Mystery: Me! Omnipotent

Chapter 23 Shocking integral value

After doing this, Ying Qi tossed the mechanical ball in her hand, shrugged, and said to Wang Jing, who was already breathless:

"Look, it's that simple."

Ying Qi's words hurt a lot.

This ambitious but unlucky mysterious leader of the association finally vomited his last mouthful of blood.

He stared at a pair of spiteful and puzzled eyes, and died completely.

He didn't know Ying Qi's name until his death.

I don't even know why Ying Qi wanted to intervene, why he was so powerful, and from where in the end he took out a mechanical ball that could subdue the "dream-eating tapir".

It can be said that he died in a daze.

This can be regarded as Ying Qi's evil taste, which has been in the past life.

Never answer questions for the "enemy", even if the enemy is dying.

Speaking of it, it was not their fault that the three of the Dead Soul Society were so vulnerable.

Needless to say the two ordinary people, although Wang Jing is an apprentice supernatural person, the source material he took is "Grave Heart Grass".

The transcendent sequence involved in this material is the [Dead Slayer], and if prepared, the combat power is good.

It is a pity that Grave Heart Grass is not the main material, but only the ingredients.

The source is not much and weak.

Ying Qi, on the other hand, is a real, extremely formal "secret spy".

Although the voyeur is not good at fighting, but so far.

In terms of physical attributes including strength and speed, Ying Qi is the number one person in the world.

In addition, he was carrying a hammer of death in his hand.

According to the transcendental sequence, this is at least a...6th-level strange thing.

The differences in all aspects are so great, and it is no wonder that the three of the Dead Soul Society were defeated by Ying Qi.

"But this is only for the time being. When the ancient dragon ancestors, the god of machinery, and the god of war have formal transcendents who are good at combat, my combat advantage is likely to be offset or even surpassed. It's really sad."

"I'm a secret spy, obviously I can't fight."

Ying Qi muttered modest words in a very insincere tone.


After solving everything with rough methods, Ying Qi just took the Death Hammer, Mechanical Master Ball, and Death Pennant back into the exclusive storage space.

Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded.


Along with this sound, a lot of lights and shadows surged out of the thick fog that had not yet completely dissipated.

The mist of the dream-eating tapir can isolate the signal, and only a few people successfully call the police.

But after all, it was a big incident, and the official manpower was severely insufficient. However, a group of personnel were still deployed.

But when they entered the scene, they soon discovered that the incident had been resolved.

The three people who were suspected of the instigator have completely died.

However, the most critical transcendent creature disappeared mysteriously.

Fortunately, the creature did not cause any casualties.

The mist of dreams is gone!

All the hospital staff awoke one after another.

Due to the sudden attack of dream-eating tapirs, many people were a little embarrassed where they were dragged into their dreams by the thick fog.

Such as the toilet!

Of course, some people are embarrassed, but it's not just because of the location.

In the ward where Ying Qi was almost living alone, Ying Qi looked at Doctor Hong and Li Yiren with a look full of "evil taste".

Two beauties, one big and one small, are flushed at the moment.

Not long ago, Ying Qi returned after resolving the incident.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Dr. Hong and Li Yiren hugging each other.

And I don't know what dream the two of them have, they are very close.

What's so good is that at the same moment, the two woke up.

So in the next second, Ying Qi's eardrums were successfully bombarded with screams.

The three sit opposite each other. Whether it is Doctor Hong or Li Yiren, their beautiful faces are flushed like cooked shrimps.

Ying Qi suspected that if they weren't waiting for his choice, the two of them must have run away with their faces under their covers.

Ying Qi wanted to laugh, but she was worried that if she laughed out loud, she might be attacked by fans from the two women.

With deliberately "cough cough" twice, Ying Qi looked at Li Yiren and asked:

"Yi Ren, what criteria must be met to enter that extraordinary university?"

"Ah, I even forgot this."

"Ying Qi, how many secret points you were given by Secret Net last night, this is the most important indicator, as long as the value is high enough, you can even enroll directly..."

Looking at the little beauty who started talking again, Ying Qi was helpless.

He actually knew that the first extraordinary university in his previous life also existed.

The most important, or even the only index of admission, is the secret points.

To be precise, it is the meaning of points.

Sanity value!

When the Secret Web links the global mind, it also judged billions of people.

According to the level of sanity value, points of different values ​​are given.

To a certain extent, the intellectual value represents a person's "qualification".

Will determine whether he can become a transcendent.

Does Ying Qi have enough points?

If he really showed his secret network points interface to Li Yiren and Dr. Hong at this time, he would be shocked to stun them in an instant.

However, he does want to enroll in the world's first extraordinary university.

So the next moment, Ying Qi used her authority.

Modify points!

This is impossible for others.

But Ying Qi, who has the second-level authority, only needs to move her thoughts.

In the next second, the revised interface was summoned by Ying Qi and presented to the two of them.

"Ninety-nine points?"

Almost immediately, Doctor Hong and Li Yiren both opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths slightly, looking at Ying Qi's secret points in disbelief.

ps: The first update is here. Today, I will do my best to explode. See if there are more or less. If the number is enough, I beg readers to appreciate it. .

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