Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 225

""Snow Country" has officially established a diplomatic channel with us..."

Guren took the document and began to report on the past few days.

"Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue, I would like to present a New Year greeting to you and us all..."

Listen to the reports one by one.

Finally, Guren read the battle between Konoha and Yunyin.

"Because of the performance of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui, Yunyin directly withdrew his troops after several days of stalemate..."

A war that might break out, and finally retreated because they couldn't figure out the ability of the kaleidoscope.

Just like the original Five Kages Conference.

Sasuke caused Raikage to lose an arm.

The kaleidoscope's initial killing and dimensionality reduction attack under the condition of unknown information is a very terrifying and strange existence.

Chuan on the side shook his head, feeling that the situation was not optimistic: "Golden Flash is dead, and there are evil-eyed Fuyue and Shisui Shisui... Konoha is really full of talents..."

"No matter how will definitely not be as powerful as an adult." Yamada showed a simple and honest smile, absolutely trusting Akito's strength.

"That's true." Chuan nodded and agreed.

The resolution of Konoha and Yun Yin's crisis was beyond everyone's expectations.

This also made Konoha's plan to send Hyuga's family to death turned into a stupid performance.

"They are not stupid, they are bad, and you must always remember this, everyone."

Mingren reminded.

The high-level Konoha is not stupid.

They are just plain bad.

"The ancients said: Meat eaters are contemptible and fail to seek foresight. Some people in high positions are really capable, while others...just rely on nepotism and blood. There are also many rice buckets. So don't be too humble."

Ming said.

"I have no pedigree, and I have no powerful parents. Didn't I come to this day? There is also the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo. We are all representatives of the common people. So must always keep this in mind."

Everyone nodded slightly, lost in thought.

"Next, what should we do." Asuka raised the question of planning for future development plans.

"Work hard to practice, perform tasks, and improve strength. Research, develop, and farm."

Mingren gave the answer.

Things will happen automatically and come to you, so take it easy.

It won't be long before a new big event will happen.


time flies.

In the ninja world, many things have happened successively.

Konoha's Uchiha Itachi took the Chunin exam alone, breaking history.

And in front of the players from the five major countries, he fully demonstrated the power of Uchiha, and he became a Chunin of course.

And Konoha Takazen is afraid of the Uchiha clan.

Suppress them more and more.

From cutting the budget of the police department, to various embarrassments.

The Uchiha clan was oppressed and forced to an unbearable level.

Even if all kinds of military exploits were made, they were either hidden by the snow or distorted by propaganda with ulterior motives.

It is also because of this that I can't see any Uchiha clan who are treated equally... a kind of thought naturally arises.

Since the high-level Konoha decayed.

Then, we will take their positions and become Hokage ourselves.

The conspiracy of the revolutionary plan is carried out quietly.

But among the clan, there was a different voice.

Uchiha Itachi, who has completely inherited the will of fire... has repeatedly expressed objections at the secret gatherings of the Uchiha clan.

Relations with the clan deteriorated rapidly.

In the end, he was distrusted by the family.

For Uchiha Itachi, the Uchiha clan is a narrow clan, and they feel resentful just because of some unfair treatment.

This is clearly not what it should be.

If you think Konoha is bad, you build it.

If you feel that the high level is not good, you should find a way to join Anbu and climb up step by step.

If you think other Konoha ninjas have no quality, start from you to be a high-quality Konoha ninja.

If you think Konoha has made too many mistakes, start with you and change the people around you. They have shortcomings, and we can correct them together, instead of swearing, complaining, and running away.

154. Sprites in the World

At the same time, various changes are also taking place in the Land of Snow.

With the activation of the geothermal generator.

The entire "Flower City" ushered in spring.

The Snow Country, which was impoverished because of being covered by snow, also ushered in new hope.

Although for the time being, only Fenghua City is the place where the temperature has risen.

But the ministers of the Snow Country firmly believe that as long as they continue to work hard and build more geothermal generators, then...

One day.

The entire Snow Country will turn into spring.


The Land of Rain and the Land of Snow have many exchanges, and the two sides help each other to form a true alliance.

The Land of Rain brought an economic boost to the Land of Snow.

The Land of Snow also brought iterations of technology and ninja technology to the Land of Rain.

After some design research.

Snow Country Chakra Armor has been iterated several times.

When the brand-new "new armor" was sent to Mingren.

Time has turned a new page.

In the same year, 6-year-old Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and other Xiaoqiang entered the school.

Their era is about to begin.

Itachi Uchiha joined Anbu, and was promoted to be the team leader in a short period of time.

However, because of the conflict with the tribe.

Uchiha Itachi no longer participates in the regular meeting of the clan.

Suspecting Uchiha Itachi as a high-level spy, Uchiha Yatsushiro, Uchiha Inahura and other Uchiha upper echelons secretly appointed Uchiha Shisui to monitor and investigate Itachi's whereabouts.

so far.

Under the dark side, Uchiha Itachi completely broke with the clan.

A few months later, Itachi Uchiha was on a dark surveillance mission.

The masked man [Obito] who appeared in Konoha using Kamui was discovered.

As the figure of the masked man disappeared in a blink of an eye, Uchiha Itachi remembered the scene when he saw the former for the first time...

That's what happened when he was 8 years old.

On the way to protect Konoha, the daimyo of the country of fire, he was attacked by a masked man.

Teammate Chuan Ma died because of this, and he also opened Sharingan at that time.

After several years, why did the masked man appear?


Nanga Shrine.


"Who are you?"

Uchiha Fugaku stood on the spot, looking at the figure with his back turned solemnly.

The latter has long black hair.

Blue and black robe.

He stood in front of the stone tablet of the Sage of the Six Paths, then turned around, revealing a mask with a hole for eyes.

"My name... Uchiha Madara!"

Uchiha Obito stretched out his hand, holding five fingers empty.

"My clansman, I am very interested in your plan to overthrow Konoha's high-ranking officials. What, do you want to join forces with me?"


Yuyin Village.

"A new type of armor, the fifth iteration trial model."

Ming picked up the armor.

The material is lighter, fit and soft than last time.

Looks like a ninja liner, not a piece of armor.

With the support of the national strength of the country of rain.

The amount of materials in Xueyin Village has skyrocketed, so various ninja learning iteration plans have also accelerated.

In the end, this body-fitting ninja-lined chakra armor was created.

Looks better than it did a year ago.

Spike Avalanche and those on them have undergone considerable changes.

Crystals are shattered.

It is directly distributed in every part of the clothes. In short, it becomes a whole with the clothes.

Crystal fragments are scattered throughout it.

Mutated the armor into a "battle suit".

From the looks of it, it's a sleek black outfit.

In terms of aesthetics, it is clear that the ninjas of Xueyin Village have a good eye.

"According to the report of Wolf Fang Avalanche, the strength of this garment has been improved again, and it can resist greater wind resistance..."

Honglian explained from the side.

In the future, Ming people can wear this dress and fly all over the sky without worrying about becoming naked again.

"However, because the crystals were shattered and blended into the material of the clothes... the defense strength has dropped a lot..."

The original crystal is a whole.

Like a mirror.

Now that it's distributed, the natural defenses are down.

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