It's a pain all over the body, like loose mud, which is normal and logical.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Quan, his neck was sore and sore.

In an instant, her heart beat faster.

She saw something that girls shouldn't see, but it was what she wanted to see last night.

Eyes, a little straight...

People say, it's a dragon, you have to coil it.

However, Jiang Quan is a dragon with his head held high.

Zou Lanting's mouth was dry and her throat was dry.

The adrenaline soared, and there was even a surge of heat, which was indescribably surging.

What an experience that was, man...

She felt like she was going crazy, obsessed with infinity, fantasizing about infinity.

It is uncomfortable to urinate.

Hurry up and use all your strength, turn up from the seat, open the car door and jump off.

My whole body hurts, and I almost fell to the ground.

The place where the ankle was tied, seemed to be broken, and it hurt so badly that he couldn't stand up.

Looking down, the purple, black and green rope marks were strikingly striking on the snow-white skin.

Because of the violent struggle, the delicate skin and tender flesh were all torn, the scars were deep, the skin rolled outwards, and the hands and feet were the same.

That hurts so much!

Zou Lanting almost burst into tears.

Coming from a wealthy family, how have you ever suffered such a crime?

The hip bones of both legs have also recovered due to the stretching of being tied to the bed, but there are still strains and pains.

As a result, he walked, wobbly, like a poor penguin, and like...

They talk about the girl who ate an apple on Christmas Eve or the day after Valentine's Day, leaving the hotel room, going downstairs or walking hard.

Looking around, there is no traffic on the road.

At the turn not far ahead, there is a secluded place.

She walked over with difficulty and solved the problem on the side of the road.

Not far away is a mountain spring, flowing in a small stone nest in the rock beside the road.

It seems that there are often passing drivers and passers-by drinking water.

She went over, feeling thirsty, took a few sips, it was sweet and refreshing.

Then I washed my face again, feeling my arms were sore and sore.

By the way, I scooped up water again and washed my body.

To put it bluntly, women from well-born families still pay great attention to physical hygiene.

Then I walked back, and after such an activity, the pain in my body was relieved.

However, it was found that Jiang Quan was no longer in the car.

This place with no village in front and no shop in back, and the vast mountains made her a little scared.

The money was still in the car, but the person was gone.

"Xiao Jiang! Xiao Jiang! Where are you?"

Zou Lanting cried out anxiously.

The slope on the side of the road in Jiangquan responded: "Hey, I'm here, and I'm getting some wild fruits for breakfast."


Zou Lan walked over and looked down from the side of the road, her scalp tingling.

That's a steep hill!

It is covered with weeds and low trees, and the bottom of the ravine is at least a hundred meters deep under the feet.

Jiang Quan was picking a kind of golden wild fruit among the low thorn bushes, which seemed to be covered with small thorns.

"What is that? Can it be eaten?"

Jiang Quan looked up at her, "Eatable! These prickly pears are very ripe and soft to the touch. I have never seen such a big one. They are delicious!"

" careful, don't fall." Zou Lanting said with concern, and then looked at the hillside again, "I'm a little afraid of heights, so I'm going back."

Jiang Quan thought it was all right, "Okay, go back to the car and wait for me."

Not long after, he returned to the car with his T-shirt rolled up and a bag full of prickly pears.

Zou Lanting's eyes were straightened when she saw her belly and her eight-pack shapely abs.

Put prickly pears on the hood that was washed clean by the rain, a large pile, yellow and clear, with a fruity aroma like old wine.

Zou Lanting was also famished and drooling, "How do you eat this?"

"You're so hungry, you're almost running water..." Jiang Quan pointed to her charming red lips, and then handed over two big ones, "Break it apart, the meat is tender and delicious, with plenty of water..."

"Oh..." Zou Lanting couldn't help showing her hands and wiping her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed, took the prickly pear and opened it as she said, her eyes lit up immediately.

"Wow! Really, the flesh looks so tender and delicious, with a lot of water, so fragrant..."

"This is the purest gift of nature, which can only be obtained with hardworking hands and a brave heart. On this morning in the virgin forest after the rain, Jiang Quan is full of love and admiration for life. Food is full of sacred taste... "

Zou Lanting laughed happily.

"Hehe, it's funny what you say..."

Immediately took another bite, his eyes were really bright, "Wow! It's so sweet and fragrant...Xiao Jiang, thank you, your ability to survive and adapt is really strong..."

"Hehe, it's okay to remove the survival adaptation..."

"Oh, whatever you want..." Zou Lanting didn't realize it, her attention was all on the fruit, it was so delicious!


The wind in this mountain is cool and comfortable.

The flowers and plants in the wind are fragrant and intoxicating.

The singing of birds everywhere makes the whole world full of pure and natural excitement.

The morning sun shines, and the forest is picturesque.

Emei is beautiful in the world, and this place is also a part of the mountain range, and it really deserves its name.

The heroic teenage uncle and the naturally charming daughter of a big boss enjoy the charming scenery and enjoy a happy wild fruit breakfast...

A meal of wild fruits, Zou Lanting was so addicted, her mouth was full of fragrance, she ate more than Jiang Quan.

By the way, she sent a message to Wenming Xue to report her safety, saying that she had eaten breakfast and was safe and sound, thank you Uncle Wen, Uncle Wen has worked hard.

Civilization Reply: Okay, don't worry. Girl, you're welcome, take care.

Originally, Wenmingxue wanted to ask about Zou Lanting after receiving the report from Leshui City. Because Le Shui said that he lost a security vehicle, a weapon, and seven weapons.

But Civilization has his considerations, the car must have been driven away by Jiang Quan or Zou Lanting, and the weapon may have been lost! In a small place like Emei City, the management is too lax.

The owner of the weapon branch is actually a law and order, can it be called lax?

But the security said that Jiang Quan fired a weapon, and then he didn't know where the weapon went.

Wenmingxue also has a strong interest in this Jiang Quan. A freshman, his weapon skills are very accurate, and he is very stable when he is hacked, and he has not suffered any injuries. Who is this kid?

Sophisticated civilization studies also believe that Zou Lanting's personal safety will not be leaked when she is with such a person.

See Zou Lanting later, let's talk!


"Are you full?" Zou Lanting stroked her stomach, feeling really good.


"There is a spring on the side of the road ahead, you can go to wash up..."

Zou Lanting pointed to the road ahead.

Jiang Quan pointed to the back, "There are also over there. I have washed and urinated by the way."

Zou Lanting couldn't help blushing when she heard the word "also", thinking of something.

Probably when she got out of the car, Jiang Quan was awakened?

Why do you say the word?

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