Facing Lupin's questioning gaze, Levin did not choose to avoid it. Instead, he faced his gaze and expressed his views frankly:

"Lupin, I admit that this is indeed a sensitive and complex issue. But please allow me to explain our position and options."

He pondered for a moment and continued: "According to the research of Professor Marlowe Forfein, an outstanding authority on werewolf research in England in the nineteenth century, we have discovered a fact that cannot be ignored: almost all of the werewolves investigated were wizards before they transformed. In addition, the werewolves also fed back an important message - Muggles and wizards have fundamental differences in their senses, and Muggles are more likely to die after being bitten. Based on these findings, we have to Limit the experimental subjects to wizards.

Levin paused, giving Heping time to digest the information.

Then, he further elaborated: "However, please believe that we do not randomly select experimental subjects. Like those evil werewolves, we have also reached close cooperation with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Those wizards selected as experimental subjects are all They are the serious criminals in Azkaban - those dark wizards who have committed heinous crimes. Rather than letting them be taken away by the dementors, it is better to let them contribute to our research here and make up for their crimes in this way. . I think this is both a punishment for them and a feedback to society. After all, if our experiment can succeed, then lycanthropy will no longer be an obstacle for children to go to school, and families will no longer have to worry about it. It’s shattered by this disease.”

Lupine opened his mouth again, but felt as if his throat was blocked by something, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

He is well aware of the seriousness of using living people for experiments, but the opportunity in front of them is too precious for the werewolves. If they miss this opportunity, it is estimated that there will no longer be any other wizards willing to help them. At the same time, there are Strength may achieve this.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally reached out his hand and shook Levin's hand.

"Levin, I agree to your invitation." Lupin's voice was a little low, "I will do my best to assist you as long as it does not violate morality. Although I cannot fully agree with some of your actions, for the sake of the werewolves In the future, I am willing to join Offa United Company."

After that, he sighed, with a flash of complicated emotions in his eyes: "In addition, I want to thank you for your patient persuasion, Levin. I understand that whether I join or not will not have much impact on your plan. "

When Levin heard this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He sat back in the chair and leaned back in a relaxed manner: "Professor Lupin, you are too kind. I am glad that you can join us. Your experience and wisdom will be our precious wealth. Oh, by the way, your The new boss is also an acquaintance of yours, Hermione Granger. She is currently one of the core leaders of Offa United Company and is responsible for the promotion and management of the entire project. You can discuss salary and other benefits directly with her."

Lupine's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Hermione's name.

He was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly: "Miss Granger is indeed a very good witch. Her academic performance at Hogwarts is impressive, and judging from her performance in the Erudite Society, she also has the qualifications Excellent leadership and management skills.”

Having said this, Lupine's mind couldn't help but drift back to that day that moved him so much.

He clearly remembered how, under the leadership of Hermione, the members of the Erudite Society skillfully cast the [Patronus Charm]. All those summoned were physical patron saints that exuded solid light, obviously after a long period of practice.

Lupine was both grateful and worried.

He was grateful to the young wizards for supporting him at the last moment, but thinking about their relationship with Levin Green, and seeing their exposed power in the Offician United Company today, Lupine was very worried.

Complex emotions surged in Lupine's heart, and he hesitated to speak: "Levin...you and Principal Dumbledore really can't

His words were intermittent, as if he was looking for the right words.

"Professor Lupin, I understand your concerns."

Levin gently interrupted Lupin's hesitation, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "But the differences between Principal Dumbledore and I cannot be explained in just a few words."

He sighed and looked through the false window, as if he could penetrate thousands of miles and see Hogwarts thousands of miles away, "Principal Dumbledore's trust in that prophecy is extraordinary. He firmly believes that Harry is the key to defeating Voldemort. This It is understandable that Harry does have extraordinary abilities. But I have my own thoughts and plans, and I also believe that I should be the one who can truly end Voldemort."

Lupine looked at Levin in shock, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Levin continued: "Principal Dumbledore is too controlling. He always wants to bring everyone under his wing and make everything develop according to his script. But I am not his pawn, I have my own thoughts. and judgment. I will not sacrifice my people for his goals, nor will I blindly follow his orders."

Speaking of this, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"I have tried to cooperate with him, but the results have been disappointing. I have found that there are irreconcilable differences in our philosophies and goals. Therefore, I will not now antagonize Fudge for him and his purposes." I will work my own way, accumulate my own power, and personally end Voldemort's rule.

Finally, he looked at Lupin, the firmness in his eyes gradually softening,

"When you go back, you can tell him everything that happened, saw and heard today, and tell the Order of the Phoenix that I have no objections to this. I believe that as time goes by, you will gradually see the difference between Dumbledore and me. The difference between them. I like to let my people know my plans and purposes, so that they understand what they are fighting for. Instead of being like Dumbledore, who always hides part of the truth and lets you move forward in confusion."

-The dividing line of Hogwarts

"Ronald, I'm afraid I'll never be able to play Quidditch again." Harry's voice echoed in the Gryffindor common room, hollow and lost.

He had just come out of Umbridge's office, with an expression that seemed to have had all the life drained from his face.

"We are obviously very restrained! Our performance in class obviously has nothing to do with Quidditch!"

Ronald's expression was twisted, and the pain and unwillingness in his eyes was no less than that of his best friend, "We did everything she asked, but she still gave you a suspension. What's even more annoying is that we did everything she asked. , she actually said with a smile on her face that King Weasley could continue to participate in Quidditch.

Like Harry, what Ronald suffered was psychological damage - banning you would do more harm to the team than not banning you - which is what Umbridge was trying to say.

From a certain perspective, Ronald, who was not suspended, was hurt more than Harry, who was suspended.

Hearing this, Harry didn't know whether to feel sorry for himself or comfort Ronald.


Ronald's voice was full of frustration and anger. He waved his fists as if he wanted to vent all his dissatisfaction.

"The Erudition led by Hermione Granger and the Slytherins did the same thing as us, but Umbridge imposed the punishment they deserved on us. The reason she gave was because they were bewitched by us! This is absolutely ridiculous!”

"Ronald, it's not Hermione's fault. Don't fall for Umbridge's trick. She did it deliberately to start a feud between us. We can't let her succeed.

Harry took a deep breath, knowing he couldn't wallow in self-pity.

Although he himself was full of resentment, when he saw the desperate, irritable and restless Ronald, he still restrained his temper and patiently advised:

"Do you remember the song that the Sorting Hat sang at the beginning of term? 'Our Hogwarts is in danger, and enemies outside the school are eying us. We must be united internally, or everything will fall apart from within." We What is needed now is unity, not mutual accusations. "

"But I still think it's unfair, Harry!"

Ronald's voice was still full of indignation,

"Why can our Defense Against the Dark Arts classes only read boring textbooks, while people from the Erudite Society can conduct practical training openly? The spells they use are obviously not what students should master. Have you forgotten? , that pink toad Umbridge announced in public that Levin would be exempted from classes and didn’t even have to hand in homework! I bet that all this was a conspiracy by evil politicians like Levin Green, Jaina behind him, and Fudge! "

Ronald became more and more excited as he spoke, and kicked an armored knight in the corridor hard. The armored knight fell to the ground with a crash, his helmet and weapons scattered on the ground, making a harsh sound.

Harry quickly took Ronald's arm and tried to calm him down: "Ronald, don't be like this! We have to get out of here quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble if Filch finds out.

As he said this, he pulled Ronald and quickly left the corridor.

Ronald still muttered angrily: "I just can't swallow this breath! Why can Levin and the others do whatever they want, but we can only endure this unfair treatment?

Harry sighed and said softly:

"I know you are very reluctant, but all we can do now is try to stay calm. Umbridge is afraid of Levin, which is a fact that everyone knows. Levin did protect us many times when he was in school, and Hagrid also told us personally, Levin once vouched for him in front of Umbridge. I think it was precisely because Umbridge did not dare to confront Levin that she used this method of skipping classes and homework to get Levin to leave school as much as possible. You see, these actions of hers It all started when Levin was away."

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