My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 615 An Accident In The Examination Room

In fact, the written test for Transfiguration is actually very difficult, and it is easy only for Levin.

Various complex spell models and theories make little wizards feel dizzy. Although he had Hermione's notes as a reference, Harry still forgot the definition of [Transformation Curse] and could only leave a regretful blank on the test paper, feeling secretly annoyed in his heart.

Fortunately, Harry performed very well in the practical exam. He skillfully waved his wand and turned the ferret in front of him into the shape of a cup.

When he left the examination room, he unexpectedly saw Professor McGonagall's tightly pursed lips twitching as if about to smile.

Harry's heart warmed, and he swore that he was definitely not dazzled. Unfortunately, before Professor McGonagall's smile could fully unfold, it was interrupted by Hannah Abbott at the next table.

Hannah got so confused during the exam that she turned her ferret into a swarm of flamingos. Suddenly, the examination room became a mess, and people stepped forward to help catch the flamingos flying around.

The exam was interrupted for ten minutes, and people tried their best to catch all the birds and send them out of the auditorium.

When Slytherin Draco Malfoy saw the experimental subject in front of him, the ferret, his face instantly turned ugly.

"Damn it, why are these stoats again!" He roared angrily in his heart, "They should all be fed to the Hippogriff!"

This ferret reminded him of his experience last year when he was bullied by the fake Moody.

However, his face still maintained the necessary elegance and calmness, and he just quickly turned the ferret in front of him into a white coffee cup.

Under Levin's constant "training", Draco is no longer the little boy who loses his temper easily.

He worked hard to maintain his pride as a pure-blood wizard and a member of the Erudite Society, even though he was filled with dissatisfaction and anger. After completing his transformation, he saluted the teachers and then strode out of the classroom.

When it was Levin's turn to play, Professor Tofodi wanted to test him again. However, this time he did not get the chance because Professor Marchban had already stepped forward.

The assessment questions ended soon, but Professor Marchban seemed not to let Levin leave just now. Her eyes were shining with excitement, and she obviously had more expectations.

"Come on with something new, Levin, let me see your real ability." She said enthusiastically, "These basic demonstrations are not worthy of your fame. I remember when Albus took the exam, I personally assessed him His transformations and spells, and the magic he performed with his wand were so wonderful that they simply took my breath away. "That was something I had never seen before."

Levin looked helplessly at the excited magical old lady.

"What kind of magic do you want to see?" he asked tentatively.

"Forget about the magical Animagus, I've already seen it." Professor Marchban waved his hand, "Give me some human body transformation techniques and let me see what your attainments are."

Levin nodded, raised his wand, and pointed it at Professor Marchban.

As a ray of light flashed, the wrinkles on the professor's face gradually disappeared, and the skin gradually became smooth and delicate. The whole person seemed to be reborn, much younger. He looked only forty or fifty years old, but just looking at the smoothness of the skin Even if someone says he is in his twenties or thirties, some people believe him.

"What an amazing human body transformation! It's so surprising~`!" Professor Marchban looked in the mirror and was amazed.

However, Levin was not satisfied with this. He shook his head slightly and said, "It's still far from enough."

He understands in his heart that what he really wants is to achieve the effect of [Disguise] through human body transformation, but currently there is still a gap between this goal.

[Disguise] can not only change a person's appearance, but also change species, turning people into humanoid creatures - in short, it can turn people into strange forms such as cat ladies, and the principle of this effect involves In the field of real illusions, if you want to achieve the same effect through simple transformation, you still need more in-depth research and study.

Professor Tofti and Professor Marchban started the experiment, and then Levin became the subject of experiments that all the professors were competing for.

They all used bonus points as bait to induce Levin to show off his endless magical abilities.

During the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, a gray-haired professor even stood up, his eyes shining with excitement, wanting to compete with Levin.

It is said that he was a fighting master of the last century. Although he is old now, he is full of fighting spirit.

Fighting with this kind of old man is the most strenuous. He must carefully control his power, not only to show his strength, but also not to hurt the old professor.

If you are too weak, you will only get beaten. But if you are too strong, the fight may last for three minutes, and you will have to kneel on the ground and beg him not to die.

All the professors who have examined Levin are full of praise for him and unanimously believe that he is the last magic all-rounder in the twentieth century.

Levin has to take twelve courses, and the penultimate one is ancient runes.

The examiner of this course is a knowledgeable old professor who is very interested in Levin's alchemical items.

During the exam, the old professor chatted with Levin about the knowledge of ancient runes and some alchemical items made by Levin.

The old teacher listened with great interest. Levin not only answered all the old professor's questions, but also put forward some deeper insights. The old teacher also gave his own thoughts on these.

Levin was so impressed by the other person's talent and knowledge that he decided to hire him as a member of the Austrian-French United Company on the spot.

What is anti-customer-oriented? This is anti-customer-oriented.

After finishing the exam, Levin walked out of the exam room.

When leaving the examination room, Levin heard the other party whisper to Flitwick aside: "In this class of students, in addition to famous students like Levin Green, other little wizards also performed very well. Their strength and talents are better than those of previous classes. The little wizard is much stronger."

This is of course, Levin's Erudite Society alone has trained a large number of outstanding young wizards for Hogwarts, not to mention that the cram schools run by the Society have also greatly improved the exam-taking abilities of many young wizards.

The last exam was History of Magic, which weighed heavily on the hearts of all wizards like a heavy stone. Although they had Hermione's notes in their hands, it was still not easy to review them, because among all the subjects, History of Magic required the most review, and the notes were three and a half feet high.

However, when the little wizards stepped into the examination room and faced the test paper with its back turned, the anxiety and tension in their hearts miraculously calmed down.

After days of intense review and exams one after another, they know that as long as they survive this last hurdle, they can usher in the long-awaited liberation, play as much as they want, and enjoy the fun of the holidays.

Harry sat in a corner of the examination room, feeling as if he was tightly wrapped in exhaustion and anxiety.

He had reviewed too late and was exhausted mentally and physically. At this moment, he just wanted the exam to be over quickly so he could go back and have a good sleep. He stared at the first question on the test paper, but his mind was in chaos, as if all knowledge had left him at this moment. He struggled to remember and finally managed to write down an answer.

However, his brain seemed to have stopped working, and many names became blurred in his memory, and dates were also confused.

I don't know how much time has passed, but around him, members of the Boshou Society have begun to hand in papers one after another. Harry glanced and found that Hermione and Levin's seats were already empty. Apparently, while he was struggling with the answers, they had easily completed the test paper and left the examination room.

After coming back to his senses, Harry's attention was attracted by the rustling sound of quills writing on parchment, the sound lingering in his ears like a group of running and hiding rats.

The sun shone through the window on the back of his head, and the burning sensation made him even more upset. He simply skipped the questions that gave him a headache and looked back for a question that he was confident of answering.

Finally, his eyes fell on question ten: Please describe the events that led to the establishment of the International Confederation of Wizards, and explain why the wizards in Liechtenstein refused to join.

This question made Harry feel a little relieved that at least this was an area he knew something about. He began to recall the knowledge he had learned and slowly wrote on the test paper...

Harry closed his eyes and buried his face deeply in his hands, trying hard and desperately to recall the blurred fragments... Around him, the rustling sound of quills scratching on parchment was like a faint sound. The rain was continuous, and the grains of sand in the hourglass in front were sliding down one by one, as if counting the passage of time.

His mind drifted back to the dark, cool corridors of the Department of Mysteries.

He felt that he had walked through three heavy doors with firm and decisive steps, and was once again in that cathedral-like room full of shelves and balls. Those memories came like a tide, drowning him.

Suddenly, a cold, high-pitched voice came from his own mouth. There was no human kindness in that voice, as if it was a call from the depths of hell.

Get it for me...Quickly, get it...I can't touch it...You can touch it..." Harry saw the front end of his arm stretched out. Only (well) pale, slender hand, holding the wand tightly.

He seemed to be a bystander, watching himself perform magic.

"[Crushing out the bones]!" The cold, high-pitched voice sounded again.

On the floor, a man screamed in pain, his body twisted as if being torn apart by invisible forces.

Harry saw a grim smile on his face and raised his wand [The reading stopped.

The man groaned and stopped moving.

"Lord Voldemort is waiting..." Harry heard his own voice say so coldly.

The man on the floor, with trembling arms, slowly raised his shoulders a few inches from the ground and raised his head. His face was haggard, stained with blood, and twisted with pain, but his eyes shone with unyielding perseverance.

"I'll definitely do it eventually," the cold voice continued, "but you have to take it off for me first, Blake... Do you think you feel the pain already? Think about it, we have a lot Time, no one can hear your scream..."

However, the moment Voldemort put down his wand, someone suddenly screamed. The sound was so shrill and harsh that it seemed to break the tranquility of the air. Someone fell onto the cold stone floor next to the hot table.

Wa Yi

Everyone is in class and working today, and we will resume the third update tomorrow.

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