In the center of Hongyang Village, at the village chief’s home.

After Lu Xiao left, the old village chief also started the necessary daily exercises.

Although at his current age, no matter how hard he practices, his cultivation will not improve much.

But the habit he had developed over decades made him feel uncomfortable even if he didn't practice for a day.

But not long after I started practicing today, the old village chief felt something was not right.

"Strange, why did the vitality of heaven and earth suddenly become so thin today?"

I have been practicing hard for a long time, but the energy of heaven and earth I have absorbed is not even one-tenth of what it used to be.

In desperation, the old village chief had to interrupt his practice, walk out of the room, and look at the sky.

It's okay not to look at it. The old village chief was shocked when he saw it.

"Let me go, what kind of evildoer is causing trouble here, trying to steal the vitality of heaven and earth from my Hongyang Village!"

In the sky, the old village chief could clearly feel that the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Hongyang Village was converging in one direction.

He shouted angrily, jumped into the air, stepped on the eaves, and walked towards the distance. Fly away.

He wanted to see which guy who wanted to die dared to come to Jinyiwei's territory to cause trouble.

But as the destination got closer, the expression on the old village chief's face became weirder.

Finally, he He stopped at Lu Xiaoyuan.

Seeing the movement below, the old village chief was completely stunned.

"Was this kid the one who caused the trouble?"

"How can it be!"

"How did he do that?"

The old village chief was very puzzled.

He is a second-grade Juyuan realm martial artist, and he has practiced"Zuowang Kung" to the ninth level.

But even so, when he practices on weekdays, he can't make such a big fuss..

In desperation, the old village chief quietly landed in the courtyard and observed Lu Xiao inside through the window. At this sight, the old village chief's mouth couldn't help but open wide.

"Epiphany! Another epiphany!"

"This little brat must be so lucky, he can actually have two epiphanies in one day."

At the same time, the old village chief saw thirteen flowers of inner energy condensed on top of Lu Xiao's head.

"《The thirteenth floor of Sitting and Forgetting Gong!"

《Every time you break through a level of"Zuo Wang Gong" and practice, a flower of inner energy will appear above your head.

The thirteen flowers represent the thirteenth level

"How long did it take!"

The old village chief's three views were shattered.

Thinking about himself, he had to practice hard for fifty-three years before he could reach the ninth level of"Zuo Wang Gong".

But Lu Xiao had an epiphany and directly reached the tenth level. The third level of perfection.

It’s really annoying to compare people to each other.

Fortunately, the old village chief also understands that such things as enlightenment cannot be forced.

Most martial artists may not be able to achieve enlightenment even once after practicing for a lifetime.

It can be seen that if you want to How demanding is the epiphany.

However, if one can achieve epiphany, even just once, for a martial artist, it is a great opportunity that can be used throughout his life.

"After fourteen years of obscurity, the fledgling's first cry shocked the world!"

"This boy's future achievements are limitless!"

The old village chief sighed in his heart.


In the room, Lu Xiao continued to practice.

Half an hour later, the internal energy in his Dantian seemed to have reached a limit.

No matter how much he absorbed the vitality of the world around him, his internal strength no longer improved at all.

Qi training in the Twelve Heavens, done!

Ninth level of martial arts.

First-level Qi training means cultivating internal strength.

But the human body has its limits.

It's like a wooden bucket holding water. Once it's full, it will overflow no matter how you add water.

At this time, if you want to advance to another level, you can only try to temper your internal energy and compress it into a more pure energy.

This energy is called"Qi".

This is also the symbol of the second level martial arts Ju Yuan.

There is no shortcut to this step, the only option is to continuously compress the internal energy of the Dantian.

Lu Xiao then began to compress the internal energy in his dantian.

Every time the pressure increases by one point, the internal energy mass in Dantian will shrink by one circle.

Another half hour later.

The internal energy in Dantian has been compressed to the size of a fist, but the internal energy has never transformed into true energy.

However, Lu Xiao was not anxious at all. He opened his eyes, took out two more Qi Gathering Pills, and swallowed them in one gulp.

Instantly, new internal energy burst out from his body like a torrent.

Boom boom boom!

Compress, compress, compress on and on.

All the newly exploded internal energy was compressed into Dantian by Lu Xiao, but this time, the internal energy mass in Dantian did not shrink.

But with the influx of new internal energy, the density becomes higher and higher.

Gradually it changes from gaseous to liquid state.

After burning the incense, the power of the two Qi Gathering Pills was completely absorbed by Lu Xiao. not enough! not enough!

Lu Xiao opened the porcelain bottle again. This time he poured out four Qi Gathering Pills and swallowed them in one gulp.

The old village chief saw this scene outside the window and wanted to rush in to stop it immediately.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late. By the time he reacted, Lu Xiao had already swallowed the four Qi Gathering Pills.

"Is this brat looking for death? With four high-grade Qi Gathering Pills, you're not afraid of bursting yourself!"

The old village chief had a worried expression on his face.

Even he, a serious martial artist in the Juyuan Realm, did not dare to swallow four high-grade Qi Gathering Pills at once.

Fortunately, he thought of Lu Xiao's"Sitting and Forgetting Kung Fu""Has reached the thirteenth level.

In terms of absorbing and digesting internal energy, he should be above him, so he endured it.

In the room.

After Lu Xiao took four more Qi Gathering Pills, he immediately welcomed the A violent storm.

The powerful internal force continuously impacted his meridians, causing bursts of severe pain.

Fortunately, with the help of"Zuo Wang Gong", Lu Xiao could barely control this internal force.

Finally, when Lu Xiao digested this part of the internal force After finishing, the internal energy mass in Dantian finally began to change.

A wisp of liquid true energy began to slowly flow out from Dantian.

It rushed to Lu Xiao's limbs and bones.

It continued to temper his meridians and muscles. Bones.

In the next two hours, Lu Xiao did not continue to take the Qi Gathering Pill, but simply relied on the"Zuo Wang Gong" to absorb the surrounding heaven and earth energy. The second ray of true energy!

The third ray of true energy!

The fourth ray of true energy So angry!


As time went by, Lu Xiao's body contained more and more Qi.

Finally, when all the internal energy was transformed into true energy, he felt that somehow he had broken a shackles on his body, and his body had truly undergone a transformation. boom!

The second level of Juyuan Realm is accomplished!

Opening his eyes, with bursts of light radiating from his eyes, Lu Xiao felt that his whole body was filled with inexhaustible strength.

However, this state of affairs did not last long.

A stench suddenly hit my nose

"I go, what does this smell like."

Lu Xiao looked down and realized that the smell came from himself.

At this time, there was a layer of black dirt on the surface of his body. The second level of Ju Yuan, transforming the acquired nature and returning to the innate, the I Ching washed the marrow and reborn.

Don't think too much, Lu Xiao He quickly rushed into the inner room and fetched water to take a bath.

He changed three buckets of bath water in succession before the smell on his body was washed away.

After Lu Xiao finished washing, he realized that his skin seemed to be much whiter. He had been practicing martial arts for the past fourteen years. His skin was dark and rough after being exposed to the wind and sun all day long.

But after undergoing the I Ching cleansing, he turned into a pretty boy.

Martial arts is really amazing!

PS: Please support and encourage me for the new book, dear dads If you feel comfortable watching it, please give me some flowers, a monthly pass or something to support me. I would like to kneel down and say hello to the fathers.▄█?█●▄█?█●▄█?█●!!!

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