My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 51: : Maid Dress and Fishing Girl

From the waiter of the family restaurant to the waiter of the coffee shop, the force seems to have improved a little. Salary will certainly not lag behind.

For ordinary people, this may be an excellent opportunity. Being able to change from a part-time job as a waiter to a part-time job at a relatively high-end coffee shop is undoubtedly a big step forward.

But for Shirakawa Zeping, working with a tauren painter like Riyin Hyuga is a bit of an unpredictable future.

It is estimated that it is an investment of the rich second generation to play tickets, and I don't know how long she can last. In contrast, Shirakawa Zeping even thought it would be more reliable for him to be a clerk in a comic book store than to stay in a coffee shop.

At least there are still a lot of neon dead houses, and comic book stores should not be so easy to close down.

"It's up to you guys to talk about it, I'll go to work first." Yuan Pinghang said hello, leaving behind two people, Hi Xiangriyin and Shirakawa Zeping, who stared at each other.

He sighed and said, "Miss Hyuga, I don't know how you want to open this coffee shop."

Riyin Hyuga took a sip of the drink that was brought up, and said tentatively, "What do you think of Shirakawa-kun... how about the maid cafe?"

"I reject!"

Shirakawa Zeping replied without thinking. He didn't know how to make coffee, and he stayed in the middle of a group of waitress girls dressed as maids every day, so he might as well kill him.

"I knew Shirakawa-kun would refuse." Hiyaka Riyin said happily: "If that's the case, let's switch to a deacon coffee shop, which focuses on female customers! Shirakawa-san, you are a ready-made good employee..."

"That's still a maid cafe." Shirakawa Zeping changed quickly.

Working with a group of cute girls, or with a group of handsome boys? No normal person would hesitate.

"Huh? Isn't the Deacon Cafe bad? The friendship between boys is very interesting."

"I don't think so at all."

Hinata said angrily, "If that's the case... Then Shirakawa-kun, what would you do?"

Although Yuan Pinghang asked himself to help in the past, it was really difficult to choose what to do.

It is impossible to be a waiter. The name of the maid coffee shop is there, and there is definitely no chance to be a waiter except for women's clothes.

It is impossible for women to wear women's clothing, and it is impossible to wear women's clothing in this life.

But aside from being a waiter, there doesn't seem to be any leisurely jobs.

Foreman? This is a tiring job, and I have to help wipe my **** when something goes wrong. The salary is high, but it does not meet the schedule of Shirakawa Zeping.

In this way, I can only be a behind-the-scenes worker who makes coffee at the bar or prepares meals in the kitchen.

"Then I'll work in the kitchen." Bai Chuan Zeping said.

"That's the only thing that won't do." Hyuga Riyin said, "The work in the kitchen has already been taken over by Xiaojin."

Shirakawa Zeping was a little depressed, but the fish-touching girl Ishiki Yu Zhijin was able to grab his job. Do you really want to go to the bar to make coffee?

You shouldn't be required to wear a maid's uniform when you work at the bar, right?

Shirakawa Zeping pondered for a moment, then said, "Miss Hyuga, don't you want to see Isshiki-san wearing a maid outfit?"

"I think so, but Xiao Jin chose to work in the kitchen because she wasn't going to wear a maid outfit."

"...Could it be that Bai Chuan-kun has a way to get Xiaojin out?"

Shirakawa Zeping nodded.

"That's great! It's up to you! As expected, I didn't see you wrong, Shirakawa-kun!" Hyuga said with a bright brow.

Shirakawa Zeping said and stood up.

"Since Miss Hyuga has made a decision, I'll wait for your notification."

"But I still hope that Miss Hyuga can learn more about the coffee shop's business knowledge, otherwise, I can't guarantee that the shop will go bankrupt soon..."

"Dude! As long as there is love, all problems will be solved easily."


Where did you get your mentally retarded lines from, girl manga?

"...Eh? Shirakawa-kun, where are you going?"

"Go to work." Bai Chuan Zeping didn't look back.

"Uncle Ah Hang said you don't have to go to work today..."

"There's nothing to do anyway."


After get off work, Shirakawa Zeping sent a line to Isshiki Feather Brocade.

[I heard that you are going to help in the coffee shop opened by Miss Hyuga? 】

After a while, Isshiki Feather Brocade came back.

【Eh! How do you know Shirakawa-san! ? 】

[Miss Hyuga said. 】

At the end, Shirakawa Zeping added: [She also said that the two of us competed for the job in the kitchen. 】

[If you don't have this confidence, Isshiki-san should consider retreating early. 】

Cutie Isshiki on the other side of the screen was taken aback by these words, and hurriedly sent a message to Tsukimi Sakurazawa.

[See Minister Tsuki! Does Shirakawa-san know how to cook? ! How is the level? 】

Tsukimi Sakurazawa, who was surfing the Internet intensively, didn't let Isshiki Haori wait too long.

【what? cooking? Bai Chuan doesn't know it at all~ I've never heard of it. 】

[In our club, Xiaomo is the only one who can cook, but he only knows how to cook, so he's not good at it. 】

Isshiki Feather Brocade immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

[Hmph~ Shirakawa-san, if you are so arrogant, it will be very embarrassing to lose at that time. 】

[See you then. ] Shirakawa Zeping replied.

His confidence comes from Isshiki Feather Brocade itself.

From her lv1 skill level, it can be seen that this girl is usually not interested in cooking and has not practiced very seriously. At that time, he only needs to squeeze out her cooking talent, gain some experience, and defeat her with strength, it will be an easy little thing.

It's just a pity that my precious learning Ji column is to be used on the fish-touching girl Ishiki Haori.

Wait, if I get her fishing skills, will I become a salted fish who is proficient in fishing?

He crossed over, and there were only three learning Ji columns in total. The first two were already used for learning. If the third learning Ji lost investment, wouldn't it be a mental collapse?

It should be... not so evil. Shirakawa Zeping thought It's impossible to learn that Ji's shortcomings can also affect me, right?

Miss Ju Zhimo is so introverted and shy, I haven't seen any change in me...

Well, let's calm down... and think about it more.

If possible, this precious slot is best used on the ill-intentioned actress, Lori Asano Natsuori.

Although she is very suspicious, her skill level is too sweet.

Anyway, it's still a while before Hyuga Rione's coffee shop opens, so there's plenty of time to think about countermeasures.

In the next few days, Shirakawa Zeping's life was relatively peaceful for the time being.

There is still a few days before the cultural festival, and various departments in the academy have begun to have the momentum to come. As the main planners and workforce, they seem to be the most nervous.

Although Mingjiu High School is a new school, it also has the momentum to compete with the old high schools. In addition to the intuitive data of the competition rate, the cultural festival is also a good opportunity to show off your muscles.

Last year, Akihisa even invited a lot of TV reporters to interview and film. The reporters also lived up to their trust. After returning, they bragged about Mingjiu High School, what an excellent university in the new era, a place for excavating excellent students... In short, they blew what they could, and took it with a single stroke.

There's no way, after eating people's food, I always have to do something. What's more, Mingjiu High School does have the financial resources and strength.

The members of Class A1 were naturally affected by this atmosphere.

"Okay, classmates." The class leader Kimura Takamiya tapped on the blackboard and said, "Any opinions and ideas about the content of the cultural festival can be raised at this class meeting."


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