My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 294: : True Swimwear Store Bonus!

"Eh... honey... look at the pair over there... no... the three over there are so strange... hugging so tightly... are they a couple?"


"A three-person couple? It's too much to say... Maybe one of them is a younger sister?"


"Maybe it might be my daughter..."


"What a harmonious family of three... Dad is so young... They gave birth to a child when they were old."


Shirakawa Zeping: "..."


"Abominable couple is charging now! He has a younger sister and a girlfriend who even come to the beach to play! Why is that girl hugging him so tightly! Is she showing her affection on purpose! How can it be repaired!!"


"It's all exploding now! This world is so annoying! Destroy it!"


"Hey, you're talking so terribly now, aren't you planning to find a girlfriend?"


"Don't you know? The essence of human beings is double standards. When I have a girlfriend, of course I will bring it to the beach to play together~"


Shirakawa Zeping: "..."


"Did you hear that?" He said helplessly to Bumbo and the black-hearted loli beside him: "Holding so tightly, others thought they were showing affection."


"Don't, don't talk!"


Tsukimami Sakurazawa glanced at the surroundings with a guilty conscience, and the strength in her hands increased a bit, as if she wanted to combine herself with Shirakawa Zeping...


Um? This statement seems a bit strange...


"I said... What are you holding so tight for? They didn't find out."


"Who said that! I felt a lot of people staring at us just now... front left... lower right... and the corner we just passed! Everyone seems to be looking at us... Bai Chuan... Have we been discovered..."


"I'm sure, no... Also, Asano-san, if you're scared, you can cry a little bit. You don't have to strangle me to express your unease."


"I...I don't leave soon, okay! I feel like everyone is looking at me...Is there a flaw in you..."


" at all..." Bai Chuan Zeping sighed, thinking that where else can the two of you be exposed?


The little loli was so tight, and 嘤嘤 strange directly used my arm as a bunker, and the whole person was walking sideways with Bai Chuan Zeping in his arms. With such a strange posture of yours, if others don't care, there will be ghosts. Bar!


To be honest, it's better to hold the 嘤嘤 strange, after all, the flesh has a lot of cushion, and the soft is very caring... The black-hearted loli suffers more, the little girl's body does not grow long, and she just recites him. a feeling of. He suddenly regretted that he didn't let Yue Jian come up on his back, and Little Loli hugged him to hide.


At least in this way, not only will my neck and back not suffer... There are also some benefits to enjoy...


A sin...


"It's almost there..." Tsukimi Sakurazawa looked at the coastline that appeared in front of her, and she felt the urge to jump up with excitement.


"Why don't you ask Isshiki to come over." Shirakawa Zeping suggested, "It should be better if you hold her."


"No! It will be exposed! Bai Chuan, don't try to leave me!"




The girl's strange point of shame kept the three of them in a strange posture, moving slowly and firmly towards the coastline.


"Shirakawa-san~ Sakurazawa-chan~ Why are you so slow... Has the victory been announced?"


The fish-touching girl waved her hand and shouted in the distance, "Who won? Did Natsumi and I win?"


Shirakawa Zeping: "..."


He worked so hard to successfully **** the two oil bottles to the shore. It's good for this little idiot, but he still remembers the matter of teaming up with the black-hearted Lolita to fight against Weird.


"Ah? What's the situation... Sakurazawa-chan and Natsuori-chan's faces are so red... And why are you all holding Shirakawa-san..."


"Brightened by the sun."


When Ishiki Yuzhijin heard this, she said with lingering fears: "Fortunately, I didn't go there. I didn't expect the ultraviolet rays near the islands and reefs to be so intense... Hmm? Why do ultraviolet rays specialize in sunbathing..."


"Wait... Minister... Your swimsuit??? Mmm... Mmmm..."


The observant fish-touching girl is worthy of her former occupation as a book painter. She noticed the strange clothes at a glance. Before she could express her surprise, Bai Chuan Zeping skillfully covered her mouth.


"Good boy~ don't talk more, protect your voice... Tsukimami, take her to the locker room, I'll talk to Tachibana-san and send Asano over there."


嘤嘤 strange hurriedly covered the mouth of the fish girl, nodded, and carried her all the way to the locker room. Bai Chuan Zeping turned his head and met the gaze of Ju Zhimo, who was approaching.


"Shirakawa-san... Is Asano-san injured?"


"No... The situation is a bit complicated. I'll take her to the locker room first. You can pack up and meet there."


"Okay...Okay, I'll go over right away."


Miss Ju Zhimo hurriedly replied, turned around and walked towards the beach chair. Seeing this, the black-hearted loli snorted, her legs tucked into Baichuan Zeping's waist, and she whispered angrily: "Little white face, why do you have to tell her, isn't the safety of this lady more important than your flirting?"


"What will happen if you talk to people? You are safe now, okay?"


Shirakawa Zeping turned his head and glanced at her, the girl's angelic and lovely face was close at hand, his face was reflected in his clear pupils, and he could even feel Natsuori Asano's sweet breath hitting his face.


He stopped, and subconsciously stared at the black-hearted Lolita for a while.


"What are you doing so close?"


"I... I didn't know you would turn your head! Also, did you want to turn your head just now, little white face! Even though I'm so cute, you still want to run away!"


"Then what do you think of me, kiss you?"


"Hmph... You think beautifully... Although Miss Ben is not that easy to coax... But... you can think about it."


"That's fine, I'm obviously more at a loss."


"What's the loss! I'm so A kiss is a big benefit, okay! It's so easy to give, isn't it a shame for this lady?"


"I will be hacked to death by your father."


"Hmph, you have self-knowledge... But don't worry, little white face, as long as you follow me well in the future, don't be half-hearted to find black-hearted women, I can still consider you... After all... you are still very reliable from time to time..."


Natsuori Asano then said proudly: "If you can, you'd better reject the black-hearted woman in person and let her know the gap between you and me, that's the best~ And oh... You just told me to take off when you were at the beach. The attitude of the clothes is not good, I don't like it, I must change it in the future, it's better to be gentle... At that time, I was so scared that I thought you were going to do something to this lady..."


Shirakawa Zeping: "..."


What do you mean... in the future, as long as I'm a little more gentle... I can ask you to take off your clothes obediently?


No... No, I can't think about it anymore... 404 warning!


Bai Chuan Zeping shook his head gently, put aside those messy thoughts, and interrupted the little loli: "I said, do you want to buy a swimsuit and play in the water later?"


"If you want, then after I send you to the locker room, I'll buy it for you and send it to you?"


Black Heart Lolita tilted her head and thought for a while, and categorically rejected his proposal.


"don't want!"


"I'll change my clothes in a while! You accompany me to buy a swimsuit!"



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