Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 82 The Lament of the True God! The sad fate and final choice of the ancient god!

Chapter 82 The Lament of the True God! The sad fate and final choice of the ancient god!

Hades' pace was very calm. When they came to the dark world again, Erebus and Nyx, the loving couple of ancient gods, were already quietly waiting for Hades' arrival.

"Hades!" Nyx said gently with a smile on her face: "You succeeded. You regained your own Pluto origin without using the Lament of God."

Hades said quietly: "Luck."



In fact, 80% of the success this time was due to luck. I got the news about the chain of the world from the two ancient gods, I found the golden apple, and the father of my own Titan God King, because of arrogance and arrogance, Thus neglecting one's own skills.

All of these are put together, and the final result is determined like this. The father of my family lost, and lost miserably, and this is the only result.

As for everything else? To a certain extent, it actually doesn't matter. If you lose, you are defeated. There is no father and son on the battlefield, and the sword is silent. Since you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say.

However, no matter from any point of view, it must be admitted that Hades was able to win this war mainly due to luck. Otherwise, it would still need to consume the Lament of God.

There are really completely different things between some things being able to stay and being directly consumed. Especially for a mysterious artifact like the Elegy of God, which can be used against the ancient gods, it is really very important that something can be left behind. important.

Of course, in the eyes of the two ancient gods, these are not as simple as the so-called luck. Fighting is like this. It seems that it can be described by luck, but in fact, how can it be so simple and easy?

In a few words, could it be explained by just the word luck? If everything can be explained by luck, then could Hades's long-term efforts and narrow escape in the Sea of ​​Chaos be just luck? Can it be proved by just two words?


All of this is definitely more than that, and it can't be proven just like this. Of course, these don't need more words. If you win, you win. There is nothing to say.

Erebus thought for a moment and said: "Hades, you can give us your Lamentation of Gods, and we can transform it for you."


Hades quietly took out the Lament of Gods and handed it to Erebus. The originally calm expressions of Erebus and Nyx also became slightly more solemn. The ancient couple looked at each other. At one glance, everyone nodded seriously.

Followed by.

Darkness and night, monstrous laws emerged instantly, and under the endless laws, the Lament of God seemed to have undergone some essential changes. In a short period of time, when everything settled, it seemed that nothing had happened. Nothing has changed, but in fact, everything has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Erebus handed the Lament of God to Hades and said seriously: "Hades, the transformation of the Lament of God has ended. The current Lament of God is the real Lament of God."

Hades took the Elegy of Gods and didn't say much. He just put it away seriously, and he could feel it. He was also very clear about the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in the Elegies of Gods.

The Lament of God is very special. After the transformation of this ancient couple, the Lament of God is completely different from the past. It can even be said that the Lament of God now should be called the real Lament of God. Lament.

The true lamentation of God! ! !

Seeing Hades put away the Elegy of Gods, Nyx said softly: "Hades, regarding the nature of the ancient gods, 豼! Probably, in fact, you can guess what is going on, right?"

"You can guess it." Hades nodded silently and said: "The nature of the ancient gods is just the same as us. From the beginning of their birth, every god serves the mythical world, and their destiny is fixed. Yes, even we, the God-Kings who are cared for by the mythical world, are the same."

"That's right!" Nyx nodded and said softly: "As for the Ancient God, as the Ancient God who represents a certain essence of the mythical world, from the beginning of his birth, in fact, he cannot escape from the mythical world at all. But! Who wants to be like this forever?"


Following these words, Erebus and Nyx fell silent, and Hades was also silent. The reason is very simple, and this is true for any god! Who wants to fall into such silence forever?

Who is willing to stay here forever? Of course not! Even human beings are not willing to live a given life. They always want to fight hard, let alone a god?

Erebus and Nyx, the ancient god couple, looked at each other, and Nyx continued: "Under such circumstances, the ancient gods, there are only two ways to succeed."

"The first one is to destroy the entire mythical world and return the entire mythical world to its original appearance, in which we will break away from the mythical world."

"Second, as an ancient god, break the blockade and become an absolute god. Then everything will naturally be over. This is also the simplest way."

"The third rule is to choose a god who can have a chance to break the shackles, and then attach to the other party. When the other party breaks the shackles, everything will be simple."

Nyx's explanation was very clear and concise, and he also told Hades what the reason for all this was. Of course, Hades could be said to have guessed about this situation.

Hades thought for a moment and said, "Erebus, Nyx, the path you choose, even if you are attached to a god king, you are still bound."

"Yes!" Erebus said with a touch of emotion: "Theoretically, this is the case, but in essence? We are still separated from the mythical world, and we are destined to see the results if we get rid of ourselves. Your destiny, this is the most important thing!"

Erebus had a look of emotion in his eyes, yes! Even if there is a different lord, his fate is not something that can be seen at a glance, but he has his own choice.

Now? !


I understand everything!

I understand everything!

Sorry, my condition is still not very good. I try to stay stable. My mentality still needs to be stabilized.

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