Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 10 Hogwarts First Contact Part 1

The first difficulty you face when studying at Hogwarts Castle is that most of the castle is alive. For example, they can move escalators, steps, armor, oil paintings on the walls, and doors that need to be opened or disguised by special means.

Yes, when the descriptions in the novels and the pictures in the movies actually appeared in front of Ryan's eyes, he felt extremely excited when he saw them for the first time.

But when the excitement wears off, the difficulties posed by the constantly moving furnishings within the castle really come into view. The complicated interior structure caused Ryan to spend a lot of time looking for a destination. I have to say that the pace of life in Hogwarts is relatively slow, which is likely to be related to these disruptive facilities.

The most unlucky thing was that on Tuesday afternoon, on the way to the classroom, he even encountered Peeves, making him and a few classmates almost late for the first class of Dean McGonagall.

When they ran into the Transfiguration classroom out of breath, they found that it was not yet time for class, but some of the classmates had already sat down in the classroom to do their own business.

This classroom is not much different from ordinary middle school classrooms, except that, strangely, a cat is squatting on the desk.

Hermione, who came in with Ryan, was obviously a cat lover. She tried to scratch the chin of the cat on the lecture table, but was dexterously avoided by the cat. Ryan stared at Hermione in astonishment. After he entered the classroom Focusing on finding a seat, I didn't expect Hermione, who was very stable in the impression, to have such a childish side.

Ryan pulled Hermione back, who was still trying to pet the cat, and saluted the cat. Hermione looked at Ryan with questioning eyes. After returning to her seat, Hermione asked Ryan across the aisle, "Why did you salute that cat?"

It seems that Hermione is indeed not a retarded person. "The cat above was made by Professor McGonagall. She is one of only seven registered Animagus in this century. Look at the cat's eye. Are the lines exactly the same as Professor McGonagall's glasses?" Ryan said softly.

Hermione looked up at the cat, and suddenly her whole face turned red. She buried her face in her arms and said in a very soft voice, "You know why you didn't tell me about this earlier?"

Ryan didn't know how to answer, he thought to himself: a cat standing on the podium is not a normal thing in itself, how could I have guessed that you would directly touch it, this is completely different from the Hermione I know. In the same way, has the mature and steady Hermione been ripped off?

A few minutes later, when it was time for class, the classroom door was slammed open again, and Harry and Ron rushed in.

"Great, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet." Ron said happily to Harry.

The voice fell, and the cat on the podium jumped down and turned into a human figure at the same time.

"Mc-Professor McGonagall!" Ron suddenly turned pale.

"I think I should turn you into an alarm clock so you won't be late." McGonagall said angrily.

"We're just lost, Professor."

"That's why you should be turned into a map. Don't be late again next time, go back to your seats."

The two of them ran to their seats and sat down.

"Ryan Liang, you are the first freshman who can recognize me this year. It seems that you have excellent observation skills, and you have done a serious preview before class, so Gryffindor gives you 10 points." Professor McGonagall looked at Let's take a look at Ryan, then walk up to the podium.

"Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous spell you will ever have at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone who tries to be mischievous in my class, I'll ask him out and never let him in again. I But I warned you."

Then she turned her lectern into a pig and back again. The students were all attracted and wished they could start learning immediately, but they soon realized that it would take a long time to turn furniture into animals.

After they took down a lot of complicated notes, she gave each of them a match and started making them try to become a needle.

Sure enough, as Lane thought, magic is not something that can be performed by simply chanting a spell and waving a wand. It is a very rigorous science that contains many profound theories. It seems that to learn magic well, it is not enough to simply train, but also to learn to understand the principles.

Transfiguration is a subject that is easy and simple, and difficult to say. For example, a first-year student can turn a match into a needle. But if a master does such a thing, then the needle can be of all kinds of materials, all kinds of styles, and the deformation effect can last for hundreds of years.

In addition to the difference in magic power, such a gap is the understanding of the magic itself and the mastery of various material properties. Especially the latter point, which requires a lot of time and energy accumulation, and is not opportunistic.

Ryan took some time to combine the pre-class preview and the knowledge copied from the notes in this class to understand the principle, and then start the actual operation. The transformation from theory to practice was not as easy as imagined. It wasn't until the end of get out of class that he turned the matches into needles, but he was still three minutes slower than Hermione, and the needles he turned into had no pinholes.

Lane thought he was embarrassing. But after looking around, I saw that others were making slower progress, and some even had no change in the matches in front of them.

At the end of the class, Professor McGonagall nodded to Ryan. After all, for beginners, it is a good performance to make the item change, of course, the situation of the school master Hermione is an exception.

In addition to Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, Ryan has also learned a lot in several other classes, whether it's spells or herbal medicine.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick was a small wizard who fell off the stack of books excitedly when he read Harry Potter's name, which made people feel a little exaggerated. However, he has deep knowledge in spells, and is very happy to answer students' questions. After asking many times, Ryan feels that his spells have improved rapidly. .

In the herbal medicine class, Ryan felt that he was very good at dealing with those plants, and even got a bonus from Professor Sprout, which was probably a special bonus from the Celestial bloodline on the farm.

Astronomy and the history of magic are less interesting, though. The first-year astronomy is purely some observational records, and some simple calculation of the cycle of stellar phases, which is very boring.

The history of magic is taught by a ghost, Professor Binns. During the class, Professor Binns kept talking in a monotonous voice, while the students scribbled notes. From what the professor told, Ryan could get a lot of knowledge outside the history books, and even many major historical events that Professor Binns had personally experienced. But the professor's monotonous and never-ending lectures made me feel lethargic. So after each class, he needed to borrow the notes of Hermione, the only student in class who didn't fall asleep.

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