Watanabe's eyes were full of incredulity. He had planned to use this shield to block Mo Nan for a moment, and then retreat to the back of the puppet in time. Unexpectedly, Mo Nan's technique was so powerful that he broke through the puppet shield and caused fatal damage to him.

Mo Nan watched Watanabe's mouth suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and slowly fell down with unwillingness in his eyes. At this moment, his heart was also mixed.

So far, he has killed 7 people. When he just graduated from medical school in his previous life, he swore that he would never harm any life in any way.

He didn't think too much when he was emotionally fierce during the battle. At this moment, when the battle was over, he realized that he had violated his original oath.

But he didn't touch too much, the vows of the previous life had nothing to do with this life, and he didn't feel guilty about it because the war was originally a life and death.

Mo Nan placed Watanabe's corpse with the corpse of Kamininho that he had killed just now, and reunited them with his father and son, which was regarded as completing what he had promised Watanabe before. Mo Nan couldn't help sighing, he was really a kind person.

At this moment, Mo Nan remembered that the eight people who had chased him and one person was still alive. He glanced at the sentient being hypnotized by himself with illusion skills. He was still immersed in the illusion, maintaining a demented appearance and did not wake up.

This sand ninja looked like he was about 10 years old, and he should have just graduated from ninja school. A child who was this old in his previous life just went to elementary school and didn't know anything, but in this world he was sent to carry out such a cruel task as hunting and assassination.Mo Nan didn't kill him in the end, it wasn't that Mo Nan kindly spared his life on purpose. But Mo Nan believed that this person had no threat to him, and that there was no need to kill him.

Moreover, his record is too amazing, killing the combination of two upper and six middle and lower ninjas is definitely not what ordinary people can do.

If he kills everyone, everyone will have a lot of speculation about this battle, maybe a few caring people will guess where the kaleidoscope is written.

In this battle, Mo Nan didn't show anything that he didn't want to be known by others. At this moment, he was left alive, and he also hoped that he could spread the actual process of the battle.

With his confession, no one would guess everything and it became reasonable. Everyone would only sigh Mo Nan's talent and meticulous thinking, instead of thinking about the other hidden abilities of Mo Nan.

The whole battle was basically carried out according to Mo Nan's plan. He almost killed 6 people by sneak attack, except for the group of the two Watanabe, because the relationship between the perception ninja was discovered by them in advance. Obviously, after spending some hands and feet, even the other Shangren group did not cause much hindrance to Mo Nan.

This time, Mo Nan used almost all the ninjutsu he used in regular battles, including the 4-series attribute escape techniques he mastered, the techniques he learned from Oshemaru and Tsunade, and the ninjutsu he developed, even ordinary writing. Lunyan's illusion is used.

At the end of the battle, Mo Nan found that he was unscathed. Except for the last elite puppet master, none of them even touched his side.

In addition to the hand that had just used the Thousand Birds Monster Power Fist at the same time, Mo Nan was slightly swollen and painful because of the heavy burden he had to bear, and only the clothes on his body were stained with blood and dust that concealed a few people. It's crumpled.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)The chakra, who was empty in his body, had just unsealed the chakra stored in the technique of Yin Seal, and it became more abundant than ever before. The Chidori Power Fist he used after unlocking the seal did not consume too much chakra, but Mo Nan felt that the remaining chakras were dispersing bit by bit.

Chakras will disperse soon after they are made. The chakras trained by ninjas essentially improve the body's ability to make chakras, instead of accumulating large amounts of chakras in the body. Chakra exists like a muscle, which can be enlarged through training but not more.

Based on the principle of not wasting, Mo Nan hurriedly re-stamped the seal of the Yin Seal and collected the chakras that had not yet been scattered.

After the battle, Mo Nan saw the corpses all over the floor, and wondered if he should collect the spoils, especially the 4 puppets used by the last elite ninja puppet master, which looked like good things.

Mo Nan suffered from a special scholar syndrome in his previous life. In addition to studying medicine well in his job, he spent a lot of time learning many other things that he was interested in. Including biology, chemistry, physics, machinery, computers, etc. If Mo Nan didn't learn much in his free time, he would feel that something was wrong with him, and his life would be meaningless.

Mo Nan is also very interested in the special machinery of puppets. He did not deliberately destroy these four puppets in the battle just now. Except for part of the defensive chieftain's carapace that was smashed by himself, the other three puppets were completely intact.

Mo Nan found the seal scrolls that originally sealed the four puppets from Watanabe, sealed them back, and checked all the murderers he had knocked down, including the belongings of the undead person, and found that they didn't have any. In what is particularly valuable.

Think about it and understand that whoever carries too many useless things when performing tasks, Bacheng is related to combat, and at most it is just a little money.Mo Nan didn't have any interest in Sha Sha Ren's puppets, and in the end he only took away the little cash and the four puppets that Sha Sha Ren took with him.

Mo Nan did not destroy his body, for the same reason as before. The living mouth didn't see much, he still needed to leave more evidence to prove that he was an ordinary ninja genius. There is absolutely no one on him, especially the two old men hiding in the dark, what special things Ma and Hei Jue covet...

Mo Nan continued to drive towards Konoha Village for a while, but did not find anyone else was following him in the dark. It may be that Sa Yin felt that these 8 people were enough to kill herself, so there was no other follow-up plan.

The only thing Mo Nan had doubts about now was how Sha Yin learned of her whereabouts. This mission is very confidential. Except for the four people involved in the mission, only the Naruto who released the mission should know what Mo Nan and the others are doing.

Neither Mizumon, Kakashi, or Tsunade and Sandai would reveal the information. It is more likely that Konoha has the right to know about this, among other high-level spies, or there is someone in Konoha who deliberately wants to get rid of him by using Sain's hand.

At this time, Mo Nan wanted to be a person who hated the surname Uchiha in the original work.

"Is it the old man Danzo, it is unlikely that the senior management will be so easily spied by Shayin. It seems that Danzo is the most likely to betray him. It's just that Danzo has noticed where he is? Why is he Do you have to deal with yourself?"

Mo Nan thought about it all the way but didn't want to understand this problem. He didn't know that his performance was too good, and he was too valued by the three generations, which aroused Danzang's vigilance. If Mo Nan knew about this, he could only sigh that he was jealous of talents. Excellent people are always easy to be jealous.

Mo Nan walked 2/3 of the distance, and when the last 1/3 was left, he finally found the Thunder God mark he had left in Konoha. At this time, he finally determined his Thunder God level. It is indeed not enough to use it in battle, but it can already play a big role if it is used on the road.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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