Shirakawa Zeping and Tachibana Zhimo walked side by side in a normal way.

The streets were bustling with people walking back and forth, but what made Shirakawa Zeping feel strange was that Miss Ju Zhimo didn't walk with her toes staring at her as usual.

Although her expression is still a little nervous, it can be seen that she is trying very hard to go shopping with Shirakawa Zeping normally.

This simple move means quite a lot to Tachibana. Because of her character flaws, she has never gone out shopping with her friends like that, let alone that Shirakawa Zeping is still a boy.

Perhaps it was after a lot of practice that she kept rehearsing in her mind, or perhaps it was the crazy psychological suggestion she gave herself to overcome her fears for the time being. Miss Ju Zhimo can be said to have perfectly displayed the demeanor of a top-notch beautiful girl today.

come on! you can!

Ju Zhimo secretly clenched his small fist and gave himself another mouthful of milk. Shirakawa Zeping, who was next to him, was a little uncomfortable, and asked with concern, "Tachibana-san, are you feeling unwell?"

"Ah, no... that's not the case..." Ju Zhimo hurriedly shook his head.

"That's good. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me."

Bai Chuan Zeping followed his gaze and pointed ahead, then said, "We're almost there."


Shirakawa Zeping obviously didn't realize that the way he was shopping at the moment was a typical straight-men shopping. As soon as you go out, you go straight to your destination, ignoring what you see along the way.

When shopping, the focus is on a word, and it ends before it starts, but it is very annoying to girls.

If Ju Zhimo were a more normal girl, of course, he would stop him from doing this kind of incomprehensible operation.

Unfortunately, she is not.

She, who has never experienced anything like this, is completely what Shirakawa Zeping said, as if the person who initiated the agreement was Shirakawa Zeping.

"Miss, the target person has appeared in Area B and is walking in the predetermined direction."

In the crowd, a seemingly normal middle-aged uncle whispered into the microphone.

"Area C is ready and has its sights set on the target."

Natsuori Asano was lying on the bed, flipping through a magazine, and said casually, "Keep following, don't be discovered by that guy."

"Hay! I understand!"

She stretched, and on the big screen in front of her was a video image from Zeping Shirakawa and Zhimo Tachibana. The whole picture is clear and stable, and the person following it is an old paparazzi.

Well, even if I proposed to see Xiaobailian's dating situation, but do you want Master Natsuki to follow him around in person? Oh, let's take a shower and sleep.

I, Natsuori Asano, even if I was murdered by that black-hearted woman and jumped from here, I wouldn't do anything like stalking!

Natsuori Asano, who said this, obviously forgot that she had followed Shirakawa Zeping and met the revenge of Kyoto.

"Look carefully again to see if there will be any target female characters appearing." Natsuori Asano warned again.

As soon as the voice fell, an urgent voice came from the other side: "The target characters No. 3 and No. 4 appeared in Zone C at the same time. According to this posture, they are likely to meet!"

Natsuori Asano was refreshed.

Well done!

"Continue to follow closely, I want to see when they meet for the first time."

On the other side, Shirakawa Zeping and the two walked into a shop called "IEvery" without noticing.

This is a large-scale fashion store, taking into account small things such as scarves and hats. Bai Chuan Zeping has traveled through for so long, and he has basically never shopped in the streets. When it comes to the brands and styles that young people like here, he can be said to be ignorant.

Fortunately, although Miss Ju Zhimo is quite shy, she is not a dead house person. She is also the type who often goes shopping with her family to buy clothes. She has her favorite stores and brands, so she will not be reduced to the end of the year. Only a few sweaters were changed back and forth.

This store is on Tachibana Zhimo's recommended list.

Shirakawa Zeping followed Tachibana Zhimo for a walk, and found that the store's clothing design is full of sense, but the price is not to the point of eating people, and he immediately liked it.

what is this? Good shop! In the future, you can consider buying clothes here.

Tachibana Zhimo picked up a black and white scarf, looked at it, and then turned to look at Shirakawa Zeping's face. Before waiting for Bai Chuan Zeping to react, he blushes first: "Bai, Bai Chuan..."

"Would you like to try it?"

Shirakawa Zeping then remembered that Tachibana Zhimo was picking gifts for himself, so he took the scarf and tried it a little, and said, "Not bad."

He really thinks it's good. After all, in Shirakawa Zeping's aesthetics, as long as it's not an existence that is so ugly that people and gods are outraged, it's basically the same.

Practical is the biggest advantage. The scarf just now seemed to be a bit wooly, and it was very warm to wear.

Miss Ju Zhimo looked at it for a while, and suddenly whispered, "It seems a bit like a panda..."


You can think of a simple black and white scarf with a panda pattern. Miss, are you a panda-controller?

Seemingly feeling a little dissatisfied, Ju Zhimo put the scarf back and began to pick other things along the shelves.

Shirakawa Zeping followed him a few steps, and then calmly looked at a middle-aged man not far away. He seemed to be shopping with his daughter, and the family of three laughed happily.

Is it an illusion? It always felt like something was wrong.

He frowned, and after locking the target analyzed the suspicious man with system permissions.

[Preliminary selection of the strategy: Xiongda Kaneshiro; Photography: lv3; Hidden: lv3; Acting: lv3; Custom Shop Mastery: lv4; Buffing: lv2; Strategy Difficulty: Simple (money strategy is available);]

[Note: The growth of this object is low, and the host is advised to think calmly]

Bai Chuan Zeping had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and for a while he didn't know where to start complaining.

God is proficient in customs shop. Others are generally proficient in weapons, and one-handed sword is proficient. What would you do if you come to a customs shop and become proficient!

The legendary **** of custom shops? Would you still write a neon custom girl evaluation guide?

There is actually a level of lv2 for bragging cows, so is it true that bragging still depends on talent? Isn't this what everyone does!

I think calmly, what a ghost! I just want to see the details of him, why are you trying to persuade me to think calmly! As if he has a high growth potential, I will consider him!

Tachibana Zhimo noticed that Bai Chuan Zeping seemed to be stunned, and asked curiously, "Student Bai Chuan?"

He came back to God. He said, "It's fine, let's go on."

Although that suspicious middle-aged man has a very interesting talent, from his other skills, Shirakawa Zeping can see that he should not be a serious person.

No, no, no, just being proficient in that custom shop can already tell that he is not a serious person!

Could it be that there was a rumored object of a disguised idol around here, so the paparazzi were attracted?

Shirakawa Zeping thought for a while, then slowly blocked Tachibana Zhimo's figure with his body, and at the same time inadvertently quickened his pace, as if he was about to leave the store.


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