After breakfast, several people walked to the foyer excitedly.

"Students who want to go to Hogsmeade Village, please gather here and take this road!"

Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly came from outside, and the originally chaotic crowd began to move under her command.

Everyone slowly walked out of Hogwarts Castle and lined up in front of a huge cast iron gate.

Before heading to Hogsmeade, each student's application form signed by their parents is checked to prevent anyone from sneaking out.

Administrator Filch stood inside the gate, checking a long list.

He stared at every face vigilantly, not letting anyone who shouldn't go out slip out of the gate of heaven.

I saw him tyrannically snatching each student's application form, and with his vulture-like eyes, he kept looking back and forth between the application form and the students, racking his brains to make things difficult.

This made many students in line feel a little uncomfortable.

"You have to stay here, don't you?"

Suddenly, Levin heard Draco Malfoy's sharp noise again,

He lined up in the queue with his followers, Crabbe and Goyle, and sneered at Harry who was not far away.

"I don't dare to pass those dementors for fear of being stunned again, right?"

Malfoy said, and once again exaggeratedly performed the bridge section 05 where Harry fainted, causing a burst of ridicule from the little snakes.

Penello and Shirley glanced at Levin in surprise and found that he had not made any move and even held back Hermione who wanted to make a move.

Malfoy also saw Levin in front of him, and immediately sneered subconsciously.

But when he discovered that Levin had not made any move, he immediately became enlightened: "Look, our savior has already broken up with Levin Green! It's so pitiful. He has no friends and can only stay alone in the castle... ..”

Harry ignored Malfoy and didn't go to find Levin. He just walked up the marble stairs alone and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Hermione glanced at Levin in confusion, and Ronald continued to scold Malfoy angrily.

But Malfoy had turned to Levin.

"You finally figured it out, Levin Green, you are not the same kind of person as them. You have to know that smart people like you can't get along with those stone heads. You should have an identity like us Make friends with more people, so that you will have a bright future." Malfoy crossed his hands on his chest and began to preach to Levin a little proudly. The arrogance in his words was really annoying.

After hearing his words, Xili already touched the arcane sword in the bag.

It seemed that as long as the other party said one more word, he would be ready to strike with a sword.

It was Levin who seemed indifferent to his words.

This made him even more proud: "You have nothing to say, right? Is it because my words touched your heart?"

Levin shook his head, showing a helpless expression, and at the same time drew out his wand: "You never seem to think before you speak, I am giving you a chance to make amends.

His actions made Malfoy pale a little, but he still insisted: "If I were you, I would be very careful. There is no benefit in being the savior's backer all day long.

As soon as Levin thought about it, he understood that he was referring to Sirius?

But he was still a little surprised,

What he said at the beginning of contacting the other party, as well as his arrogant and awkward character,

Levin could tell that this was actually Malfoy trying to show his kindness.

Although Levin didn't pay any attention to this alms-like overture,

He had even decided to restart Malfoy's nightmare that had been interrupted for a month.

But this still couldn't stop his curiosity.

Why would Malfoy do this?

He was severely punished by himself last time. Children of this age would not even think about pleasing their enemies...even in the most arrogant way.

Could it be because of his father Lucius Malfoy's wishes?

But with the relationship between Lucius and Levin, and Lucius’s wisdom,

If this is what he really means, then he really doesn't care about the fate of the Malfoy family.

At this moment, Filch's urging voice sounded: "You guys, do you still want to go to Hogsmeade?"

Malfoy glanced at Levin, gave up the fight with Ronald and the others, and walked out of the door surrounded by Crabbe and Goyle.

"The Malfoy family has been a family that is good at assessing situations since a long time ago."

Luna came over at some point and revealed the secret in Japanese.

Levin suddenly understood, then smiled bitterly.

It can only be said that the Malfoy family tutors are really very...pragmatic.

In fact, what Erfu said is partly correct:

Because they went to the same elementary school, Levin and Harry's relationship was very good when they first went to school.

But with the different courses after branching, his relationship with Harry actually became weaker and weaker.

If it weren't for Hermione in the middle and their many adventures together, they might have become ordinary friends by now.

At least this semester, he and Harry haven't had any special contact with each other for a long time.

The last time they got together was when they went to comfort Hagrid in the first week of school.

Especially this time, after Levin refused Harry to join the study group, the two seemed uncomfortable meeting again.

"Did you secretly help Harry go to Hogsmeade?"

Walking on the way to Hogsmeade, Hermione suddenly said,

She finally figured out what was wrong with Levin and Harry in the previous confrontation.

In fact, Levin admires this about Hermione:

After treating him as the object of her adoration, Hermione always had unconditional trust in him.

And this kind of trust comes with reason.

Specifically: when faced with Levin's decision-making, he will always choose to obey it immediately, even if his choice seems unreasonable at the time - and then find out the reason afterwards.

Just like just now, Hermione and Harry were obviously good friends, but when Levin grabbed her, she immediately gave up her quarrel with Malfoy.

Even if Levin's choice at that time was to compromise with Malfoy and give up Harry's suspicion.

This is what smart people do,

Really smart people, when encountering a leader issuing an order that seems unreasonable, will usually choose to execute it with reservations and then evaluate the rationality of the order afterwards.

If it is later proven that the leader is right, then it proves that the leader is a smarter person than him, and it is right to do as he says.

If it turns out later that the leader was wrong, then just give up on the leader decisively.

On the other hand, Ronald, when he saw that Levin did not stand with him immediately, he immediately showed his face to Levin.

Of course, Levin also believes that Ronald will definitely apologize to him after figuring everything out.

But no matter how much you apologize afterwards, it won't be as heart-warming as Hermione's all-round trust beforehand.

For such Hermione, Levin naturally did not hide her intentions and nodded naturally: "Yeah, you are not the weird uncle and aunt who don't understand him. With them here, it is impossible for Harry to get an autograph, so I just Let him find help from them."

Sure enough, the Levin she admired was not such a heartless person.

Hermione was instantly happy, but she still had questions to answer.

"Everyone said that Sirius's target is Harry. Even Professor McGonagall disapproved of him going to Hogsmeade [it would be very dangerous for you to let Harry out." 880 Hermione was very confident.

"Everyone says, is that right?" Levin shook his head and commented, "Sometimes you can't just look at things at face value. If Black's target is Harry, then why didn't he do it the year before last, when we entered school? prison Break?"

Levin's question left her speechless.

At this time, Penello on the side analyzed: "Maybe it took him a few years to think of a way to escape from prison, or in other words, he only learned about Harry this year.

Hermione nodded, Penello's statement was also possible.

Levin somewhat admired the wisdom of the female student council president. She almost guessed half of the truth.

But what Black got was not news about Harry, but news about the traitor Peter Pettigrew.

"If you say that, you don't understand the media very well. 'The Boy Who Lived Enrolls in Hogwarts' is reported once and is news, but the 'Boy Who Lived Enrolls in Hogwarts' story has been reported for three consecutive years and no one has reported it at all. I will read it. In fact, the news about Harry's enrollment three years ago did appear in the Daily Prophet and Wizarding Weekly.

After hearing Levin's analysis, the two women nodded in agreement.

Levin continued: "In addition, we have to consider the existence of dementors. With dementors around, the longer the prisoners stay in Azkaban, the weaker their bodies and minds will become, and the escape will be very difficult. Difficulty. Therefore, if a prisoner has the idea and ability to escape from prison, he will choose to escape as early as possible instead of procrastinating until he loses his escape five."

Update【5/4】, additional update【39/76】

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