Myth is Coming

Chapter 586 Good Fortune Grass Spirit

The movement of Shaoyang's spiritual perception spread outward like water waves, and soon covered the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles under the perception of spiritual perception.

His delicate spiritual perception unfolded, and the surrounding plants, trees, and even the slightest movement could not be concealed from his perception.

The wind blows the leaves, and there is silence.

On the contrary, it was the little deer from before, which rushed forward suddenly, and was about to escape from Shaoyang's spiritual lock.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that at this time, I will start to doubt my own judgment.

But Shaoyang is different!

With a thought in Shaoyang's mind, he made a formula in his hand, and in an instant Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams were deduced in his mind.

"This way!"

Shao Yang suddenly turned his head to look, his gaze was full of brilliance, and his supernatural powers were quietly operating, peeping through the many environments, and in a short time, he saw a half-foot-high tender green grass hidden in the bushes, as if it was real. Just an ordinary grass.

But how can it hide its traces under Shaoyang's intelligent eyes at this time?

This is clearly a high-quality spiritual herb!

At least above the pure Yang grade!

With a movement in Shaoyang's heart, the finger formula changed, and countless hexagrams suddenly appeared in the void, which already restricted the spirit grass in the middle.

This spiritual grass has been under the ladder for a long time, accumulating day and night, gathering the spiritual energy of the sun and the moon, it has already shed its mortal roots, and has all kinds of supernatural powers.

So, where does it not know that it has been exposed? I couldn't help being shocked, and suddenly the whole grass root was pulled out from the soil, and with a flash of blue light, it disappeared from the original place.

But Shaoyang had been on guard for a long time, Fuxi's sixty-four methods fell, and the spirit grass had fallen into countless hexagrams for a while.

The spirit grass was shocked and ran away again and again, but although it naturally awakened various escape methods, how could it jump out of Fuxi's sixty-four methods? The spirit grass changed again and again, swaying with the wind, and moved several times, but it just changed from one hexagram to another.

Don't get away.


With a flick of Shaoyang's robe sleeve, countless hexagrams rolled down into his palm, the spirit grass kept rolling, but in the end it had no choice but to fall into Shaoyang's hands.

At this time, many coverings were shed, revealing the original face of this spiritual herb. Shao Yang looked at it carefully, but saw that the whole body of this spiritual herb was crystal clear, and it was faintly like jade. Sure enough, the quality is good! This is the first time Shaoyang has seen this kind of spiritual herb, which is truly astonishing. How could a single spiritual herb be cultivated to such a level?

"Great Immortal, spare your life! Great Immortal, spare your life!"

That spiritual herb fell into Shaoyang's hands, he panicked and shouted again and again.

Fortunately, it's not the king who spared his life!

Shaoyang complained from the bottom of his heart, he has already discovered that this spirit grass has already possessed a bit of wisdom, just like a real person, so it cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, Shaoyang deliberately frightened it and said: "You little grass spirit, how dare you fool me? Today, I will make you obliterate your soul, refine it into a elixir, and save all living beings!"

The spirit grass bent down again and again, as if kowtowing, very funny, but I heard it say again and again, "Great Immortal, Great Immortal! I am a grass spirit, I am a spirit, and I am not a ghost or something! Essence, can communicate to become spirit, grass spirit, I also understand temperament, open spiritual wisdom, should be spirit, if not, become essence..."

The grass spirit was chattering.

Shaoyang is funny, this grass spirit is in a catastrophe, and it is still here to care about whether it is a spirit or a spirit?

It's really long-winded.

Shao Yang frowned on purpose, and shouted: "You are so wordy, if I say you are a genius, then you are a genius!"

"Otherwise, the grass spirit, I am the grass spirit, not the grass spirit..." The grass spirit was still defending.

Shaoyang was in charge of Nanming Lihuo, and the grass spirit suddenly remembered that the one in front of him was going to wipe out his wisdom! So it was so frightened that it quickly crawled towards Shaoyang, "Great Immortal, spare me! Even though I have all the guts, Cao Ling, I will never dare to fool the Great Immortal! It's just that I saw the Great Immortal flying and coming here, radiant and shocking. So I was so frightened that I made such a bad move, I really regret it..."

Cao Ling defended again and again.

It is said that there is too much regret, Shaoyang still believes in this. However, Shaoyang looked at it, and the grass spirit was rambling, but he couldn't see any use for it.

Spirit grass, oh, grass spirit, isn’t it used for medicine?

Although Shaoyang himself is not very good at alchemy, and he seldom uses pills to cultivate, but he is backed by the official, so he is afraid of this?

I believe that the Forbidden Secret Office will be very happy to hand over this grass spirit to the authorities, but there are many ways to deal with it.

Seeing Shaoyang's appearance, the grass spirit, although not capable of reading minds, was able to guess some of Shaoyang's thoughts. He was even more astonished, and said again and again: "Great Immortal, please forgive me! I have worked hard for Cao Ling for many years, and it is not easy. I hope that the Great Immortal will show mercy." , don’t take the life of Cao Ling.”

Shaoyang smiled and said, "Then what's the use for you?"

Hearing the words, Cao Ling turned her mind, and said quickly: "After all, Cao Ling is the essence of spiritual grass, and is good at raising all kinds of herbs. The Immortal took me into the cave and promised to take care of all kinds of spiritual herbs properly. Don't worry, Daxian."

oh? Still have this use?

Shao Yang thought about it, so it seems that it is not useless.

I now have two caves, but no one takes care of them. In the Qingliangshan Cave Mansion in Journey to the West, Lin Mei and the four Wuqing arranged by himself, and it has been in operation for so long, it can barely operate.

But the Golden Cup Cave Sky that I carry with me has greater potential, but I have no choice but to endure the lack, so I can only let the fox take care of it.

And this local fox has a lazy temper and likes to steal and play tricks, so it's really unreliable to let it do such things.

So, Shaoyang has been thinking about how to solve it... Unexpectedly, this grass spirit here has such a skill. ——So, in fact, it is only for this purpose, Shaoyang has already planned to spare this grass spirit for the time being, and keep it in his own golden cup cave, so as to take care of various elixir and spirit herbs for himself.

Of course, if you think about it this way, you still have to beat it on the surface.

Shaoyang smiled slightly, with a look of indifference, "Hehe, I have traveled the world and obtained the inheritance of Hetu Luoshu, do I still care about such trivial things?"

He used Fuxi's sixty-four methods, and he also learned some magical powers from the Yellow Emperor. It's not exactly bragging to say that.

Sure enough, the grass spirit was in awe.

Obviously, it also saw some foundations from Shaoyang's shot, so it couldn't help but not believe it.

Cao Ling was so frightened that he trembled, his mind was spinning there, and he quickly said: "Great Immortal, Great Immortal, Cao Ling is full of essence, and I can separate out a drop of essence every day, which is enough to bring the dead back to life! Wouldn't it be better than killing a chicken to get its eggs?" good?"


There is such a skill?

Shaoyang laughed... Let's just say, if it hadn't been frightened, how could it have honestly confessed these things?

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