mo Nan's insistence on maintaining. Of people.

Therefore, the matter of the first generation cells still needs to be considered for a long time. In this case, Mo Nan has no reason to return to the dangerous person in Dashemaru. Now it is natural to stay as far away as possible.

Since Mo Nan insisted on staying on the frontline battlefield and the three generations also thought of Mo Nan's ability to solve the elite Shangren, it was indeed a good decision to let Mo Nan stay on the frontline battlefield.

As long as he doesn't touch a shadow-level ninja, Mo Nan is definitely safe. And the shadow-level ninjas are not so easy to meet, and there are only a few Shayin, even if they make a move, they only need to let the Oshemaru go out.

Three generations thought about it and agreed to Mo Nan's request to participate in the task on the front line, and promised to arrange a new team for him. He is now especially qualified to lead his team.

However, Mo Nan is still inexperienced after all, and he can't worry about handing over the team to him for three generations. It is best to arrange for Mo Nan with a strong and experienced player to ensure his safety. After careful consideration, the three generations suddenly thought of someone who is very suitable to be a member of Mo Nan's team.

After Mo Nan got the consent of the three generations, he went home with joy and waited. I don't know what kind of players the third generation will arrange for him, Mo Nan is quite looking forward to it.

When Mo Nan went to the Hokage office again on the second day, he found that there was a middle-aged uncle with a ponytail standing beside the third generation. Is this guy the team member arranged for him by the three generations? Mo Ran had a guess in his heart.

Sure enough, he followed the three generations and said to him: "Nan, this is the first member of your team. He is called Maruxing Kosuke. Let's get to know you two."(Read more @ Nan and Gu Jie exchanged greetings with each other. Mo Nan remembers Gu Jie as a character who appeared in the original anime series and theatrical version. Although only a ninjutsu, he is actually good at illusion, swordsmanship, and the water escape ninjutsu personally guided by the second generation, and his abilities are quite comprehensive.

The true strength and ability is considered to be the best in Shangren, but because it seems that he made some mistakes when he was young in the past, he self-punished, and he has been reluctant to become Shangren.

His Shui Dun seems to have a great opportunity to ask him for advice.

After seeing the two greet the three generations, they introduced to Mo Nan: "Don't think that Gusuke is just a forbearance, but he is a very reliable person. I believe you two will cooperate very well."

Then the three generations said to Kosuke, "This is Uchiha Nan, don't look at his young age, I have promoted him to a special ninja before. Not only a genius medical ninja, but also quite powerful, if not for him He is too young now, and I want to promote him to a formal Shinobu."

The three generations of Kosuke nodded, and then said to Mo Nan: "I've heard of Uchiha Nan's name a long time ago. I heard that you have made great contributions to the battlefield of the Wind Kingdom by virtue of medical ninjutsu, so please do so in the future. Advised."

Mo Nan also hurriedly said humblely: "Where is Gu Jie, as a junior, I don't have enough experience. There must be a lot to learn from your seniors. Please give me more advice in the future."

The two had a good impression of facing each other for the first time. Mo Nan turned around and asked three generations: "Master Naruto, the team should have 4 people, don't you know who my other two players are? Why didn't I see them? "

"Your other two players are your former teammates Adzuki and Hayate. They are still on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind. I have sent someone to notify the Oshe Maru. You can join them after you go back."The three members of Mo Nan's team have been carefully considered for three generations. The first is Hongdou and Haifeng. They were originally Mo Nan's teammates. In fact, Dashemaru doesn't really need red beans and Hayate, so letting them regroup is tantamount to reducing the running-in period between new team members.

Then there is Gu Jie, his strength is very clear for three generations. Although it is not an elite ninja, its survivability and strength should not be underestimated. Three generations have long wanted to promote Gusuke to the official Shangren, but Gusuke is still immersed in the guilt of some past things and refuses to upgrade, and still retains the name of Xiaren.

Gu Jie can just make up for Mo Nan's lack of experience. He has strong survivability and can better protect Mo Nan's safety.

The most important thing is that Gusuke, who has served as the second-generation Naruto Guardian, has a very firm will to fire, and has always been a good comrade who does the work of Shinobu and holds the money. Although he is a member of Mo Nan, after all, Mo Nan is still young and will definitely be taken care of by Gu Jie in his mission and life.

I believe that under the infection of Gu Jie, Mo Nan will definitely understand the meaning of the will of fire deeply, and the long-term ears and eyes can be more effective than the occasional few words.

Three generations nodded with satisfaction for their perfect succession training plan of Will of Fire.

Hearing that the three generations arranged Hongdou and Haifeng as their new team members, Mo Nan was also very satisfied. Originally, the three of them got along well when they were in the headquarters, but he was anxious to flee the Oshe Maru when the three were separated. When he went to the front, he was a little bit reluctant to red beans and them.

The most important thing is that for the same reason as before, Mo Nan is afraid that the three generations will arrange for him two dragon mates that are not in the original work, and they will encounter the law that the unnamed dragon will die quickly, which will bring some extra troubles to Mo Nan. .

After Mo Nan thanked him for his trust for three generations, he set off with Gusuke to the Battle of the Kingdom of Wind. After meeting with Red Bean Hayate, they could officially start their mission.

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