Myth is Coming

Chapter 884: One Sword Shocks Back


Shaoyang looked coldly at Mu Cheng, the land in front of him, with contempt in his heart. He couldn't see this kind of person clearly.

They grabbed a lot of resources in this era, but they only cared about their own side, and they didn't care about the life and death of other people in this era.

Even, are you afraid that you will be affected by the real era?

Are they also worthy of being called "immortals"?

"Get lost." Shao Yang said suddenly, interrupting Mu Cheng's chatter. The words are straight and round, concise and to the point.


How did Mu Cheng expect that the gentle-looking Shaoyang in front of him would suddenly tear off his gentle appearance and yell at him? Mu Cheng said angrily, "What a scumbag! I don't know what's good and what's wrong, I'm kind enough to point you out, and you're still here like a bitch?"

But Shaoyang sneered, "Hugh is here to make noise, you are such a moth in the world, you have no value in existence, if you don't hurry away, don't blame me for being rude."

"Why do you want to be rude?"

Mu Cheng was furious. Since he was successful in cultivation, whenever he showed some means, he would attract everyone's worship and regard him as a god.

This time, he also felt that there was something different in this place, and that he had a faint perception that his survival might be threatened, so he landed and investigated carefully. Although it seems that Shaoyang has some abilities, but after all, he has been pampered for a long time, and he has lost a little bit of sensitivity. He doesn't take Shaoyang too seriously, and instead he is a little bit of a pedophile.

But where did he expect that Shaoyang would turn his face directly?


Uncouth man!

This Mu Cheng was so angry that he despised Shao Yang countless times in his heart.


Shaoyang's response was much more straightforward. With a thought in his mind, Dinghai Shenzhen had already been sacrificed, and the void turned into a sword light, which suddenly fell towards Mu Cheng.

The latter was terrified and wanted to dodge quickly, but he felt that this sword light completely enveloped his whole body, and he couldn't move! When he was shocked, he saw that sword light hovering between his eyebrows.

"Only at this level?"

Shao Yang shook his head, suddenly relieved. With this little ability, if he really fights against that "immemorial saint clan", it's just a delivery of food.

Therefore, Shaoyang took back Dinghai Shenzhen lightly, and said coldly to Mu Cheng: "Let's spare your dog's life today, go back. I will build an altar here to attract countless human races. I dismissed you from this land post." Now, go find another place of cultivation by yourself."


Mu Cheng was so angry that he laughed back, dismissing himself from the post of land? Who does this man think he is?

Can it be dismissed by saying dismissal?

Sure enough, a vulgar person!

However, this Mu Cheng didn't dare to say too much, even though he saw that the latter was only in the Netherworld, but this sword...Mu Cheng couldn't help but tremble a little. He got up in a daze, and he was about to fly away by driving Dunguang again and again.

But when he was about to leave, he felt that he was too embarrassed, so he turned his head and said, "Don't act fiercely in front of me! This land is under the jurisdiction of the Huanjia City God! Tell me, when the time comes, there must be a time when you kneel down and beg for mercy, begging for forgiveness!"

Hit the young one, come the old one again?

Shao Yang was funny, but he didn't care at all. In fact, the reason why they came here in advance was to solve these troubles?


Shao Yang couldn't help shaking his head, he originally thought that what he needed to deal with was the "Heavenly Court" of this world; but how could he have thought that he would be entangled with the land and city god here?

But looking at them like this, Shaoyang didn't take them to heart. Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it.

But it is said that the land Mu Cheng ran away again and again, and went to report to the "City God", so there is no need to mention it.

On the other hand, here in Shaoyang, the land was taken away with a single sword, and everyone in the same company couldn't help but feel happy! They fight to the death, fighting to protect human beings, but how could they have thought that there are such moths hidden in this fragment of time?

Not to mention Shaoyang, even they look down on this land!


Seeing Shaoyang drive the latter away neatly, everyone was refreshed. Mi Zhao pondered for a while, "Shaoyang, since this Mu Cheng claims to be 'Land', I'm afraid he really has some supernatural powers. We are going to build an altar here, and if this Mu Chengju does something, I'm afraid we will be indispensable." There will be some trouble."

Shaoyang nodded, not only Mi Zhao, Shaoyang himself thought of this too. However, Shaoyang was not afraid, "It's okay, he has any tricks, just use them, we will follow. But at that time, I didn't have such a good attitude."


Mi Zhao just reminded Shaoyang that he was well aware of Shaoyang's methods, but he didn't take Mu Cheng to heart.


But Shaoyang and the others ignored Mu Cheng and continued to build altars and lay down various formations here.

But on this day, a subordinate came to report: "Master Shaoyang, every night these days, strange things happen..."

The visitor kept talking.

It is fine during the day, but once night falls, there will be all sorts of strange things, and the evil wind will blow, so their speed of building the altar will be slowed down a lot. They also tried various methods, but none of them worked particularly well.

Shao Yang nodded, indicating that he knew, "I will personally guard tonight."


Mi Zhao made arrangements.

Soon, it was nightfall again. Shao Yang personally sat on the half-built altar, and Dinghai Shenzhen turned into a flying sword and placed it horizontally on his legs; while Shao Yang himself closed his eyes and held his breath, concentrating on cultivation.

Sure enough, after a short while, I only felt the gust of evil wind.

The wind was very strange, the whimpering sound was endless, it seemed that there were countless things walking in the wind, but when you looked closely, you couldn't see them.

And when the wind blew past the altar, the altar that had been built with great difficulty during the day and the foundations that had been arranged during the day were immediately blown up!

Seeing this, Shaoyang suddenly held his sword and yelled at the wind, "Why are you evildoers, how dare you pretend to be a ghost here?" Shaoyang suddenly sacrificed the flying sword, and a sword light slashed across, the evil wind disappeared immediately, and soon disappeared. trace.

"Sure enough, the Lord Shaoyang is the most powerful!"

Everyone is overjoyed.

When I looked again, there was no other movement. But Mi Zhao was still worried, "Shaoyang, if you can sit in town for a day, is it possible that you can still sit here forever?"

This is a palliative, not a permanent solution!

Shao Yang comforted him, "Don't worry, I have my own plan."


Mi Zhao didn't say any more, and continued to arrange for everyone to build the altar. And with Shaoyang sitting in town at night, it was naturally calm for a few days. The speed of altar construction is also greatly accelerated.

But the good times didn't last long. On this day, soon another subordinate complained, "When I am practicing now, I feel that my feet move from time to time. According to the way of building in the past, the walls often fall and the bricks are broken, and it is difficult to continue. !"

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