"Great, you succeeded, Zhang Qiu."

Levin gently stroked her beautiful head.

The head in his arms quietly changed. The characteristics of the lion's head gradually appeared, and it was covered with the unique hair of the lioness.

It seems that her head can switch between manticore mode and sphinx mode.

Transforming and fighting the emotions within is indeed a difficult task.

After a short rest, Zhang Qiu stood up again and began to explore his new abilities.

In addition to inheriting the abilities of Manticore and the Sphinx, she was surprised to find that "the Sphinx's human head allowed her to still cast magic in this state."

"I feel pretty good, but I'm just not used to crawling on four legs and casting spells at the same time." Zhang Qiu said, her voice more magnetic and deeper than before.

This should be due to changes in her vocal organs. Not only does her voice sound particularly unique, it also reveals an indescribable laziness and sexiness.

"Perhaps you can try to learn to cast spells without a wand." Levin suggested. "With the sphinx's intelligence, this shouldn't be difficult to master."

"Casting a spell without a wand... sounds difficult." Zhang Qiu hesitated.

"Perhaps you can also learn part of the Animagus to solve this problem." Levin immediately suggested, "I am now studying how to use part of the Animagus to turn myself into an Alicorn centaur. Wait for me If the research is successful, you can do the same."

Animagus Sphinx (Manticore)

Strength: 23, Agility: 16, Constitution: 18, Intelligence: 20, Perception: 19, Charisma: 19

Abilities: Advanced Magic Resistance, Poison, Sting, Sense of Smell, Iron Will, Anecdotal Knowledge


Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Purify Food, Divine Guidance, Detect Poison, Repair

Level 1: Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Shield of Devotion, Knowledge of Languages ​​(constant)

Level 2: See Invisibility (Constant), Locate Object, Strength of the Ox, Calm Mind, Cure Smear Wounds, Resist Energy Damage, Lesser Restoration

Level 3: Sharp Ear/Eagle Eye 447, dispel magic, remove curse, lower curse, searing light

Level 4: Greater Invisibility

Ring 5: Emblem of Sleep, Emblem of Pain

6th Ring: Legend of Knowledge, Emblem of Persuasion, Emblem of Fear

7th Ring: Stunning Emblem

After obtaining the Animagus form of the Sphinx, Zhang Qiu seemed to have opened a mysterious door, full of surprises.

She discovered that this change gave her far more than a simple improvement in intelligence.

As an ancient magical creature, the Sphinx has inherited memories.

In these vast memories, Zhang Qiu surprisingly found some ancient rune magic.

Although these magics come from ancient Egypt, their principles are similar to those of runes.

Or, the origin of magic in most areas is similar native rune spells.

These inherited memories cannot directly teach Zhang Qiu the ancient runes, but they are like a key, helping her unlock the profound meaning and rules behind the runes.

This is like learning French or German after learning English, the feeling of connecting with others by analogy.

What makes Zhang Qiu even more excited is that her talent in prophecy spells has also been significantly improved.

The so-called prophecy spells are actually not all about predicting the future, but spells about "obtaining information".

The future is only part of the information.

The Sphinx is actually a magical creature that is very good at prophecy spells.

They can communicate with anyone without any obstacles, and can understand all kinds of messages in the desert. They are considered omniscient by the ancients, and they naturally rely on Shifeng's foretelling of law.

The other two subjects that Zhang Qiu needs tutoring are divination and divination.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Since possessing the new Animagus, Zhang Qiu's tutoring progress has been rapid.

Levin was also able to focus more on building the maze.

In fact, in the process of building a maze, the fastest process is the process of building the main body of the maze.

After all, Levin has a team of professional helpers.

Levin's so-called professional helpers are naturally his tree spirits.

In fact, the nature spirits created by Levin during this period were not just dryads.

He created several water nymphs from the streams surrounding the forest, created several wind nymphs through the strong wind blowing over the forest, and also planned to introduce seawater to create several sea nymphs.

In fact, Levin's template for creating these natural spirits is the legendary nymph.

Nymphs are the guardians of nature's most pure and beautiful secrets. They have a beautiful appearance with elven characteristics and have a deep connection with the natural world.

The so-called tree spirits can also be called woodland fairies and sleepy fairies:

As for the other name of the water fairy, it is the most famous water fairy among the nymphs;

The fairy in the wind is the wind spirit, or the wind fairy, Sylph.

In addition, Levin also created several flower demons, Ainawen, to add a touch of fragrance to the West Home.

But this time, Levin doesn't need so many people, only a few tree spirits can help him complete all this.

Considering that the range of activities of the dryads would be limited by the protected forest, Levin specially selected several saplings from his own forest, let several dryads possess these saplings, and then transplanted the saplings to Quidditch. The saplings are placed on a magical field and then transformed through special rituals so that the saplings can be considered part of the forest.

This method of forcibly expanding the scope of the forest also has disadvantages, that is, the expansion completely relies on these trees as coordinates and the tree spirits attached to the trees. As long as they are uprooted, the temporary expansion will be ineffective.

In this way, the dryads can descend on the Quidditch pitch, use their abilities to cultivate a large number of high-density gardening shrubs, form hedges through the shrubs, and then weave the hedges into a maze.

Of course, Levin’s consideration goes beyond that;

These tree spirits can not only serve as construction helpers, but also serve as Levin's eyes and guards during games.

Since the walls of the entire maze are made of hedges, and each tree spirit has the ability to blend into the trees, they can hide in these hedges and appear anywhere in the maze without anyone being able to detect them.

With the help of the dryads and the centaur druid Daisy, this bush maze was completely built in less than three days, which surprised the professors.

It was the first time for many of them to know that there was a profession called druid among centaurs, and it was also the first time to see creatures like tree spirits, so they were quite curious about them.

While building mechanisms in the maze, they always wanted to ask Daisy and the dryads about this and that, to learn about these strange and beautiful creatures.

But Daisy and the dryads had no interest in the professors, so they hid one after another. Only when Levin was around would they happily appear in the sight of others.

In addition to the centaur druids and dryads, the Aurors' (circle circle) also made a good appearance in front of the professors.

This concise and exquisite method of casting spells was unanimously praised by the professors. Now not only Professor Flitwick, but also others began to think that this would be a magic that would change the world.

With the help of this series of new things, the entire maze was completed in just two weeks.

Time flies, and the end of May has quietly arrived in the blink of an eye.

Hermione held a note from Professor McGonagall in her hand, which simply read: "Tonight at nine o'clock on the Quidditch pitch, Mr. Bagman will reveal the secret of the fourth item.

The night was getting darker, and at 8:30 in the evening, when Hermione passed by the school library, she happened to meet Levin walking out of it.

She eagerly stepped forward and invited English to go to the Quidditch pitch with her.

"Weren't you been involved in the construction of the fourth project? Can you tell us what the fourth project will be?" Hermione asked curiously as they stepped up the stone steps into the cloudy night.

After experiencing three games, Hermione already had a good understanding of the Triwizard Tournament and accepted that "cheating" was allowed in the Triwizard Tournament.

Levin smiled slightly and did not answer directly. Instead, he asked: "What do you hope it will be?"

"Underground tunnels, maybe we are going to explore for treasure." Hermione guessed with excitement in her eyes.

Levin was a little surprised that Hermione was so passionate about treasure hunting. Maybe next Christmas, you can consider giving her a cute Niffler.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon." Levin smiled mysteriously, and he accompanied Hermione as she walked along the dark lawn toward the Quidditch pitch.

Passing through a gap between the stands, they finally entered the stadium.

"What are they doing here?" Harry's angry voice echoed around the stadium.

The originally flat and smooth Quidditch pitch was now unrecognizable.

The center of the stadium is surrounded by a high wall to form a regular hexagon, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, but it is impossible to get a glimpse of its interior.

Krum tried to climb up to the stands and look in from a high position, but found a layer of white mist covering the hexagon, blocking his sight.

The only thing that can be seen inside is the doorway in the center of the six sides of the high wall.

Hermione trotted to a doorway and said to herself uncertainly: "Is it a hedge?"

Then she approached the doorway and looked around to explore inside.

"It's sealed by a hedge. It's completely inaccessible." Fleur walked from the side and saw Hermione's movements and asked curiously, "How is it? Do you have any ideas?"

"I guess it's a maze." Hermione said hesitantly, her face full of anticipation and nervousness.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice sounded in the stadium, attracting everyone's attention.

Ludo Bagman walked to the center of the court with a smile on his face, and the warriors gathered around him.

"What do you think?" Bagman asked enthusiastically, "In fact, the facilities inside have been completed and are just waiting for the game day. By then, there will be a wonderful competition here! "

He noticed a trace of worry on Harry's face, so he smiled and comforted: "Don't worry! As soon as the competition is over, your Quidditch pitch will be restored to its original state! That's all.

I don't think you can guess what we are doing here?"

For a moment, everyone was silent, seeming to be thinking about Bagman's question. Then--

"Well, it seems that Hagrid hid the contents a little bit tightly," Bagman explained with a smile. "Let me tell you, this is a maze. The last item is very simple and clear. The Goblet of Fire is placed there. In the center of the maze, whichever warrior is the first to encounter it will be the final champion."

He paused and continued: "This competition is unprecedented, and it is expected that a large number of tourists will come to watch. For this reason, the merchants in Hogsmeade Village have provided us with generous sponsorships. Even if we cannot become the champion, we will still be able to win." It can ensure that every warrior can get the reward he deserves according to his ranking."


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