Naruto: God Level System

Naruto: God Level System Chapter 607

After all, he doesn't know if Ri Xiangchen has a bottom line. If Ri Xiangchen does something without a bottom line, it is possible.

In the eyes of Hattori Heiji, Hinata Chen is not a good person, he can do any bad things.

And according to what Conan said, there is also some kind of relationship between Ri Xiangchen and the Black Organization.

"Don't doubt me about everything, I won't bother to do this yet."

Chen said flatly to Hattori Heiji.

If it was Chen who came to do the work, then needless to say, it would definitely be resolved cleanly, and there would be no incident of Hattori Heizo's disappearance.

At that time, it is not missing, but directly dead.

"I hope so, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what can you do?" Chen looked at Hattori Heiji amusedly, you still want to threaten me?

Hattori Heiji clenched his fist, looking at Chen's face very angry, but he couldn't make a move.

If you do it, you will suffer. Now is not the time to fight with Ri Xiangchen.

"If you have any clues, I hope you can tell me."

When Hattori Heiji said this, he was a little resigned. Although he suspected that Hinata Chen did it, Hattori Heiji felt that it was impossible for Hinata Chen.

As for Ri Xiangchen, maybe he will know who did it, after all, in the black area, he must know more than himself.

"I don't seem to have a reason to tell you, aren't you a great detective, investigate yourself."

Chen waved his hand faintly, then took Xiao Ai to find He Ye, stayed here for a few hours, and then they left.

Hattori Heiji looked at Hinata Chen who left, and fell into deep thought.

Does it have anything to do with Ri Xiangchen? If it is Ri Xiangchen's revenge on him, it is not impossible.

In fact, Hattori Heiji thought too much, why did Chen want revenge on Hattori Heiji? It's as if Chen suffered a loss.

If you really want to take revenge, that's the other way around. Heiji Hattori goes to take revenge on Chen, not Chen wants to take revenge on Heiji Hattori.


The phone rang, and Hattori Heiji quickly took it out. After seeing who it was, Hattori Heiji showed disappointment on his face.

In fact, Hattori Heiji really wanted his father to call back, but unfortunately, it was not his father.

"Conan, what's the matter?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

That's right, this call was made by Conan, just to inquire about the situation.

"Hatori, what's going on with you, do you have any clues?" Conan asked Hattori Heiji.

"There is no clue, by the way, Hinata Chen came before, do you think this has something to do with Hinata Chen?" Hattori Heiji wanted Conan to help analyze it.

"Hinata Chen is here? What is Hinata Chen going to do?" Conan asked Hattori Heiji puzzled.

If Ri Xiangchen went there on purpose, then Ri Xiangchen is quite suspicious, and it is even possible that he has something to do with him.

"He came with Kawaba." Hattori Heiji was silent for a while, and then said to Conan.

In fact, when he said this, Hattori Heiji was very upset.

"So that's the case. Maybe it's really suspected, but it's not sure. I can help you investigate. By the way, I told my dad and asked my dad to help."

Conan said to Hattori Heiji.

This is the reason why Conan called, to tell Hattori Heiji that he asked Yusaku Kudo to help, so that Hattori Heiji don't have to worry.

Chapter 1184 Don't wrong yourself

Hattori Heiji was surprised when he heard that Conan's father also helped.

"Conan, thank you, thank you dad for me." Hattori Heiji thanked Conan.

"You don't need to thank me. Do we still need to see each other like that? Besides, you also helped me a lot."

Conan said to Hattori Heiji, and at the same time, there was still some guilt in Conan's heart. Conan wondered if it was because of his own reasons that Hattori Heiji's father had an accident.

I hope it is not because of this, if this is the case, Conan will probably live in self-blame for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, it has not been confirmed yet, Hattori Heizo's father Hattori Heizo really had an accident, maybe nothing happened.

"I will help you here too. Relax and don't be overwhelmed by the pressure." After Conan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Don't continue to disturb Hattori Heiji for too long now, let him be quiet, Conan knows that Hattori Heiji must be in a mess now. One second to remember

In He Ye's house, Chen is in charge of cooking.

"Alas, there is not even a cook now." Chen said depressingly, he actually became the cook-husband of the house.

"By the way, He Ye, is your father still coming back?" Chen asked He Ye.

"I'm not coming back. I guess he won't have time to come back during this time." He Ye shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

If his father really comes back, then He Ye really doesn't know how to explain Chen's matter to his father, it's better to avoid explaining now.

"Do you think it has something to do with the black organization this time?" Xiao Ai asked Chen.

"Black organization, what black organization?" He Ye asked Chen blankly, did Chen know some clues?

"The Black Organization is an international criminal organization with a very mysterious origin. The members of the organization are codenamed after wine names."

Chen didn't hide it from He Ye, anyway, it didn't matter if He Ye knew about it.

Ordinary people know that the organization in black is absolutely useless, and may even cause death, but it has nothing to do with Ye.

Based on the relationship with Ye Hechen, who would dare to kill him?

If the black organization really dared to do something, Chen would definitely be able to overthrow the entire black organization.

"I don't know if this was done by the black organization, but it is also suspected."

Chen also didn't know whether the incident against Hattori Heizo was done by people from the Black Organization.

In fact, Hattori Heizo has many enemies, and it may not be the people of the black organization, but the black organization is very suspicious.

"So there is such an organization." He Ye couldn't imagine that anyone who heard the name of the black organization would feel afraid.

But Chen felt that he wanted to laugh, the organization in black was really not that good, there were too many undercover traitors inside.

Except for the two model workers Gin and Vodka, the others are either gangsters or undercover traitors, so you can feel sorry for Gin.

"Don't think so much, hurry up and eat, and taste the food I made."

Chen brought all the prepared meals to the table.

Xiao Ai curled her lips, it's so-so, anyway, it's not as delicious as the one made by her sister, but in order to avoid starvation, let's eat some.

"Are you disgusted that what I make is not delicious? If you think it is not delicious, don't eat it. Don't wrong yourself."

Chen glanced at Xiao Ai, and said after seeing Xiao Ai curling her lips.

"I want to feel wronged today, what's wrong?" Xiao Ai countered lightly.

He Ye looked at the two of them covering their mouths and sniggering, saying that Chen actually likes to bicker with Xiao Ai who is still a child.

Well, He Ye didn't know at all that the Xiao Ai in front of him was not just a primary school student.

"Stop snickering, eat quickly." Chen hit He Ye's little head with chopsticks, and then ate quickly.

After staying here for a few days, Chen and the others also left and went back home.

"It's better to go home, Mingmei is cooking." Chen couldn't help sighing, because these days, basically he has to cook a meal, and Chen is almost bored to death.

"You are finally back." You Xizi ran over quickly, looking at Chen with bright eyes.

"What are you doing?" Chen looked at Yukiko with bright eyes in puzzlement, a little confused.

"You Xizi wants to know if you bought her a gift when you came back, otherwise, why do you think You Xizi is so active." Fei Yingli said to Chen.

"So that's how it is. Sorry, I didn't buy anything. I'll take you on a trip another day." Chen shook his head and said to Youxizi.

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"Tch, I don't know how long I'll be waiting, but I know you won't buy me a gift, so I shouldn't expect that. Now it seems that my expectation was wasted."

You Xizi curled her lips, and ignored Chen indifferently.

"I said, it's too realistic for you." Just now, she welcomed her back very much, but who knew that she turned her head and ignored her, and this change was too fast.

"Yeah, I'm that realistic." You Xizi made a face at Chen, and then simply ignored Chen.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. When you want to go out in the future, remember not to call me, and I won't go with you if you call me." Chen said while drinking tea.


"Is there any gain?" Mei Hezi went downstairs suddenly, and asked Chen after seeing Chen come back.

Chen also knew that the result of Miwako's inquiry should be about Hattori Heizo, and it seemed that Miwako was also very curious.

"Just to have a look, without investigation, of course there is nothing to gain, but judging from the current situation, even if Hattori Heizo is still alive, it will probably not be easy."

It has been nearly a week since Hattori Heizo was assassinated, but Hattori Heizo did not show up this week.

It was said that he was dead, but no body was found. It was said that he was still alive, but there was no one, so no one knew whether Hattori Heizo was dead or alive.

Another possibility is that Hattori Heizo is still alive, but he dare not show up. Maybe he is afraid of causing trouble to his family, so he dare not show up.

"By the way, Meihezi, didn't you go to work?" Chen was also a little curious when he saw Meihezi at home.

"No, today is the rest time, of course I'm staying at home." Mei Hezi said to Chen, did she even forget her rest time.

"So that's the case, are you still investigating about Hattori Heizo?" Chen asked Miwako with concern.

"It's rare that you care so much about me."

Meihezi couldn't help smiling when she saw Chen caring so much about herself.

"The investigation is still going on, but there are also no clues."

It is impossible to give up so easily, unless you really find Hattori Heizo.

Chapter 1185 Hattori Heizo and Kudo Yusaku

In the dark basement, Yusaku Kudo came here with some food in his hand.

"Are you really not showing your face?" Kudo Yusaku asked Hattori Heizo.

That's right, Hattori Heizo is not dead, and he is still here with Kudo Yusaku, and he still knows Kudo Yusaku.

The two of them have known each other for a long time, and they can be regarded as friends.

"Do you know that people outside are looking for you, and your son Hattori Heiji is also very anxious."

"It's no good for me to show up. They will do it again. I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid they will target my family."

Hattori Heizo sat up, his arm was still bandaged, his arm was injured, and it was a gunshot wound.

"Even so, won't they make a move? They know that you are not dead." Worker "340" Fuji Yusaku said to Hattori Heizo. The first website m.9biquge. com

What they said they were referring to the black organization, Hattori Heizo was indeed assassinated by the black organization, as for the reason, he knew too much.

"No, as long as I'm not dead, they won't dare to act recklessly. The information I have is enough to deal a major blow to the Black Organization."

Hattori Heizo shook his head, as long as he was alive and safe, his family would be fine.

If he were dead, or if he showed up, the family would be more threatened.

As for why they didn't attack the black organization with important information in their hands, the reason is very simple. After the attack, there will be crazy revenge.

Hattori Heizo is really not afraid, but he also has to think about his family.

"I'll just hide in the dark and continue to investigate them. Sooner or later, I'll be able to uproot them." Hattori Heizo's eyes sharpened.

"Then you are still safe now, do you want to disclose it?" Kudo Yusaku asked Hattori Heizo.

If this important information can be disclosed, some people should feel at ease.

"Forget it, I don't need it for now, I have to thank you Yuzuo, otherwise I might have died."

If it wasn't for being rescued by Kudo Yusaku, he might really have died in the hands of the black organization.

"You don't need to thank me, your son has helped my son a lot, this thank you is not necessary at all." Kudo Yusaku shook his head at Hattori Heizo.

"By the way, Yusaku, I need to trouble you with something."

"Don't tell me, let me guess."

"I guess it must be that you want me to help you dissuade Hattori Heiji?"

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