Under the warm but weak sunshine in September, the heat has gradually subsided.

The Hogwarts Express stopped quietly on platform 9 and 3/4, spitting out wisps of black steam.

On the platform, among the bustling crowd, students and their families were saying their final farewells, and the air was filled with feelings of farewell and anticipation of the new semester.

Levin's eye is drawn to a figure wearing a porter's hat, that is Alastor Moody - the real Mad-Eye.

His hat was pressed low on his asymmetrical eyes, making him look particularly mysterious. He was pushing a trolley full of boxes and limping toward the train.

Harry, Ronald, Sirius, and members of the Order of the Phoenix followed closely behind. The atmosphere among the group was somewhat solemn, as if they were performing some important mission.

"Thank you,

When passing by Levin, Sirius approached Levin, and an almost inaudible sound of thanks reached Levin's ears.

Harry tried to come over to say hello to Levin, but Moody held his shoulder in time, and had no choice but to cast a helpless look at Levin.

Levin nodded slightly to express understanding, and then watched the hurried team quickly pass by him.

Levin can travel back and forth between home and school at any time by relying on the [Mansion Technique], so he is not burdened with large and small luggage. He easily held Gabriel's hand and boarded the train.

Unlike before, this time he had to go to the prefects' conference room box at the front of the train. Therefore, Levin can only entrust Gabri to someone else first.

He took Gabrielle through the crowded carriage with ease, and finally came to the prefect's box belonging to Zhang Qiu.

The carriage door slid open slightly, revealing Luna who was already sitting inside. Her silver eyes were as hazy as usual, half asleep and half awake. When she saw Levin and Gabrielle, the girl smiled happily.

Levin handed Gabriel over to Luna. Although he always felt that Luna was a bit unreliable, considering that they had been inseparable good friends since last semester, Levin still chose to trust her.

There shouldn't be any trouble if they are together... right?

In the box of the prefects' conference room, Hermione and Zhang Qiu were already waiting here. They were chatting enthusiastically with a brown-haired girl——Angelina Johnson.

Angelina and Levin are also old acquaintances. She was Gryffindor's chaser and was abused by Levin on the court for three consecutive years.

Seeing Levin coming, Zhang Qiu immediately stood up and made a seat for him so that he could sit between the ground and Hermione.

When Levin sat down, Angelina was excitedly saying: "...I have become the new captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

Seeing Levin appear, she couldn't help but said provocatively: "We are very strong this year, and your senior Cirilla has already graduated. So, the Quidditch Cup must be ours." "

After hearing her words, Levin couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the last time Gryffindor won the championship was when Charlie Weasley of the Weasley family was in second grade. It has been ten years since today.

In the past ten years, the Gryffindor Quidditch team has changed three captains in one session, and they have been fighting for the championship every year. Can they change this?

Changing the soup does not change the medicine.

The slogans were shouted loudly, and there were quite a few runners-up, but no champions.

These are the three long-standing misconceptions about Hogwarts Quidditch:

Gryffindor is strong, Slytherin is old, Hufflepuff is weak!

Qiang is indeed very strong, but he just can't win the championship.

Seeing that the twentieth century is coming to an end, the school began to select the top 50 teams in Hogwarts history over the past century and the strongest team in history.

With their results, Professor McGonagall was embarrassed to nominate active players.

She couldn't add Harry's words of recommendation:

Wu Guan Chaoqiu·Zhang, Shan Ya abuses Levin, right?

Looking at Angelina's eager expression, Wen "kindly" reminded:

"Wood has graduated. Even he couldn't keep the goal in front of me. Gryffindor will have to find a more talented goalkeeper."

"That's right!" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Qiu took over with a smile, "I have strengthened my training this summer vacation and I feel that I have made great progress. You Gryffindors should be careful, I will not be merciful.

Levin can attest to this.

After a summer of morning exercises, Zhang Qiu's agility attribute has been improved by +1.

Even though 1 attribute point is very small, in fact, for every attribute +1, the actual ability improvement is exponential.

For example, for every 4 points in strength attribute, the actual strength will be doubled.

Just then, Hufflepuff's captain Cedric Diggory joined the conversation.

He sighed heavily, "We at Hufflepuff also have to start digging for new players. Many players have graduated this year, and the team needs fresh blood.

He has participated in six consecutive Quidditch sessions. This year is the sixth and final year. His only dream is to touch the trophy.

When everyone was chatting happily, the door of the box was gently pushed open again, and a group of fifth grade students walked in cautiously.

The first two were Hufflepuff's new prefects, Earl MacMillan and Hannah Abbott.

I don’t know why, but when the name Hannah Abbott is mentioned, Levin feels that it is catchy, as if it is engraved in the DNA.

The Abbot family is also a famous family in the wizarding world. Not only does it run the Leaky Cauldron Bar, which is the first step into the wizarding world, but it is also involved in the iron ore business.

And Hannah’s ancestor, Hannah I, was a legendary blacksmith.

Therefore, this family has the reputation of "Iron Hannah".

This is the real mine at home!

Then came in another new prefect of Ravenclaw, Padma Patil. When the three of them saw Levin, they immediately came over.

They are all members of the Learned Society, so they naturally want to unite around the president.

At this moment, there were nearly twenty prefects from various colleges in the entire conference box.

Yes, that's all.

According to the rules of Hogwarts, there are a total of twenty-four prefects in the entire college.

Each of the four colleges has two prefects, male and female, for each of the fifth, sixth and seventh grades.

Although there are many prefects, the really important position is the male and female student council presidents. There are only two in the entire Hogwarts. They are the representatives of boys and girls respectively. They are responsible for commanding all prefects and assisting professors in managing school affairs.

Among the prefects in this conference room, most of Levin's familiar faces accounted for it--more precisely, most of them were members of the Erudite Society.

After all, the status of prefect often represents the best in the college, and many of these outstanding students choose to join the Boshou Society for further studies.

In turn, the content taught by the Bosho Society also allows members of the society to surpass their peers in performance and become prefects more easily.

For example, Padma, Hannah, Ernie, etc. just now...

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Angelina and a few others who did not join the Erotic Society due to various reasons.

Since Levin entered the conference room box, the prefects from the Erudite Society sat around him one after another, looking at him with eyes full of respect.

Obviously the immediate superior of the prefects is the student union president, but Levin gets even more exaggerated respect than the student union president.

It can only be said that due to his (actually Hermione's) efforts, the influence of the Erudite Society in Hogwarts has reached its peak.

Levin could have said ".々Heroes from all over the world have entered my valley!"

After waiting for a moment, seeing that the door of the conference room was no longer pushed open, Ravenclaw's seventh-grade boys prefect Robert Hawking suddenly stood up.

He coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention, and then said to Levin: "President, since everyone is here, why don't you come and say a few words to us.

Levin glanced at him unexpectedly.

Levin was slightly startled. He knew this boy. Robert was a member of the third class of the Erudite Society and had extraordinary talent in conjuration magic.

Levin also knew that Robert had a distant relative who was extremely famous in the Muggle world. Although that person was physically disabled, he became an outstanding scholar and his inspirational story was widely circulated. (Lee’s)

Levin had heard about his distant relative in his previous life, but when he asked Robert about that person in private, the other party revealed that the distant relative's private life was actually quite ugly.

Not only did he often go to the island with a man named Epstein to indulge himself, but he also had unspeakable eccentricities, such as watching a little girl solve problems on the blackboard without clothes, which made people's eyes shattered.

Closer to home, Levin was a little surprised by Robert's words. He asked curiously: "Isn't it the responsibility of the student union president to speak at the prefect council?"

"Since you are here, of course it is you who will speak." A voice sounded. Levin looked around and saw that the speaker was Edmund Spiers, a seventh-year Gryffindor student and the current president of the Head Boy Council.

He is also a member of the Erudite Society and is good at protective spells.

The other female student council president also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll just say a few words."

Levin didn't refuse anymore, because he came to the front row of the carriage generously.

"Just let the student council president tell you about the prefect's responsibilities. They are nothing more than patrolling, maintaining order, stopping students from fighting and playing, using prohibited items, etc."

He paused and looked around,

"Since it's me who speaks, I have to say something different.

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