Naturally, Louise didn't know that just a single ring could make Klein think so much for no reason. She just waited for a while before receiving a response from Miss "Magician".

Fors said that she needed to pass the news to the Abraham family, and the final result would be passed on to herself within a day.

In this way, it seems that the Abraham family does not ignore this transaction, and they must have never stopped paying attention to Fors, otherwise it would be impossible to give a response in such a short time.

But this is good news for Louise. She accepted it frankly and said that she was willing to wait for a day.

She was going to the southern continent to rescue Bernadette. Originally, she could only take a boat, but if she could get the sealed item of the "door" route, the time of traveling back and forth could be greatly shortened, so it was only a day waiting, which was completely acceptable.

The matter that has been delayed for so long has suddenly found a perfect solution. Louise is very satisfied with this, and the rest is just waiting patiently.

The threat from Chriska has basically been lifted, but the "Witch Sect" will not let it go, so there is still an urgent need to leave Oravi Island.

Therefore, Louise called everyone for a brief meeting, and only set aside one day for everyone. As long as there is news from Miss "Magician", no matter whether the transaction is successful or not, Miss Maid and others must leave immediately leave.

Except for Klein and Miss Seer who needed to stay on Oravi Island and look for opportunities to go to sea, everyone else had to leave together. To ensure safety, Louise even arranged for Miss Sharron to escort them along the way.

Her current fighting power is already strong enough, even if she cooperates with Miss Sharron, it will only be icing on the cake, and rescuing Bernadette is an unknown operation, and it is impossible to determine how dangerous it is, so it is best not to involve other people as much as possible.

After enjoying a peaceful dinner, Louise returned to her room and unexpectedly found a white envelope on the desk.

This scene is very familiar, probably only her own messenger lady can do such a thing, Louise even took it for granted, she opened the envelope and found that it was indeed a letter from Bernadette.

"I've tried my best to overestimate you, but I didn't expect you to be promoted to Sequence Four in such a short period of time. You shouldn't be promoted to Angel earlier than me, so I really want to be willing to call you Aunt Louise!"

There was no fluctuation in Louise's heart. Since Bernadette was still in the mood to joke, it meant that she was in a relatively safe situation. Trapped and unable to escape, but her life was not in danger. What happened to her?

Feeling puzzled, Louise continued to read:

"I heard that Sharon is by your side, so please tell her that the time has come to fulfill what she promised me before."

"By the way, your messenger lady asked me to tell you, remember to bring a woman named Emily with you. I look forward to our meeting soon."

Louise put down the letter in her hand and realized something. She originally thought that what happened to Bernadette was caused by her own carelessness, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

With Miss Sharon, it can be said that Bernadette wanted to find a helper for the time being, and there was indeed a similar deal between the two of them. It was in Backlund, Bernadette helped Sharon hunt " Rose School of Thought" demigod, the latter promised the price that needs to be paid.

But when Emily was specifically mentioned, it became clear that the matter had nothing to do with the "Bound God".

No wonder that when I summoned Reinette Tinekerr, the latter was unwilling to say even half a word. It turned out that it wasn't that He didn't know anything, but that He knew but didn't dare to say it!

Louise smiled silently, but her face was slightly cold. She was not sure what would happen to her on this trip to the Southern Continent, but she also knew that it would definitely not be easy to complete, but she had to go.

Bernadette was trapped, and Emily was eroded by the "Phantom Crown", which made it impossible for her to refuse this trip to the Southern Continent.

But don't forget that Louise is no longer the ignorant little character in the middle and low ranks. After being promoted to a demigod, she has the qualifications and the ability to choose what she does, or what she doesn't do.

As long as she is unwilling to do it, who can persecute her? So what if he is the "Bound God"!

Louise turned around, leaned against the edge of the desk, summoned Reinette Tinekerr again, and asked bluntly:

"Bernadette is trapped, do you know that?"

Reinette Tinekerr's head bobbed up and down: "I know."

Are you willing to tell the truth now? Louise continued to ask blankly: "Where is she trapped?"

Reinette Tinekerr's four heads shook from side to side: "I don't.know.know."

"I really don't know, or I don't want to say?" Louise questioned.

"I really don't know." Reinette Tinekerr replied, but it was hard to tell whether he was sincere or not.

Louise stared at him coldly for two seconds, then asked:

"What happened to Emily and Bernadette, you are all manipulating it behind the scenes, aren't you? Just to let me take a trip to the Southern Continent?"

Reinette Tinekerr was silent, four pairs of eyes looked at Louise, but unfortunately the latter remained unmoved, and then He gave the answer:

"Bernadette took the initiative to get involved in this matter."

After waiting for a while, Louise realized that Reinette Tinekerr did not continue to speak. Bernadette stayed in the Southern Continent to find the ceremony for being promoted to an angel. Maybe she was unlucky enough to be trapped. And what happened to Emily was indeed deliberately arranged.

But the strange thing is, why is the one chasing Emily a demigod from the "White Tower" pathway, who also claims to be a member of the "Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom"?

Does the matter of the "Rose School of Thought" have anything to do with that "Dragon of Wisdom"?

Louise was puzzled, but she also knew that even if she asked, the Reinette Tinekerr in front of her would not be able to say anything, so she finally gave a strong warning:

"The 'Rose School of Thought' has given me help, but not much, and every time it is a fair transaction, so I am not obliged to do anything for you."

"I will go on this trip to the Southern Continent, but only for Emily and Bernadette. If something else happens to me, I will choose to do it or not. Don't doubt, I have the ability to refuse and leave."

Reinette Tinekerr replied calmly: "Everything... will satisfy... Your Excellency."

Louise nodded and said nothing.

After a short silence, Reinette Tinekerr asked aloud:

"If there are no other things, I will leave first."

Louise took a deep look at him, and replied lightly: "Go slowly, I won't see you off."

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