In the newly built luxurious courtyard, blood flowed like a river.

More than twenty boys collapsed, despaired, and the wounds were bleeding.

Thinking back to the previous scene, it felt like a nightmare.

They had followed Wu Jinbao around, and they had done a lot of fighting this year, and they had never done so badly.

Jiang Quan's sword didn't even turn over. Because I have never cut against them, they are just cabbage and melons, and I can't even touch the corners of Jiang Quan's clothes.

Of course, Jiang Quan was measured in his actions, only causing injuries and bleeding, not life, but losing combat effectiveness.

After a long time, these guys were still in shock. They used axes to forcefully cut open the iron chain lock of the door, and went to the hospital to continue treating their wounds.

As for Young Sha, only Wu Jinbao knows his contact information. Wu Jinbao is dead, and his cell phone was smashed upstairs just now, so he can no longer contact the boss behind the scenes like Young Sha.

However, there were some guys who were not convinced and called the brother who was the caretaker of the villa at Sha Lao's side. No one answered the call...

Because Jiang Quan had already killed him. up

Wu Jinwen made it very clear that Sha Peng, the youngest Sha, had a villa built in his hometown of Longchi Town, which was considered a primeval forest.

Jiang Quan understood this.

When most Chinese people have a little money, they all have the idea of ​​returning to their roots after falling leaves and returning to their hometown in rich clothes.

Once you are rich, if you repair the house in your hometown a little better, you will be able to save your face in front of your neighbors and honor your ancestors.

Young Sha's villa is twenty kilometers away from the city, and his parents are gone. It is his gold hiding place and a base for his mischief.

The location is secluded and the work is much more convenient.

There is also a river in front of us. The water is very deep and there are deep ditches and deep pools in many places.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Quan had already passed by on a motorcycle.

Looking at this splendid villa with three-meter-high walls, I really don't know how much money Sha Peng made.

It seems that this villa is several years old and not newly built. In other words, before the group of evil forces were eliminated last year, Sha Lao Yao was making money. But he must have escaped without taking action.

At that time, the lights were still on in the villa and the door was closed.

It's the kind of double-open secret lock door, which is more advanced than Wu Jinbao's chain lock door.

Jiang Quan got out of the car and looked inside the door. The lock was simple.

I found the special iron piece for unlocking in my pocket, fiddled with it a few times, and opened it.

Enter the door quietly, close the door quietly, then lock it, put a small piece of iron in it, and bite the lock tongue to make it impossible for people to escape.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that this place is several years old. The garden in the yard is lush in summer and the flowers and plants are fragrant.

In the parking lot, there were about a dozen motorcycles, a van, and a security vehicle parked.

Looking at the stickers on the van, they turned out to be promotional stickers for the Emeishan Hotel.

Jiang Quan smiled secretly, I'm afraid this hotel won't be able to open.

I estimate that there are at least twenty people here.

There are enough rooms in the villa. On the first floor, it is time to make loud noises.

Jiang Quan went to the security car and rummaged around, found a pair of bracelets, then touched it and looked at the back window.

Haha, there are three people wearing uniforms for assisting the public security. They are drinking beer and playing cards with a group of social gangsters. There are men and women wearing golden flowers. It is very lively.

These people are like this. They get a lot of unjust windfalls, and gathering together is the standard for all kinds of bad things.

Jiang Quan didn't see where Zou Lanting was.

But I remembered that the lights were on in the living room on the third floor, and there was also a light on in a room.

The third floor has the best view from inside the villa. You can see the river in front of the door and the vast virgin forest.

The room with the light on is a place with an excellent view. There is a huge viewing balcony. It is obviously the owner's master bedroom, right?

At the moment, Jiang Quan estimated that Zou Lanting was being held there.

So I ignored the group of people on this floor and went to the third floor.

Jiang Quan leaned on the cement dripping cornices of the windows on each floor at the back of the building and turned up layer by layer, quickly reaching the top of the building.

On the first floor, one of the guys working inside said, "Huh? Why is there someone in the back going through the windows and stealing things?"

Jiang Quan didn't care, because he was already on the second floor. If he found out, he would be done with it. At that time, I only heard a security guard say, "You are dazzled. Who dares to come here to steal things? Hurry up. I'll give you a hundred, will you follow?"

After climbing to the roof of the villa, he gently opened the door and walked towards the third floor below.

The stairs are all decorated with high-end floor tiles, which is quite luxurious.

I glanced at the corner of the stairs.

The living room on the third floor is more luxurious and magnificent.

On the big sofa outside the door of the master bedroom, the man and woman who were guarding Zou Lanting seemed to have forgotten their duties and were doing nothing but bad things.

A pair of socially awkward men and women, the man was still wearing a T-shirt and the woman's short skirt was turned up to her waist. They were walking around on the sofa, having a great time.

Jiang Quan quietly walked over and patted the male bastard on the back, "Hey, brother, it's time to change..."

"Change the hammer..." The male bastard was startled when he heard the sound, turned around, and bang!

Jiang Quan smashed his nose with one punch, a hard blow!

The male bastard fainted with his eyes wide open, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground, his face covered in blood.

The female bastard was also frightened, but before she could scream, Jiang Quan's big knife was placed between her legs.

"Don't scream! Otherwise, I'll stab you!"

Jiang Quan smiled, but the woman was already scared out of her mind.

The big knife stuck to the meat, and the blade even cut into the open mouth. It was so cold!

The female bastard was pretty good-looking, in her early twenties, with dyed yellow hair and a pale face.

Jiang Quan's sword slapped her twice on the leg, causing her whole body to tremble, and she didn't dare to reach out to cover it.

"Keep your voice down, where is Sha Peng's money? Do you know?"

The female bastard thought it was just a robbery, so she whispered: "Master bedroom, under the bed."

"very good."

Jiang Quan immediately tied her up behind her back, picked up her pants and stuffed them into his mouth.

Then with a smile on his face, he nodded with satisfaction, "I'm really silent now."

The female bastard looked at the man in front of her in horror. He was young, handsome, with blood stains on his red and white T-shirt, and a strong smell of blood. His smile was sunny and elegant, but it made people feel numb.

"Is that girl in the room?"

The female bastard nodded with her pants in her mouth.

Jiang Quan ignored her and turned to the master bedroom.

The door opened with a push.

Take a quick look, haha...

Zou Lanting, the daughter of a big boss, is really miserable!

Her hands and feet were tied with ropes, stretched into a big character, and tied to a large antique bed. The ropes were tied to the carved wooden pillars at the four corners of the bed.

The mouth was sealed with tape, the pretty face was swollen, and the fingerprints were all clear.

Her beautiful golden hair was messy and looked tragically beautiful.

She had cried, and the tears on her face were not yet dry.

However, he was already asleep at this time.

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