The Dragon King survives, but this is all the hope for the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. They must not make any mistakes!

Boom, boom, boom!

Pangu's heart beat rapidly, like the heart of a giant.

It is unimaginable that even after so long since the creation of the world, Pangu's heart is still beating. One can imagine how powerful and heaven-defying Pangu was in front of him!

While I was thinking about it, Pangu's heart was already in front of me.

This is an extremely huge heart. Each beating blood vessel is as thick as an adult. Looking at it from a distance, it is very shocking.

Bao Qing quickly noticed that in the beating heart of Pangu, there was a faint golden brilliance flickering, as if some mysterious power was operating within it.

"The Essence of Pangu!? The essence of Pangu's Heart!?"

Bao Qing recognized this mysterious power at a glance, and took a deep breath. He really wanted to know how he would be strengthened once he obtained Pangu's essence, and this was also his biggest purpose in coming to Shushan!

Thinking of this, Bao Qing cautiously stretched out his hand to explore the essence of Pangu. At first, his hand didn't feel anything, but soon he clearly felt that a faint coolness moved quickly in the palm of his hand. stand up.

This coolness also brought extremely powerful power. In an instant, it was injected into Nao Qing's limbs and bones, making Nao Qing clearly feel that his body was undergoing some special and violent changes.

"Congratulations! You have obtained Pangu's essence. Have you absorbed all of Pangu's essence?!"

Suddenly, a sweet prompt came. Bao Qing was stunned for a moment, and then showed a thick smile. Unexpectedly, what he saw in front of him was none other than the essence of Pangu's essence, Pangu's heart!

Without hesitation, Yao Qing chose yes.

And the moment he chose "yes", the power that was originally strengthening and improving him became much stronger in an instant. The bright brilliance in Pangu's heart also seemed to be washed away and disappeared in an instant. Became extremely dim.

This feeling of increasing strength was so wonderful that I closed my eyes in enjoyment and immediately sat cross-legged with my legs, escaping into a special state of practice.

In this state of practice, Nao Qing can clearly feel that his bones and blood are undergoing extremely drastic transformations. It can even be said that this is an extremely wonderful process of rebirth and blood exchange... …

Bao Qing believed that if he transformed at this moment, the changes would be even more obvious!

I don’t know how long it took, but when Nao Qing opened his eyes again, the Pangu essence in Pangu’s heart in front of him had completely dried up, as if it had never existed, and there were obvious bruises on his arms. The color, these green and purple colors, are all over the whole body of Zhuo Qing, which is very spectacular.

Although Pangu's heart is still beating at this moment, it is obvious that the beating amplitude of Pangu's heart is not so fast, and it feels very slow.

"Is this the power of absorbing the essence of Pangu?" Nao Qing felt it for a moment, and felt that his body had become a lot stronger, but he didn't know exactly where he had become stronger.

However, it doesn't mean that Ao Guang and others who came with him can't feel it.

"This, this aura... Could it be that Lord Dragon King evolved into an eight-clawed mutant dragon?!" Ao Guang seemed to suddenly feel something.


"Isn't the topmost existence among the eight-clawed golden dragons the Thunder Dragon!?"

"Yes, isn't the topmost being of the Eight-clawed Golden Dragon, the Thunder Dragon?!"

As soon as Ao Guang finished speaking, all the elders of the Dragon Clan were extremely surprised, with disbelief on their faces, and they started talking about it.

Mutated dragon! ?

This, this is the first time they have heard of it.

"At first, when I felt the Dragon King's aura, I was a little unsure, but now I am basically certain that this aura is the aura of the mutated dragon. In fact, there is something superior to the multi-clawed golden dragon. The existence on the Golden Dragon is the mutated dragon..."

"These mutant dragons accidentally mutated in some places during the evolution process and became very powerful. Therefore, theoretically, the mutant dragons are superior to the golden dragons. Now the Dragon King has absorbed the essence of Pangu and produced It’s normal to have a mutation.”

Ao Guang analyzed slowly.

In fact, the name of his mutant dragon was only known from those ancient books: "In the prehistoric era, there was once an eleven-clawed mutant dragon, and its strength was as strong as the ancestral dragon of the twelve-clawed golden dragon!"

Hearing this, the entire East China Sea Dragon Clan fell silent and looked at Bao Qing with burning eyes, trying to determine whether their Dragon King had really mutated and gained greater strength.

"Yes, I can feel that I have evolved into an eight-clawed mutant dragon, and I am even more powerful than before!"

Bao Qing took a deep breath, but he didn't expect the power of Pangu's spirit to be so terrifying.

However, he also felt that he did not absorb all of Pangu's essence, but only a very small part of it. Most of the rest was automatically stored by his body. Obviously, when he After becoming stronger, the power of Pangu's spirit can still be used.

"Lord Dragon Emperor, it's not good! It seems that the movement here has alarmed the surrounding mountain gods and lands. Now many powerful mountain gods, with the divine soldiers and generals guarding the lands of all parties, are rushing here. It seems that they want to conquer the land. We hang here!"

At this moment, a shrimp soldier ran in in a panic and said nervously.

Hearing this, Bao Qing did not show any fear for a long time, but was very excited: "Just in time, we can test the power of this eight-clawed mutant dragon!"

In fact, even he could not have imagined that there were so many mountain gods, land gods, and mountain-protecting generals around Shu Mountain. As soon as they heard that Shu Mountain was in trouble, they rushed there...

It is worthy of being treated like a paradise in heaven!

If it were an ordinary mountain, I'm afraid it wouldn't be treated like this, right? !

Chapter 47 The eight-clawed mutated golden dragon suppresses a hundred thousand mountain-protecting immortals! (1/5)

While Zhuo Qing was thinking about it, a mountain guard with the most murderous aura in the distance spoke slowly: "Who are you!? How dare you break into Shu Mountain and seize the spiritual lifeline of Shu Mountain? We, the mountain guard, God will never allow you to leave here!"

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