Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 368 Fate, Orochi, and Disappointment (Subscribe)

Chapter 368 Fate, Orochi, and Disappointment (Subscribe)

But Klein is currently a good boy who hasn't been a big guy for a few times. Although he will always be a good boy, the current Klein is obviously not as cheeky as the late stage of the original book. After a while, he came back to his senses, coughed in embarrassment and shame, and said:

"Then what if Will Auceptin's wish is related to becoming a god?"

"Aren't you friends with that Angel of Destiny? Are we going to help Will become Sequence 0?"

Klein himself naturally doesn't have much inclination among the two mercury snakes, but he knows that Lin Ruo is a friend of the Angel of Destiny. Although Lin Ruo has lost his memory now, logically speaking, he shouldn't help Will. Angel of Destiny is right.

"Their competition has nothing to do with me."

Lin Ruo blurted out almost subconsciously, and when he finished answering, he was taken aback for a moment.

What am I... talking about?

Lin Ruo blinked, of course he knew that the words just came from his instinct, but why did he say that?

At this moment, there is a vague sound in my mind, accompanied by a broken picture.

He heard his own voice, slightly distorted, sad and unbelievable:

"Did you see it? Why...why didn't you remind Him?"

Lin Ruo felt a deep sadness, as if losing half of the world, and a little anger.

The person in front of him was still wearing a simple linen robe. He had a beautiful face, soft features, and long silver-white hair that was as soft as satin.

It was the king of angels, Ouroreus the "Tail Swallower".

Ulorius seemed a little at a loss and a little confused. He opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound. After a few seconds, he said:

"Fate told me that I shouldn't remind him."

Lin Ruo in his memory didn't know why, but was irritated by this sentence, and felt very mocked. He blinked his eyes, a little sour, and his voice was hoarse because of the loss of emotional control:

"Fate? Fate!"

"You always talk about fate, you always follow fate, Ouroreus, what is fate to you?"

"Is it more important than your own will?"

"Is it more important than who you care about?"

Lin Ruo listened to his questioning and looked at the Angel of Destiny whose expression became more and more at a loss, it was hard to say what kind of mood he was in at the moment.

He heard himself say again:

"Ouroreus, answer me, if one day, fate tells you that death is a necessary result, will you accept this ending?"

Ulorius was stunned, he was probably thinking, and after a few seconds, he nodded.

"I will obey the arrangement that fate gives me."

"Ha!" His vision was slightly blurred, as if there was a layer of mist, Lin Ruo understood what was going on, and heard his own laughter.

In his memory, he suddenly laughed, until he choked up with laughter.

He said, "Ouroreus, I regret it."

"I shouldn't have helped you become the King of Angels."

"Because I didn't remind Medici?" Ulorius seemed completely unaware of what Lin Ruo would say, showing a hurt expression for the first time, and seemed a little sad.

Lin Ruo felt a sense of disappointment and sadness, which came from his memory.

"You really don't understand." Lin Ruo in memory looked disappointed at the bewildered angel of fate, and said, "I did feel sad and angry because of Medici's death, and I did offend you. I know, the real murderer It's Tudor, it's Amon, it's Adam, and you and I are all accomplices."

"But I regret helping you become the king of angels because... because of the fate of this dog P!"

Probably because he couldn't help it, he cursed in his memory, "Why don't you understand? Destiny is power and a tool, whether you use it to protect yourself or use it to realize your ambitions, but it never Nothing should go beyond your own will."

"Ouroreus, you are driving fate, not fate, do you understand? Live for fate, what is the difference between you and a puppet!"

"When that dog's fate goes against your will, let it die!"

Ulorius was stunned again, with a dazed and helpless expression.

And looking at Ulorius like this, Lin Ruo could feel how disappointed and exhausted he was.

"Forget it, forget it if you don't understand."

"I won't help you track down Will anymore, Ourorius, maybe you are still suitable to be a Sequence 2."

"At the very least, you at that time knew how to defy fate."

Lin Ruo saw Ulorius opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, the angel of fate still didn't say anything.

as always.

And he didn't say anything, just turned and left.

The memory came to an abrupt end here, Lin Ruo slightly opened his eyes in a complicated manner, and finally understood why his attitude towards the two mercury snakes had been so strange all along.

He clearly knew that he and Ulorius were friends, and he knew that the two mercury snakes were in a competitive relationship, but he still didn't have the slightest grievance to want to make the little snake an ally, and he didn't think about what it would do to Ulorius at all. kind of impact.

This is not entirely the effect of amnesia, but also his instinct, his emotional tendency, so Lin Ruo never felt that there was anything wrong with doing so.

And after recovering the memory just now, Lin Ruo already understood that although he has no ill feeling toward Ulorius now, he obviously doesn't want to support this stupid snake in the competition between the two snakes of mercury.

Lin Ruo's current attitude is very subtle.

He doesn't mind Klein helping Will in the future, and he doesn't mind Mazo, Medici and others standing behind Ouroreus. As for who can become that Sequence 0 in the end, it depends on their own abilities.

Even, Lin Ruo felt that his own will might be more inclined to make Will, who is full of humanity, become that Sequence 0, and then find a way to keep Ourorius, who is obviously not enough in humanity, and let him be a happy Sequence 2 stupid snake.

"Why do you feel tired, what do you guys like to do?" Lin Ruo pinched her chin, complained, and suppressed all the emotions that just emerged from the memory.

He then looked at Klein and said, "Let's go, Klein, let's go to Dr. Allen's dream and see what attitude the little snake has."

In fact, he noticed the change in Lin Ruo's expression when he recovered his memory, and Klein, who was a little worried, swallowed his originally concerned words, nodded, and said, "Okay."

He thought of something again, and asked curiously: "Actually, I just wanted to ask, why did you call Will Auceptin a little snake? Is he very young?"

"No, as far as I know Will is an old gangster who has lived for thousands of years." Lin Ruo insulted Will without changing his face, completely ignoring the fact that he is also 18 years old and does not know how many months , and said:

"As for why he is called Little Snake, of course it's because of Will, who not only likes to pretend to be a child, but also likes to eat ice cream!"


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