Mystery: Me! Omnipotent

Chapter 63 The sage task, the official competition! (!)

When the people were angry, Ying Qi, as the "protagonist", looked calm.

Look at the first question that was refreshed!

The content is extremely rich, and there is more than one problem at all.

"Your Excellency Sage, we want to know where your information comes from?"

"We guess that you must have some kind of fetish props that can predict the future. This kind of fetish should be used to benefit the world instead of being used by individuals to squeeze the secret points of the global people. Do you dare to admit this?"

"If you deny it, are you willing to provide your real name, location, name of the extraordinary secret medicine taken, etc.? Our organization has a way to verify the truth."

"Please, prove your innocence."

"Questioner: Theresa Charity Foundation Adelaide."

When these pieces of information were refreshed one after another, especially the last questioner, some changes occurred in the barrage.

Most of the mysterious associations around the world give people the impression that they are mysterious and unknown.

But a few have a reputation for kindness.

Teresa Charity Foundation!

It is one of them.

They claimed that they were all women and believed in an unknown goddess of kindness, purity and knowledge.

Do daily charity activities to help the sick and the poor.

It is our responsibility to spread knowledge, and these are free.

There is no doubt that at the beginning of the new era, they gained an excellent reputation extremely quickly.

Such an organization carried out "moral kidnapping" of Ying Qi.

The effect is self-evident.

The phrase "please prove your innocence", in the eyes of some idiots, is simply a loud voice.

Before long, a controversy arose in the barrage.

"Well, so speaking, it's reasonable and well-founded."

"There is one thing to say, if the sage really has such a fetish, maybe you can consider sharing it."

"I'll come up with a plan. It is better for the global official to unite and communicate with the sages and form a blue star alliance to play the biggest role of that fetish."

"Tsk tusk, are you crazy, let's not say whether the all-knowing sage has the divine object, even if it does, it must be handed over?"

"Ethical kidnapping is really slippery. Will you hand it over if you have a fetish?"

"Um, isn't the sage boss always sharing knowledge? Collecting points is just to prevent us from being polluted."

"Who knows if what he said is true or false, I think the all-knowing sage is deceiving people."

"With the reputation of Teresa Charitable Foundation, I think this question makes sense."

"President Adelaide is an angelic existence. Without her, I don't know how many victims would die."

"It has nothing to do with sages and fetishes. Let me say an inside story. That charitable foundation may not be what you imagine."

"Fart upstairs, there is a kind of proof."

"Hehe, believe it or not, I was sold as an idiot who paid for the money."


Ying Qi watched these arguments without any waves.

In fact, he guessed this scene before posting.

Be guilty of his crime!

This is quite normal, the "all-knowledge-and-age" played by Ying Qi is completely worthy of this name.

He can imagine how strong the coveting of him by the various official organizations.

If it weren't for the incomprehensible protective function of the "Mystery Net", Ying Qi suspected that she had been smashed into the air.

If Ying Qi was a little surprised, this organization jumped out so impatiently.

The first question was torn apart.

If it is another organization, Ying Qi may have to work a little bit more.

But, it's the Teresa Charity Foundation.

"Hehe, I'm really not afraid of death."

"I thought about doing a big one again after a while, so as to easily solve this kind of deceitful organization."

"Now, it happens to be able to use this disgusting evil association to sacrifice the flag first."

After a few thoughts fell, Ying Qi's mind turned and began to answer questions.

The questions are beyond the expectations of billions of people around the world.

The answer of the All-Knowing Sage is even more so.

"This reply is given to the people around the world, as well as major officials."

"First of all, I don't have that kind of fetish props. You don't need to have such illusions anymore."

"The purpose of collecting points is to prevent people with lower sanity from being polluted by'mysterious side knowledge'."

"My innocence does not need to be self-certified. On the contrary, I am here to give a free warning to all transcendents and trainees in the world."

"Your real name, age, location, secret medicine and other information should be kept as confidential as possible."

"If it is revealed to a malicious organization, especially if they still believe in the [Knowledge Cthulhu], you are likely to be cursed in the air and die immediately."


Ying Qi's reply was quite satisfactory in the first half, and the last sentence detonated the secret net again.

A few keywords, let all the transcendents feel cool.

Knowledge Cthulhu!

Curse from the air!

Seeing that the real-time barrage was about to break out again, Ying Qi's reply was not over yet.

"Second reply, to you stupid old witches."

"Since you know that I am called an'all-knowing sage', why do you make such a stupid decision?"

"The following is the true information of the Teresa Foundation."

"The foundation was formerly known as the [Adelaide Black Witch Group]. Its leader was Adelaide Clements. This person practiced black witchcraft and killed his parents, husband, daughter, and granddaughter. Blood relatives sacrifice ceremony, promotion to transcendent [Blood Witch]."

"Because of this kind of extraordinary professional practice, a lot of human experiments and evil sacrifices are required, so she gathered a group of old women whose lifespan was on the verge of exhaustion to form a foundation."

"The face is for charity, and secretly, the poor people are sacrificed to the foreign evil gods to obtain rewards such as witchcraft."

"Based on their current size, I speculate that the foundation may have killed thousands of people."

"The mass disappearance of the indigenous people of Hakata Island, the sacrifice of the Europa girl, the blood sacrifice of several tribes in North Africa, the bloodbath of trickery in the charity camp... These incidents were all done by [Theresa Charity Foundation]."


This time, the secret web completely exploded.

The people all over the world were stunned.

The reputation of the omniscient sage makes everyone subconsciously believe this information.

But because of the contrast, billions of people don’t know how to react.


"Slander, it's all smear."

"Quickly, retort."

Kangaroo State, a hidden town, the secret room of a gorgeous castle.

A large group of gorgeously dressed but evil-smelling old witches showed anger on their faces, waving old bark-like palms and bright red nails, shouting.

The old woman headed by her, everything on her body is extremely extravagant, and even some things faintly exude an extraordinary taste.

Her pale face with a lot of powder was almost distorted, and she was about to refute Ying Qi in the secret net immediately.

But in the next second, she and all the old women in the room heard a reminder that made their whole body tremble:

"Because you violated the rules, the second-level authority owner [All Knowledge Sage] has imposed a ban on you."

"Time Limit: Permanent."

"Mute? Forever?"


Inside the secret room, the group of black witches, who were striving for longevity and strength, wailed collectively.

"Why, why does this guy have such authority?"

"This is not fair, the secret net will come out to me, I want to appeal, I want to lift the ban."

"What is it? We still have a great god, and the goddess of knowledge in the foreign land has promised that when he comes, we will all have endless life and knowledge, and we will live forever."

"No, the leader will look at it soon."

Suddenly, a black witch stared round her eyes, as if she had seen some horrible picture, and roared in panic.

The evil witches looked at the secret net again, but saw that "` "The All-Knowing Sage" did not end with them.

Even more terrifying information was revealed by the sages.

"Next, is the so-called goddess of knowledge followed by these old witches."

"According to the foundation's totem and Adelaide's behavior, what they believe in is an exotic evil god called'Modni'."

"The evil god likes to pollute living creatures with knowledge, likes blood sacrifice rituals, has a cruel temperament, and is extremely cunning."

"His goal is naturally the mysterious side knowledge I know."

"At this moment, all senior members of the foundation are gathering at Adelaide Castle in Meeks, Kangaroo."

"Whether it is any organization or official, if they can be wiped out within half an hour, I will give an additional opportunity to ask questions."

"Timing begins!"

When the All-Knowing Sage's reply was completely over, the secret net finally boiled completely.

The tsunami-like real-time barrage directly flooded the secret stickers.

Billions of people have burst out of enthusiasm and their worship of "all-knowing sages."

Everyone knows that the dust has settled.

The truth was revealed directly by the all-knowing sage.

The incomparably detailed information, completely based on the deceitful 【Theresa Charity Foundation】.

Inside, there was an extremely disgusting and terrifying black witch group.

"Too powerful, worthy of an all-knowing sage."

"The sage boss is omniscient and completely dismembered this evil organization."

"A big drama, a big drama, provocative start, happy ending."

"Remember how an evil organization was destroyed?"

"Even the location of the gathering of the old witches, I suspect that the sage boss has higher authority than us in the ‘secret net’."

"This is quite normal. In the previous few secret postings, the sage boss has been rewarded by the secret net every time. It is natural for higher authority."

"I'm even more curious about the sage boss, who even knows the information of the foreign evil god, no wonder it can kill the descendants of the evil god, it's even more mysterious."

"By the way, are there no officials and organizations to take over the hunting mission?"

Some people just had doubts in their minds, and soon, a large number of red real-time barrage drifted past.

Every one!

They are all bright red, and the killing intent is raging!

"The White Eagle Empire officially accepted the mission. Your Excellency the All-Knowing Sage will wait a few minutes. Our fleet has already been deployed, and this evil organization will be wiped out within ten minutes."

"The empire accepts that the sun never sets. We have been responsible for Kangaroo State to dispatch an extraordinary team to kill this group of evil witches within eight minutes."

"Officials please don't waste your time. Our second leader of [Elk Man] happens to be nearby, and they will die within five minutes."

"That's a coincidence. The latest missile of our Slavic empire has been launched, accurately positioned, and the battle is over within four minutes."


Looking at the major organizations and officials vying to take over the task, billions of people are speechless.

The weight contained in the four words omniscient sage once again shocked the world. .

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