My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 709 Webber's anger

Faced with Webber's attack, Shimo naturally didn't mean any tension. When Webber attacked and approached him, Shimo kicked him out.

"Boom!" He fell heavily on the wall, and then fell to the ground

After Feng Bai got up from the ground, he felt a little regretful. He really didn’t expect that Shimo’s attack would be so fast and so powerful.

Shimo's kicking speed is simply too fast. Webber thought he could attack Shimo 100% of the time. However, what I never expected is that I didn’t even touch Shimo at all.

"It's amazing!" Weber said to Shimo with some mockery.

"It's not too late to understand now!" Shimo looked at Wei Bo and said lightly. However, he did not relax his vigilance. Because Shimo can still see that this Weber and these Sandias did not completely succumb

They are still thinking about waiting for an opportunity to attack themselves.

"However, this time, it's not that simple!" While speaking, Webber motioned to the Shandia man beside him.

Then, these Shandia people directly attacked Shimo again.

As the saying goes, soldiers will block the water and cover up the attack on these Shandia people. Shimo didn't have any worries, and he flew out again.

However, Shimo naturally knows that these attacks are not that simple.

It was just these Shandia attacks, but in fact they were simple attacks. It’s just that Weber is making these Sandia feints.

The real attack must come from Gan Weber

However, even so, Shimo did not panic at all. After all, even for Webber's attack, Shimo didn't pay much attention to it.

"Hey!" It was too late and it was fast, and Webber launched an attack on Shimo when he was riding Shimo to deal with the attacks of these Shandia people.

However, this time there was something in Webber's hand. This thing is similar to a shellfish temple. This thing is also the original history of Weber’s black attack this time.

"You are dead!" Webber saw Shimo's attack on him, and there was nothing unusual. I didn’t find my platoon shell, so he said proudly

"Really? Why don't I feel this way?" Shimo said lightly, and then Webber attacked.

In fact, Shimo had already seen the strangeness of Webber's attack this time. It’s just that Shimo still doesn’t pay attention to such an attack.

For Shimo, just a small platoon shell is not something that can be done simply.

220 "Go to hell!" While shouting, Webber attacked Shimo with his platoon shell.

"Peng!" The huge attack force hit Shimo. This platoon shell directly increased Weber's attack impact by more than ten times.

Armament Haki instantly covered Shimo's right foot and kicked it towards the platoon shell in Weber's hand.

"Pop!" All of a sudden, he kicked the platoon shell in Webber's hand to pieces.

Of course, the attack of the Pai Babe was actually played out. It’s just that it didn’t play any role for Shimo at all.

"Boom!" Because the shattering of the platoon shell did not offset Shimo's attack power.

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