Draco cleverly used the [Freezing Curse] to firmly freeze Ronald's soles and the ground through the wet ground created by the previous [Clear Spring Curse]. Ronald, who was just about to start running, was stumbled by the sudden resistance. Due to excessive force, his feet actually slipped out of the shoes, and his bare feet stepped on the ice as smooth as a mirror.

Although this fall finally freed Ronald from the shackles of the ice, it also caused him to completely lose his balance on the slippery ice.

After sliding helplessly for a short distance, he fell heavily to the ground. The yellow mud toad seemed to be laughing at his incompetence, jumping closer and closer to Ronald.

Ronald opened his mouth and was about to fight back, but Malfoy's second curse came faster and harder than he expected.

"[Incisor match stick]!" Malfoy sneered and recited the spell.

"Hoo...ho ho..." Ronald's spell failed to come out successfully. He just blew out a few streams of air from his mouth in vain. His front teeth began to grow crazily and became like two A huge stick protruded from the outside of the lips.

The combination of Draco's last spell and the yellow mud toad was perfect, just like they had practiced "seven seven seven" countless times. Ronald's freckled face became horribly distorted due to the changes in his front teeth. He couldn't even close his mouth at this moment, let alone recite a spell to fight back.

Ronald, who had not had time to get up, could only watch the yellow mud toad open its ugly mouth, and a stream of yellow mud splashed out like excrement, covering his face, and his two huge The front teeth were also covered with sticky mud, which looked even more disgusting.

What made Ronald even more angry and desperate was that Draco actually canceled the effect of [Incisor Matching Stick] at this moment.

As a result, Ronald's front teeth began to rapidly shrink and retract, and the dirt attached to them was brought back into his mouth.

This scene immediately gave Ronald the nightmare again.

He subconsciously picked up the wand, trying to undo the toad's transformation spell and turn the disgusting filth back into muddy water. However, the unstoppable retching disrupted his spell-casting rhythm and made him unable to concentrate.

Professor Flitwick immediately announced the end of the game, and Draco won his first victory.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly walked over to Ronald and began to carefully clean up the disgusting shit-yellow filth all over his body.

However, all these efforts have been unable to restore Ronald's bad image, because Ronald's appearance covered in feces and yellow filth has been clearly conveyed to the audience through the live broadcast.

On the big screen, Ronald's figure looked so embarrassed that it was unbearable to look at. Except for Draco's die-hard fans Pansy and others who could cheer and applaud without changing their expressions, most of the audience had livid faces and tightly closed lips, as if they wanted to suppress the disgusting feeling in their hearts.

Some weak-willed wizards and witches couldn't bear the disgusting scenes on the big screen and had already vomited them.

At this moment, Ronald was already half-kneeling on the ground, coughing and vomiting. He tried to dig out the mud and vomit in his mouth with his fingers to avoid suffocating himself.

His face was pale, and his eyes were full of humiliation and anger.

At this moment, Draco Malfoy walked up to Ronald with a proud smile. He pointed his finger at Ronald, imitating the fight at the beginning of the fourth grade, deliberately imitating Ronald's Scottish accent - which is the unique accent of the red-haired Celtics - and said loudly: "Shit, Weasley." !”

The somewhat silly duel between Draco Malfoy and Ronald Weasley ended in an unexpected way.

Next, Seamus Finnigan and Parvati Patil rushed into the arena eagerly. However, their fighting spirit was soon ruthlessly shattered by the young wizards of the Knowledge Society. Seamus's performance was even worse than Ronald's. He was defeated almost instantly under Malfoy's spell, while Parvati was overshadowed by the dexterous spellcasting skills of his sister Padma.

The result of this duel was not surprising, because not only Draco Malfoy and Padma Patil, but other exchange students from the Erotic Society also showed extraordinary strength.

For example, Steve Kornford, as Levin's roommate, learned many superb fighting skills from him. When Harry Potter, the former D.A. leader faced Steve, he didn't show any of his ability as he was the third runner-up in last year's Triwizard Tournament. At the beginning of the game, his wand was knocked away by the [Disarming Curse] cast more quickly by the opponent. Then he was ruthlessly knocked to the ground by the [Stun Curse] and fell unconscious.

Seeing the dejected looks of the Gryffindors, Levin generously proposed starting a group battle to give them another chance. Each side sent several young wizards, and at the same time the duel rules were cancelled, allowing them to display their talents in a competition that was no longer bound by cumbersome etiquette.

Levin showed his powerful transformation spell and cleverly transformed the originally long dueling stage into a square arena. He used his transformation technique to create many bunkers and obstacles on the field, adding more strategy and interest to the game. This suddenly aroused the interest of many young wizards who had not planned to end up, and they were eager to give it a try.

Although the Boshu Society only sent five young wizards in this competition, they had to face more than a dozen challengers. However, Levin didn't care about this. He even invited all the dozen or so little wizards who came to challenge to the ring, and let the two sides compete.

Levin disagreed with this and even put all the dozen or so little wizards who came to challenge on the ring.

As a result, in this fierce competition between few and many, the little wizards of the Boshou Society showed outstanding strength and tacit teamwork.

They cleverly used the bunkers and obstacles on the field to flexibly avoid their opponents' attacks while launching swift counterattacks. In the end, all these dozen challengers were defeated

The Boshi Society achieved a brilliant record of complete victory.

This is not because of how powerful the magic of the little wizards of the Erotic Society is, or how superb the magic they master is. It is entirely because they have received practical training in the Erotic Society, which is a simplified new Auror training method. Training methods, after experiencing this kind of training, they are better at using bunkers. The division of labor and purpose of casting spells are clear. The choice of casting spells forms a combination of skills. Of course, the cooperation is also more tacit.

In comparison, the little wizards headed by D.A. obviously pale in comparison in this regard.

Although there are a large number of them, and they have worked hard to practice spell casting skills and one-on-one duels during this semester, they seem to be unable to cope with teamwork. This obvious gap made the scene even more embarrassing than the one-on-one showdown just now, and it almost became a one-sided situation.

The stands at Hogwarts fell into silence, even the Ravenclaws and girls who had always firmly supported Raven but did not join the Boss Society.

They had supported Levin before, maybe because of his handsomeness, maybe because he was the leader of the Ravenclaw - in short, it was largely out of their liking for Levin himself.

However, now, the huge gap between the two sides is right in front of them. Putting aside Levin's personal factors, there is no doubt about the necessity of establishing arcane magic classes.

The little wizards quietly had a thought in their minds: "When the arcane magic class officially starts next semester, I must participate."

The previous opponents pursed their lips and watched all this from the stands. They may still have objections to teaching powerful magic, but at least they can no longer find any reason to object when Levin wants to teach students fighting skills.

The cruel reality is before our eyes. The education at Hogwarts, no matter what the reason, or who is responsible, does have problems.

It was late at night after the much-anticipated game at Hogwarts ended.

A narrow alley was hidden in the shadow of a Muggle post office. The moonlight was blocked by thick clouds, and the atmosphere in the alley seemed particularly gloomy.

Suddenly, several black figures quietly appeared in this remote corner. They were wearing black robes, like ghosts in the night.

These are Death Eaters, and their appearance is always accompanied by an ominous aura.

At this time, a brown-haired drunkard staggered over from a distance, holding an empty wine bottle in his hand.

He obviously noticed the unusual movement here, and staggered towards the Death Eaters with a bit of curiosity and drunkenness. 2.3

However, before he could speak, a green light shot out of the darkness like lightning and hit his body. The drunk man stiffened for a moment, then fell heavily to the ground, "No more


"Dirty Muggle drunkard." Bellatrix Lestrange glanced contemptuously at the drunkard lying on the ground, and then licked the corners of her lips, as if reminiscing about the pleasure of the killing moment.

"Well done, dear." Rudolfs smiled ingratiatingly and imitated her actions and licked his lips.

However, Rudolphus's attentiveness did not receive a response from Bellatrix, but instead attracted a double fight from her.

Bellatrix raised her hand, and the wand in her hand instantly turned into a whip and swung it towards Rudolfs.

Rudolfs smiled and ducked sideways nimbly. This dangerous interaction seemed to have become a twisted tacit understanding between them.

Bellatrix ignored her husband and walked straight to the courtyard door at the end of the alley. The other Death Eaters followed closely behind. After they dispersed, they began to whisper curses to the house.

After a long period of casting spells, Bellatrix finally used a magic spell to open the closed door. .

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