Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage from the White Eye Chapter 1

Hokage that started from the white eye Author: Legs God


This book is also known as "I am a ruthless exercise machine", "All female characters are tool people", "I am full of scheming I cultivate in Hokage", "I am a Hokage by my own efforts." 》The ruthless practice machine penetrates the Hokage

Chapter 1. Sun Xiang Xiao

"Sun Xiangxiao... Sun Xiangxiao..."

Hearing someone calling him, Hi Xiangxiao opened his eyes, only to feel a splitting headache.

At the end of my memory, is the picture of the nuclear missile explosion.

I was alone against the world, but I didn't expect that in order to destroy myself, I would actually use this weapon.

So it stands to reason that I should be wiped out, so now...?

The blurred vision gradually became clear.

The silhouette of a cute looking loli... slowly presented in front of her eyes.


Did she save me?

Also, what happened to this girl's eyes.



Hearing the question asked by Hi Xiangxiao, the girl with the "white eyes" in front of her couldn't help but worry.

"Look carefully, these eyes are very beautiful..."

Those crystal clear, white lustrous eyes were so clear in front of Ri Xiangxiao.

Just as Ri Xiangxiao was thinking about it, a memory that did not belong to him flooded into his mind.

Primarch memory.

This world is an extraordinary world dominated by the "ninja" profession.

There is a ninja family named "Hyuga", whose special ability is "white eyes" that can see through and observe the meridians of the human body.

This clan is divided into "clan" and "separate".

The dominant clan has a "curse mark" called "caged bird" branded on the forehead of the branch clan.

Not only can the ability to seal the white eye after the death of the subject. The life and death of the branch family are all under the control of the clan.

In the process of being cast the curse seal, there was a slight deviation, and a curse seal rejection reaction occurred with a low probability of winning the lottery.

next moment.

A text and voice jumped out in front of my eyes.

[Daoization degree: 1%]

Hi Xiangxiao, who had seen countless fantasy works, immediately reacted, this should be called "plug-in"... oh no, "hard work" exists.

So what does this degree of enlightenment mean?

Does it mean that there is still 99% of the quantitative value left to get rid of the control of the seal of the caged bird?

"Asha, I'm fine."

The adaptable Ri Xiangxiao quickly accepted the current situation.

The Loli Hyugakatsu in front of her is the same age as herself.

At the age of 5, she also belongs to the separated family.

"You'll be fine, come on..."

Hyuga Xia breathed a sigh of relief and picked up a spoon from the wooden square plate beside him.

One hand helped Ri Xiangxiao to sit up, and then...

Gently blowing the rice porridge scooped in the spoon, it was delivered to Ri Xiangxiao.

Sun Xiangxiao: "..."

Dark green hair color Lolita looks outstanding.

She's cuter than all the girls I've seen in my life.

Two-dimensional, it should be like this.

But anyway, the act of feeding was a little too intimate.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no special relationship between the two, such as childhood sweethearts, heavenly descent... other than "same clan and family members".

Is it because she is naturally kind? Or the undefended type? Or is it because a child doesn't realize it?

The intimate feeding action continues, enough to satisfy any lolicon book.

After Hyuga Xia, who had finished taking care of her, left.

Ri Xiangxiao's body gradually regained some strength.

Slowly standing up and walking to the mirror, Ri Xiangxiao could clearly see the face of this life.

A handsome lady.

It is also predictable that he will be handsome and attractive when he grows up.

"It really turned into a child's body..."

Carefully looked at the body, as well as those eyes.

"Is this the "white eye"? "

Hi Xiangxiao touched her eyes and stared at the white eyes in the mirror that were similar to Hi Xiangxia's.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the light green strange pattern on his forehead.

"The Seal of the Bird in the Cage"

That is, the bondage of the clan to the separation of the clan.

Sit down cross-legged, think carefully, and summarize the current information.

After a while.

The yearning for the extraordinary power of the new world made Ri Xiangxiao act.

"Soft fist!"

Ri Xiangxiao tried to take out his palm and stabbed forward quickly.

Then there's...

"Bagua Erzhang!"

Sun Xiangxiao opened his bow from left to right, and pointed out two fingers one after another.

clap clap!

The air trembled.

A blue cyclone is released from the fingers.

The source of extraordinary power and energy in this world is called "Chakra".

Using chakra to drive soft fists is the essence of the Hinata clan's Taijutsu.

"Gossip Four Palms!"

Click four.

Four blue lights bloomed in the air.

"Bagua and Eight Palms!"

This time, it's eight.

As a member of the family, Ri Xiangxiao is currently learning a routine called "Rouquan·Bagua Sixty-Four Palms".

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour...

It was not until his arms were so sore that he couldn't lift them up, and Ri Xiangxiao, who continued to train, had to stop.

[Daoization degree: 2%]

"The increase in value is because of practicing Bagua Zhang? What happens when it becomes 100%?!"

last life.

Sun Xiangxiao is trapped in a world without miracles.

It is the happiness of the weak, but the sorrow of the strong.

But now, he knew, everything was different.

"Across the world, invincible contacts."

"With only one's own strength, we can turn the world around, and kill the enemy country."

"This kind of thing, I have been doing it since my last life, but unfortunately it was not fully realized... But this life..."

Ri Xiangxiao stared at himself in the mirror with a burning gaze.

"Next, you have to think about it carefully. Before the strength is not strong and you can't get rid of the status quo dominated by the "Zong Family"... it's time to keep a low profile and create a harmless character..."

Gou or what really doesn't matter.

Dormant, just to soar into the sky in the future.

Sit cross-legged and allow your body to rest.

What Hi Xiangxiao didn't know was that when he was practicing, outside, Hi Xiangxia didn't leave, but secretly watched the whole process.


A blush slowly appeared on Hyuga's lovely cheeks.

Chapter 2. Sun Xiangxiao stole important things from Suijingtu

The practice continues.

In the blink of an eye, hours passed, and it was noon.

Hinata Xia came again.

She carried a plate with rice porridge and pickles on it.

"Xiaojun, it's time for lunch."

Sun Xiang Xiao, who is not picky about food, quickly enjoyed this lunch.

Recalling the most difficult time in my last life, I even ate grass roots, gnawed tree bark, and learned that Bei Ye eats high protein.

The food in front of you, supplementing physical strength and nutrition is enough.


Staring at Hyuga Xia, who was eating with Hi Xiangxiao, she sat there quietly, just looking at him with a gentle expression.

It wasn't until Ri Xiangxiao finished his last mouthful of porridge that Hyuga Xia spoke.

"Xiaojun, how is your body... how are you feeling?"

"Well, the recovery is good. It will be completely fine in a few days."

Asahi Xiangxia showed a sunny and harmless smile.


Hyuga Xia nodded slightly.

"At that time...the patriarch, they will lecture you."

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