If you want to make a fortune, you rely on relationships. As long as you serve people who are stronger than you, you can get what you want.

Mrs. Mei's road number is different from theirs. Tonight, she didn't invite any prominent figures from the village, but only the folks who guarded the land and helped them take care of their ancestral graves and ancestral houses.

Mei Zhiyuan didn't allocate seats according to his status, but arranged according to the relatives of the elders and the younger ones. The twins were kicked out of the main table and assigned to the young people's table.

After Jiang Quan and his cousin dealt with the "guarantee letter" for abandoning the inheritance, they followed the Mei Hongqi brothers and sisters to the banquet hall and sat together "in love with each other".

Aunt also came, this is Jiang Quan's first time seeing her, she is not easy to mess with at first sight: high cheekbones, leopard nose, thin lips, three white eyes are full of shrewdness.

Mei Lijie said that her cousin was also responsible for not being able to find a wife.

She is a small quarrel expert in the village. She can stand in front of people's doors and scold for tens of minutes over trivial matters. No one wants to mess with her, so she thinks that everyone is afraid of her. In fact, she doesn't know that she and her family will be cut off. .


The twins were a little dissatisfied with Mei Zhiyuan's arrangement, so they didn't come over immediately, but looked at the people at the table contemptuously, disdainful to associate with poor children.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up, they met each other's eyes and walked over, drove away the person next to Jiang Quan, sandwiched him from left to right, flirting in all kinds of ways.

The peacock opened its screen for more than ten minutes before remembering to ask Jiang Quan who is sacred.

Before Jiang Quan could say anything, "cousin" rushed to answer. He said, "This is from Xinsha, not ours. You have a place to play if you want to play. Don't look for him. He is a college student in the city. His vision It's high!"

Oops, it looks like my cousin is not stupid, so he dares to make up his own mind - maybe he still expects Mei Lijie to be confused and use his parents' orders to oppress Jiang Quan?

Only then did the brothers realize who this girl was.

Last night, their eyes were higher than the ceiling, so they couldn't see the people outside the main table. Moreover, this impromptu banquet affected them to go out and wander around. They were all thinking about how to sneak away, so naturally they didn't remember such a person.

In the early hours of this morning, they disliked Jiang Quan as usual, thinking that whoever "spotted" him would suffer a loss, and they were afraid that the heavy responsibility of hooking him up would fall on themselves.

At this moment, seeing the real person, they seem to have forgotten their original intentions and rushed to show their enthusiasm.

Jiang Quan enjoyed the VIP service brought by the twin brothers.

One of them persuaded them to drink and the other to persuade them to eat. They were enthusiastic, thoughtful and courteous, and did not regard themselves as outsiders at all.

Jiang Quan pretended to be confused, and accepted their "care" with a smile, wanting to see their next performance.

The two brothers seemed to be inspired, and raised their worth in front of her. There were one or two English words in the Chinese language, showing their international style.

The funniest thing is that they chatted about the customs and knowledge they have seen abroad, highly praised the "freedom of individuality" of foreigners, and attacked the "repression of individuality" of Chinese people. It seems that only by liberating the body can we keep up. Be trendy.

While cooperating, the two brothers secretly looked at Jiang Quan, their wolfish ambitions clearly revealed.

Jiang Quan naturally knew what they meant. These two brothers are really like dogs. Do you really think that all women in the world are like this?

He was determined to give them a chance and stop messing with himself, otherwise...

The two brothers thought they were extremely charming, and they didn't stop flirting until the banquet was over, so they invited Jiang Quan to go to the nightclub Happy with them.

Jiang Quan naturally refused. He said that he had to catch a plane tomorrow and needed to get up early.

The twin brothers, like their parents, differentiate people by wealth and status. They have a little inferiority complex in front of Xiaoyou, but they have enough arrogance in front of Jiang Quan. They never thought that a nanny's son would refuse the invitation of the two of them. .

The younger brother was more arrogant than the elder brother, and he threw down the keys of a BMW car with a bang, "Don't be afraid, go out with us tonight, and tomorrow elder brother will personally send you to the airport!"

Jiang Quan's front teeth were about to be laughed off.

Dare to "throw" people with money so "smash", this foreign native's actions are quite chic, what kind of character do you really think of yourself?

He was thinking about how to satirize him, but his cousin interrupted again: "Don't go with them, they don't know how many girls they have harmed. There is no family here who is willing to marry his family. If they want to lie, they can only lie." People outside!"

The faces of the twins changed instantly, the older brother glared at them fiercely, and the "cousin" shivered in fright.

The elder brother said, "Are you jealous of our brothers? Or did you feel resentment for letting you move your position just now? We came back from country M. I don't know how many people want to marry my family. It's just our brothers. I just don't like it.

Look at your virtue again. You have been on blind dates since graduating from high school, and no one wants to meet you until now. You should still care about yourself! "

The younger brother also said, "That's right, we used to study together, and now we both got our diplomas and returned from studying abroad, and you are still in the village with nothing to do, I think you are jealous of us, right?

Let me tell you, don't be jealous, it's useless to be jealous, if you have the ability, you can drive a BMW to crush the roads, and keep someone willing to sit in your car and cry, and don't want to laugh on the bicycle of your sweetheart! "

Cousin ate so badly that he didn't dare to speak any more. He picked up the wine glass in front of him and wanted to drink away his sorrow.

Jiang Quan left the siege of the two brothers, sat in front of his cousin and said, "Cousin, is what they said true? Look at how despised you are, no matter how many people introduce you, Who will want you if you have no money?

If I were you, I would pack up my luggage and go out to work tonight, and earn money to be my own boss. "

"How can I have any capital? How long will it take me to earn the money to be a boss by working part-time? I want to have a father like theirs, and still be looked down upon like this!" My cousin started to complain about his father again.

"You have graduated from high school anyway. Going out to learn a craft to be self-reliant is better than sitting at home and complaining, not to mention is it useful to complain? Uncle has left you a house with three cents of land. Maybe some woman will follow you without thinking about it. you.

But what can you leave for your children? Could it be that when he grows up, he also complains that you didn't leave him a million dollars, so he can't do anything? "Jiang Quan continued to ask him.

"That's right, that's right, look at your cousin, she is not only beautiful, but also so eye-catching - it's useless for you to be jealous of us, you might as well think about how to make money.

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