Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 37 One of the Twelve Titan Gods: Iapitus, the Dimensional God

Chapter 37 One of the Twelve Titan Gods: Dimensional God Iapetus

The Titans are greedy and crazy, but they no longer attack. Instead, they surround Hades from all sides. Although the Titans are crazy, they are also full of greed and want to eat Hades. Fat, but they are not idiots either!

This is obviously a situation where they will die. Hades is obviously no longer the little Karami they can deal with. They are the little Karami now. Because of this, they still stand here honestly, looking for opportunities to appear. good.

Hades has not left, but is waiting for something here quietly. As time goes by, a terrifying divine power has gradually come over.


Hades's empty eyes seemed to have just gained color, while a Titan with short light blond hair and a white robe walked over step by step.

As he walked forward step by step, all the Titans moved out of the way. They were very obedient and honest. They all bowed their heads respectfully and did not dare to go any further.

In the current mythical world, the number of Titans cannot be counted at all, but there is only one truly powerful and terrifying god who reigns at the apex of the Titans, and that is the supreme Titan King Cronus.

Under Cronus, the 11 Titans who assisted Cronus in ruling the entire mythical world were the brothers and sisters of Cronus. They and Cronus, the Titan King, And known as the twelve main gods of the Titans.

The coming god is none other than the dimensional god Iapetus, one of the twelve main gods of the Titans.

The father-god of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius, even among the Twelve Titans, is one of the strongest. Just from his son, Ah Truss is the same Titan Lord who can see how powerful Iapetus is.

"Hades." Iapetus looked at the figure of the black-haired boy in front of him quietly. After a long time, he said slowly: "This is our first meeting."

Hades also greeted calmly: "Iapetus, our first meeting."

"Hades, are you waiting for me?" Iapitus looked at his eldest nephew in front of him. He could feel the endless divine power of the other party. From the moment he felt the other party's divine power, he knew that the other party was Waiting for myself.

"Not bad." Hades said silently: "I want to give it a try. I want to try to see if I am qualified to compete against the twelve main gods of the Titans."




This is almost the first thought of all the Titan gods around. They all think so. You are just a junior, even if you are His Majesty’s heir, your situation is like this. What does 伱 mean? ? So arrogant?

Iapitus thought about it and asked: "Hades, have you got rid of the shackles of your origin? From the main god to the level of the Titan main god."

Hades corrected: "To be precise, I didn't get rid of the shackles of the origin, I just broke through the shackles of the origin."

Hades did not deny that he had stepped into the level of the Titan Lord. In fact, this had proven that Iapitus's statement was correct, which made a large number of Titans unable to believe it.

How is this possible? ! Only a million years have passed, and Hades has already entered the level of Titan God? Is this your Majesty's child? It is simply a god who is more angry than the god of death!

"Then..." Iapitus did not refuse and said, "Then let's give it a try."

Although Iapitus stood there without moving, the space had begun to distort. He was called the God of Dimensions, and this was the law he controlled.

Dimensional rules!


Iapitus is also known as the ancestor of mankind, which means that he has mastered many laws related to humans, such as the laws of life, light, and the origin of human beings, etc. These are all mentioned by Iapetus. mastered.

In fact, this is normal. For many gods, except for those rubbish Titan gods, basically all gods have mastered a large number of laws, and among these large numbers of laws, they can perfectly exert all the laws. If they come out, they will be very few.

Generally speaking, every god majors in one or two kinds and is done, and Iapotus majors in dimensional laws and human laws, these two comprehensive laws.

At this time, Iapitus simply used the dimensional law. The law that was exerted had completely swallowed up the surrounding space. If Hades was swallowed into it, then he would be swallowed up by the dimensional law. Shred directly.


All the spaces around Hades were collapsing and dissipating visible to the naked eye, decaying! It shouldn't be there, but it's the feeling that it's completely there.

"Corruption." Iapitus's voice was full of thought, and he said: "Hades, to what level have you elevated all the laws you mastered to break the shackles of the origin?"

As the twelve main gods of the Titans, what kind of storms and waves has Iaptus not seen? But! Iapitus could not imagine such a situation, it was almost impossible.

Hades, Poseidon, Zeus.

These three brothers represent Pluto, Poseidon and Emperor of Heaven respectively.

It can be said that the laws mastered by the three brothers are all compound laws. Each of them has mastered hundreds, thousands, or even more laws. Because of this, if they cannot find their own The origin is that it is impossible to break through the Titan Lord God.

The reason is very simple. Breaking through here is too difficult and almost impossible, because you need to upgrade all the laws to the level of the Titan Lord God, which is almost impossible.


Hades did it. Hades broke through to the level of the Titan Lord without regaining his origin. Now Iapitus understands that Hades is not getting rid of the shackles of his origin, but a breakthrough. What does this sentence mean after breaking away from the shackles of the origin?



how could it be possible? !

Iapitus also had an expression of disbelief. He looked deeply at Hades, as if he had already seen the figure of the man in Hades, no! wrong! Not that man, but...

His Majesty? !

The figure of the supreme Titan God King Cronus, Iapetus saw the shadow of His Majesty in Hades. Iapetus seemed to see again the man who could not be described in words. To describe, every move of His Majesty can create miracles.

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